Anxiety Stress and Panic Attacks

Anxiety and Certainty – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Anxiety and Certainty – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Anxiety and Certainty – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

If you struggle with anxiety then you already know how you can quickly and easily get caught up in the whirlwind of anxious thoughts and feelings. Your head fills with all the possible worst case scenarios about what is going to happen in some future time, situation, circumstance or event. You catastrophise, dwell and overthink all the possible bad stuff that could be coming your way.

As if that constant stream of negative thinking wasn’t enough, you also struggle with the unpleasant and uncomfortable anxious feelings and sensations that take over how you feel. You feel agitated, restless and tense. Your heart may race and you can have trouble switching off. You may struggle to rest, eat, sleep and even function.

Whether your mind fixes on one worst case thing that could happen or your thinking jumps, races and cycles from one thing to the next faster than you can grasp it, the end result is that you feel anxious, worried and down.

Anxiety thrives on uncertainty and the unknown. You have no way of knowing how things will pan out and so your anxious imagination and focus can run wild with possibilities. Whether you picture scenarios in your mind or have a running conversation with yourself, there is dread, worry and a sense of impending doom. Of course, because your anxiety is about some future thing, it is impossible to get total certainty over what might happen and you just can’t be completely sure that everything will be ok.

Because you can’t know what will happen, your anxious thoughts and feelings flow into that space of uncertainty.  You feel anxious and that drives your imagination to find a focus for your fear. You imagine the worst and that ramps up your anxious feelings. The worse you feel, the more you can find to worry about and dread. You may even find yourself going beyond that initial catastrophe and focusing upon all the ongoing future waves and ripples of disaster that you worry will follow on from it.

So how can you take back control over your anxious thoughts and feelings even in the face of that lack of certainty?

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Storm of Anxiety Hypnosis Download Now Available

Storm of Anxiety Hypnosis Download Now Available

Storm of Anxiety Hypnosis Download Now Available

I’m very pleased to update you that my Storm of Anxiety Hypnosis Download is now available and ready to help you.

I covered this awesome anxiety alleviating process some time ago in one of my articles.

It’s all about how anxiety can come crashing down upon you like some sort of emotional storm. All may be well and you feel relatively ok in yourself. And then things seem to darken and you find yourself overwhelmed and over run with all your anxious thoughts and feelings. It’s very easy to get swept along by those worst case scenarios and catastrophes that swirl through your mind. And, along with this, you feel worse and worse as the uncomfortable and unpleasant anxious feelings sink into every part of your body.

With the emotional anxiety storm upon you, everything seems unsteady and unstable. There is a dark cloud over you that you can struggle to disperse. Faced with anxiety, it can be hard to stay grounded and present enough to let the emotional storm pass.

Anxiety storms can vary in their severity and duration. Sometimes things pass on quickly and at other times it just seems like the storm is never ending and that you will never feel better. This Storm of Anxiety hypnosis download will help you to stay present and grounded when an anxiety storm falls upon you. Through practice and repetition you get better and better at calmly handling whatever unwanted thoughts and feelings may come your way in life and getting through it all with renewed confidence and resilience.

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Anxiety Hypnotherapy Reviews

Anxiety Hypnotherapy Reviews

Anxiety Hypnotherapy Reviews

Writing as someone who used to struggle with anxiety issues, I know how limiting, distressing and debilitating it can be. I also know that it is very possible to overcome unnecessary anxiety and how wonderful and freeing that feels. Having been there, it probably explains why I cover anxiety so often in my articles. I probably also (at least partly) explains why I get such good results with anyone who comes to me for help with anxiety. I’ve been there and I get it.

When you struggle with anxiety, it can be a very lonely place. You can get lost in your own uncomfortable feelings and negative thoughts. Your focus is all internal and you can feel disconnected from other people and things. Sometimes it feels like no one around you understands. Or it may be that you try to hide from them what is going on for you at the moment. It can feel like you are on your own and that no one else is struggling in the way that you are right now.

