Here are some of the video testimonials recorded by Dan’s clients after working with him. You can also read many more written reviews of what people have said.
Note: Please note that some of my client results may vary from person to person.
Blood Phobia and Needle Phobia
Eloise Ends her Anxiety and Starts Sleeping Better
Treating Anxiety with Hypnotherapy in Ely
Relaxation Hypnosis To End Worry & Sleep Better
Overcoming Anxiety Hypnotherapy Success
Free From Anxiety & Enjoying Life
How to be More Confident with Hypnotherapy like Marc
Dealing with Anxiety in Ely – Anxiety Relief Hypnotherapy
Successfully Overcoming Anxiety
Ending Fear of Deep Water & Swimming
Driving Fear Eliminated
Overcoming Anxiety Symptoms
Bret Overcomes his Anxiety and Depression
Jean Overcomes her Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Health Motivation Hypnotherapy
Asthma and Anxiety Helped
Severe Anxiety Eliminated by Alice
Ben Boosts his Confidence and Happiness
Sarah Overcomes Driving Anxiety to pass her test
Laura Increases her Football Confidence and Motivation
Weight Loss Hypnotherapy
Needle Phobia Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy to Increase Confidence
Simon Ends his Pre-Event Nerves
Alison’s daughter ends her Dog Phobia
Quit Smoking Hypnosis
Anxiety Hypnotherapy
End Driving Fear Hypnotherapy
Kate Increases Confidence and Ends Self Doubt
Ending Fear of Flying Hypnotherapy
Anita Smashes through Limiting Confidence Barriers
Natalia describes how Hypnotherapy helped her to be Happy
Quitting Smoking after 30 years
Business Coaching Success
Loving Life and Being Happy
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Testimonial
Taming The Inner Critic Hypnotherapy
Ending A Social Smoking Habit
Sports Performance Hypnotherapy
Emotional Eating and Weight Loss Hypnosis
Overcoming Anxiety Hypnotherapy Success
No More Anxiety & Enjoying Life Again
Overcoming Trauma & Anxiety, Hypnotherapy Success
Ending Fear of Swimming in Open Water
Ending Sugar Addiction
Click here for transcript (coming soon)
Overcoming Anxiety Success
Triathlon Sports Improvement
Quit Smoking Success
Anxiety Eating Seeds & Nuts Sorted
Stress Relief Hypnotherapy
Anxiety & Fear After Road Accident
Driving Anxiety Hypnotherapy
Dealing With Panic & Other Issues
From Feeling Low To Feeling Good
Confidence, Self-Esteem & Sports Performance
Health Anxiety & Overcoming The Fear of Flying
Anxiety and Panic Attacks Hypnotherapy
Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely
Overcoming Fear of Spiders Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy in Ely Review
Anxiety and Depression Hypnotherapy Review
Fear of Birds Hypnotherapy Review
Anxiety At Work Hypnotherapy Review
Fear of Heights Hypnotherapy Review
Want to share your own experience?
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