What People Say

I contacted Dan after having a panic attack at work, which me resulted in leaving work at my new job and being unpaid for over 2 weeks – not a great start! I needed some drastic help as my anxiety had been building up and getting increasingly unmanageable. I had tried the doctors and medication to calm me down but nothing seamed to stop my emotions from flooding out and becoming out of control.

Before I contacted Dan, I was so highly strung and emotional I would cry over anything. I was so angry and had mood swings; lashing out at my partner and family. Work was just unbearable. I work in a call centre, any time I had a difficult call, I would cry and have to have meetings with my boss – about the fact I was on probation and if I kept acting like this I was unlikely to pass it. My anxiety then worsened because I become scared of getting a call that would make me cry and the repercussions of it. It then just become a vicious circle of being anxious about stuff that hadn’t actually happened yet.

I chose 6 sessions with Dan, and can safely say they have worked. I am back at work, I no longer feel sick, I no longer shake, I no longer get this feeling that I just need to escape and get out. I no longer get worried about difficult calls, and when I do get them I deal with them I have a new found confidence and can deal with them. I don’t remember the last time I cried at work. I learnt alot of little techniques to help me over come things, like that churning feeling in your stomach or that voice in your head that tells you that you cant do it and to just escape.

Aside from my anxiety I have also gained confidence outside of work, I signed up for a University course that I kept looking at for over 2 years but never that the confidence to just go for it. I cant thank Dan enough. He helped me more than I thought could be possible.

October 1, 2014
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Despised myself for starting to smoke again after 15 years off it! 2 failed attempts to quit over 5 years. Then–Dan Regan(!)- a two hour session with hypnotherapy and I am focused and smoke free! Dan really put the backbone in place that has let me achieve this particular goal. Thanks Dan! What do we tackle next on my extensive list I wonder!?


Glenn Conway
September 17, 2014
Category -Stop Smoking

I went to see Dan as I had been suffering from severe anxiety for several years. It was manifesting itself in panic attacks /nightmares which woke me up and prevented me from getting back to sleep.

After 3 sessions with Dan my sleeping has dramatically improved and the anxiety has been reduced to state where I can manage it effectively with the skills that Dan has taught me. This has helped me break the hold that anxiety had over me and I have confidence in getting a good nights sleep again. Thanks for your help Dan.

August 13, 2014
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

I have suffered with low self-esteem, lack of confidence, weight issues and anxiety since childhood. For as long as I can remember I have worried about what people have thought about me – be it how I looked or what I said – and this has had a huge impact on both my personal and my professional life. These issues ruled what I did or didn’t do, making me unhappy and stopping me from living the life that I wanted to. I decided at the beginning of this year that something had to change. I was unhappy and it had started to impact on my family life.

I searched online for answers and I came across Dan’s website and I am so glad that I did. I saw him for six sessions over a couple of months and by the third or fourth session I was able to see a difference. My husband even started to comment almost daily about how different I was, but in a good way.

I have started to enjoy family trips out without worrying about what people are thinking of me and I have started doing things that I want to do, even things that I would have never thought of doing before for fear of someone laughing at me, such as taking part in the parents’ obstacle race at my son’s sports day (I came joint last) and going for a paddle boarding session which I loved and will be doing again very soon. I have also started running which is something I would have never have done before. I am working my way through ‘Couch to 5k’ and aim to do a 10k charity run next year. I am also looking into career options once my youngest son starts school. I will have to change my career to fit around family life, which means studying for further qualifications, but I can do it.

I can’t recommend Dan’s sessions enough. He is very easy to talk to and completely understood what I was going through. To put it simply, Dan has helped to make me happy, has helped me to enjoy life again and has helped me to like myself and to believe in myself.


July 29, 2014
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem

I used to binge eat lots (having had an eating disorder for a few years throughout my teens and early 20s) and had no control over what I ate. The processes Dan used changed that – I was actually able to open a bag of sweets and just eat one or two, and put the bag back into the cupboard, without eating the whole pack and hating myself. He also helped me set a goal for the future in terms of weight loss which really motivated and energised me and I have been able to stick to my healthy eating plan without considering it a chore.

June 14, 2014
Category -General

I was in such a vicious circle of becoming depressed and negative from just trying too hard at home and at work, and in my eyes, failing myself and all around me. I’d spend hours analysing why an occasion at home or work had gone so wrong and would end up trawling through every bad memory in life for an answer as far back as I could possibly remember. Close related deaths, my parenting skills, friendships, divorce, re-marriage, and dead end jobs were all part of that equation.

Having taken anti depressants in the past which didn’t work for me, endured councelling which also didn’t work for me, the already experienced stresses in life plus the new ones were continuing to pile up and clog my everyday thoughts. We all get life strains and stresses and that’s a major part of life but as I felt so low about myself I had no coping strategies in place to be able to deal with them. It started to feel like there was no possible place to turn to and back I’d go to spending more hours on my own analysing again but never finding an answer.

Then I found Dan. After an initial consultation I decided to take a block of sessions as I wanted to take some concentrated time out with Dan. Then bingo, in just a couple of sessions I already felt like I was on the path that I had only been able to dream of.

I was finally rid of all that was holding me back in life and at last I felt like I was not only somebody but somebody that everyone wanted to be with and have around them. At last I was able to interact with all around me in a positive way, I had a personality of my own, and a voice that people finally wanted to listen to.

We started the flexible sessions on a week by week basis, then every 2 x weeks, and finally with a gap of a month which helped me tremendously knowing that Dan was in the background the whole time whilst I was putting the newly re-born “me” into real life practice. I could then proudly discuss how I had coped with any weekly events with Dan at the next session.

The positive difference in me and my home/ work life is just unbelievable.

Thank you Dan. Thank you so very, very much.


June 11, 2014
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem

Click below to for video testimonial from Steve Miller about how Dan helped him end his forty year blood and needle phobia:

Read Transcript


Steve Miller
June 9, 2014
Category -Phobias & Fears, Video Testimonials

Dan has helped me conquer a very difficult situation. My anxiety had spiralled out of control to the point where it was severely impacting my day to day life, hurting me & my loved ones and sucking me in deeper. I thought there was no way out. I can’t recommend Dan’s services highly enough. My outlook on life has changed for the better; my confidence is high, I have a new career & my anxiety can no longer feed off me. Dan’s passion for his work is evident when you meet him. He cares & understands, & he will help you for the better. I can’t thank him enough.

May 29, 2014
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Click the link below to watch the video review from Eloise explaining how she overcome her sleep anxiety and worry:

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May 14, 2014
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

The progress since our last session has been really amazing. I’m far less self conscious when I’m out and about and certainly more relaxed, I can also look at things from the past now without pain. For the first time ever I’ve been so very relaxed when travelling!!! (now that is mega progress!)

May 14, 2014
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

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