That’s why, in this article today, I’m sharing some recent anxiety hypnotherapy reviews. I want you to know that there is hope and that there is support available that can help you to quickly and effectively soon feel better.

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Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely Standard

Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely Standard

Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely Standard


I recently wrote all about my exciting news from the SME Ely Business Awards. In case you missed it, I was honoured to win the gold award for Business Person of the Year! I’m still gobsmacked!

You can read all about it here: Ely Business Person of the Year!!! 

Thank you so much to all of you who have sent me messages of congratulations and who have said well done. I’m still catching up with all the emails and positive comments on social media. I was overwhelmed to win the award and I’m so grateful that so many of you think I’m such a worthy winner. Thank you so much!

I also won the silver award for innovation and so now all five of my Ely Business Awards that I’m accumulated are sitting very happily in my office (I’ve covered previous awards elsewhere).

And this week Dan Regan Hypnotherapy is in the Ely Standard. I’m very grateful to the paper for covering the awards.

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Emetophobia and Fear of Vomiting – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Emetophobia and Fear of Vomiting – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Emetophobia and Fear of Vomiting – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Emetophobia and the fear of vomiting are a much more common anxiety issue than many people realise. Only recently I was talking to an anxiety client who mentioned in passing that she also has a fear of being sick. It’s one of those irrational fears that rarely gets talked about and can be hidden quite well and so many sufferers feel pretty alone with their worry.

Emetophobia is a fear of vomiting or of seeing other people being sick. Although it can be hidden quite well by avoidance, the anxious thoughts and feelings can creep into all sorts of situations, can dominate your planning before you do anything and can have a limiting impact upon your life. As with most anxiety and fear, you fear being out of control in a situation whether either you or someone else is, or could be, sick. Yet, in trying to control for the possibility of it happening, you actually feel less and less in control.

You may worry that you will be sick and so you pay attention to every physical sensation you have, especially in your stomach or throat. Many people with emetophobia that I work with may not have actually been sick for a long time. As a result, they can become convinced that every physical sensation is a sign that this is the time it is going to happen, that this time is different and that you are going to vomit. Of course, that anxiety causes more physical sensations and so your anxiety and fear spiral upwards higher and higher.

Some people with a fear of vomiting are only worried about being sick themselves. For many, there is also the fear of seeing others being sick (which could bring the increased risk that you will also then be sick). You may avoid some situations around others, or activities you associate with an increased risk of people being unwell. You may even struggle watching if an actor on TV is sick. Certain sounds, such as coughing or burping, may place you on edge. And if you know someone has been unwell then you probably try to avoid them, even if they are now better again. Rather than being supportive and empathetic, if someone says they feel sick then your first instinct is to get away.

Being sick or around someone being sick is an unpleasant experience. Most people get through it, forget about it and move on if it happens. With emetophobia, the fear and anxiety lurks and influences your decisions before you do anything. You can be on high alert in public places. And if something was to happen, it already feels like it would be the worst possible thing that could ever happen to you.

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Pets and Anxiety: National Pet Month

Pets and Anxiety: National Pet Month

Pets and Anxiety: National Pet Month

It’s National Pet Month and an opportunity to celebrate responsible pet ownership as well as the many benefits of having a pet as your companion. To be honest I didn’t actually know it was national pet month until I had an email trying to sell me pet insurance to cover my dog or cat (I don’t have a dog or a cat). Yet having a pet is something I have covered before because of the potential mental health benefits that come with having a little companion in your life.

We have two lovely rabbits at home and with the weather improving it’s my favourite time with them. Now that the weather is generally drier, we can let the two of them run out and about all around our garden. They eat the grass, sniff everything, hide behind plant pots and generally just seem to have a lovely time. During the fun times, the rabbits belong to all of us in the house and then as soon as they need clearing out they become my daughters responsibility! It is lovely thought to see them munching and running their way around the garden for hours at a time.

As well as the general enjoyment of pet ownership, pets can have a positive impact upon your mental health and sense of well-being too. With regard to pets and anxiety, your pet can bring you companionship and a focus outside your own thinking. Being responsible for your pet means you have to keep busy and get stuff done (such as exercise, cleaning, feeding, checking, sharing time and so on). The connection and emotional bond you have with your pet can help you to manages aspects of your anxiety and can support your mental health.

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Exam Stress Hypnosis in Ely and Newmarket

Exam Stress Hypnosis in Ely and Newmarket

Exam Stress Hypnosis in Ely and Newmarket

Exam season is upon us and that means revision and focus. It can also mean exam stress and anxiety.

I can well remember the revision season back when I was at school and university. Day one of revision was drawing up a nicely coloured timetable to make sure everything would get covered. Then, armed with my very pretty timetable, it was head down and going everything all over again. The first wave was always reading, making sure I understood the content and getting my notes written up. These notes were then what I would religiously review, learn and memorise the day before the exam. I would go over and over them, covering them up and testing myself, until I could almost recite the information word for word.

With all the information going through my head and feeling a bit stressed, I would always struggle to sleep the night before. There were just so many bits of information going around and around my head when I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. On the morning of the exam I would usually avoid talking about it with others, especially that person who is always there before an exam who claims to have done no revision (which seems plain daft, particularly as you could normally see they had a bag full of revision notes with them). Then it was into the exam room, take my seat and then block out everything else until that moment where we were allowed to turn over the exam paper and begin. I would do my best to leave all the information into my exam answers and then to leave and forget all about it. It was then onto the next exam subject and repeat.

The period around your exams can be intense and stressful. I’ve been watching my daughter as she prepares for her GCSE exams this year. It’s all perhaps a little harder now with so much information only accessible online and so many other distractions waiting for you every time you look at the screen. All I had to distract me around exam time was my ZX Spectrum or watching something on one of the four available channels on television. I’ve been very proud of the way my daughter has been applying herself to her revision. As an added bonus she is doing catering so I got to enjoy a freshly made scone with home made blueberry jam yesterday as she did a run through for her practical exam.

We all know that a little bit of exam stress can be helpful. It gives you motivation and focus to revise and then perform to your best in the exam room. However, too much stress and your ability to function gets compromised. You can feel restless, tense, agitated and on edge. You can struggle to eat and sleep. And you may struggle to think clearly, focus on  what you need to and to remember what you have learnt. It can diminish the success of your revision and can leave you anxious and unable to perform in the exam room.

However, there is a solution that can support you with doing your best in the exam room. Exam stress hypnosis can help you to manage your thoughts and feelings so that you can capably revise and learn before putting into practice in your exam so that you perform calmly and confidently on the day.

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What Triggers A Panic Attack?

What Triggers A Panic Attack?

What Triggers A Panic Attack?

The wave of fear races through you. You feel cold and hot at the same time. You’re frozen to the spot yet also have a restless urge to move. Your heart pounds in your chest and you can feel it beating in your ears. You breathe faster and faster yet still feel like you can’t breathe or get enough air. Your mind races, you can’t think straight, you may feel sick and you feel desperate. If it’s your first panic attack you probably have no idea what is going on and you might well call for an ambulance thinking it’s a heart attack or stroke.

If you’ve ever had a panic attack then you very likely remember it. You may be able to very vividly go back to that time in your mind and certain details will stick out clearly. It may be what you saw, what you heard, the feeling of panic or even a smell that was there at the time. The fear, discomfort and anxiety can loom large in your mind. Some people can recall panic attack details clearly yet don’t have any of the old feeling when they think back. For others, just thinking back on it is like going back in time and experiencing again some of the fear and panic.

I can vividly recall the panic attacks that I used to experience. The wave of panic and cold fear, the frantic feelings and struggle to function normally. There were times I was in tears as the panic took hold and I struggled to even leave the house.

Having experienced a panic attack you can then live in fear and dread of another one happening. It can lead to an ongoing sense of anxiety and worry that can filter into other aspects of your life. You feel anxious that you may have a panic attack, you struggle when one happens and then you feel drained and exhausted afterwards.

Having experienced one panic attack, you may get others that seem to come out of nowhere. This just adds to the uncertainty and fear as you can never be sure what might happen and when. So what triggers a panic attack?

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How Long Do Hypnotherapy Results Last?

How Long Do Hypnotherapy Results Last?

How Long Do Hypnotherapy Results Last?

If you are about to enter therapy then you are going to want to know how long do hypnotherapy results last.

You don’t want to just feel better for a bit, although that would be better than constantly struggling with anxiety. You want to feel better and stay feeling better.

When I work with someone to help them overcome their issue, I want them feeling better and able to stay that way. That’s why I always teach you strategies for managing and being in control over your own thoughts and feelings. That way, no matter what challenges may come your way in the future, you can feel equipped to handle, deal and cope with things rather than being thrown from one problem to another. There are many ways that you can learn that will help you to confidently and capably interrupt, dispute, challenge, amend and move on from unwanted thoughts and feelings.

Alongside these strategies, there are also many hypnosis audios, articles and resources that you can call upon as little, or as often, as you desire or need to after your sessions are completed.

Now, of course, none of us has a crystal ball to predict what our future may hold. Sometimes something so unexpected, upsetting, traumatic or anxiety provoking occurs that it knocks things off track again and you need a little more hypnotherapy help. Yet, in the usual course of things, once you are feeling better then that path of being calm, confident and in control continues consistently, habitually and automatically.

If you’ve looked through the hypnotherapy reviews on my website, you’ll have noticed some talk about how they are continuing feeling better quite some time after their hypnotherapy sessions came to end (because they had achieved their goals). Unlike some hypnotherapists, I don’t ask for feedback just right after a positive session when someone feels better in the moment, I ask after a period of time when their day to day life has been running in the usual way. It’s nice to feel positive and relaxed right after your hypnotherapy session but it’s even better to continue feeling positive and confident as you go through your normal daily life.

So, how long do hypnotherapy results last?

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Hypnotherapy As A Treatment for Depression

Hypnotherapy As A Treatment for Depression

Hypnotherapy As A Treatment for Depression – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

In this article I’m talking about hypnotherapy as a treatment for depression. Depression, which is often experienced alongside anxiety, is one of the most common forms of mental health problems.

Recently I wrote about the evidence that supports the positive effect of exercise for helping with depression. A systematic review and network meta analysis of randomised controlled trials found that exercise is an effective treatment for depression, with walking or jogging, yoga, and strength training more effective than other exercises, particularly when intense. Yoga and strength training were well tolerated compared with other treatments. Exercise appeared equally effective for people with and without other issues and with different baseline levels of depression.  There’s more on that here: Exercise For Depression

Of course, even thinking about exercising, let alone finding the energy and motivation for it, may seem overwhelming whilst in the grip of depression.

Depression can be debilitating and draining. You feel low, hopeless and unhappy. You may have lost interest in things and have become more and more insular. There can be periods of being tearful, tense or frantic. Your sleeping and eating can be adversely affected. And your mind is dominated with worry, catastrophe, anxiety, how bad you feel and the pointlessness of everything. Even more frustratingly, you may know that things in your life are fine and that you really should be happy. Yet you are not and you may not know why you feel the way you do.

How your depression affects you can vary by person. Some people continue to function and, despite their thoughts and feelings, can continue with some usual activities such as work. For others, it leads to feeling unable to function in their usual way. They can be very sedentary and caught up in all the negative thinking. Some people just want to stay in bed or sleep because they can’t face the outside world and normal day to day life. You may drink or smoke more and eat unhealthily, all of which lower your mood further and can impact upon your health.

You feel low in mood, struggle to find pleasure and interest in things and life is dominated by feelings of worthlessness and worry.

You have hopefully been to see your doctor and you may have been prescribed anti-depressants. This may help a little or a lot. Yet the same depressive thinking patterns and troublesome feelings and emotions continue to lurk unabated.

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