Dan’s Blog

SME Cambridgeshire Business Awards – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely

SME Cambridgeshire Business Awards – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely

SME Cambridgeshire Business Awards 2025 – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely

It’s that time of the year again when the finalists in the SME Cambridgeshire Business Awards get announced.

I’m delighted to say that for the third year in a row, I’m a finalist in the awards! Woop! Woop! After a very tough year for me personally, this really is a magnificent achievement that I’m super proud about. Some of you will know about what’s been going on in my life outside work and I’m very grateful for all the love, support and encouragement sent my way, it’s really helped me to stay strong and keep going. Onward and upward!

This year, I am a finalist in two categories; Business Person of the Year and Ely Business of the Year. Please do wish me luck for the award final in June.

And thank you so much for all of your ongoing support for my hypnotherapy business and for all of your ongoing, amazing, positive reviews (check them out here: What People Say). I’ll be celebrating fifteen years of helping people later this year and I’m as passionate and determined to help even more people as I have ever been.

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Confidence Playing Football – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Confidence Playing Football – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Confidence Playing Football – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Has your confidence playing football taken a dip? Or maybe you know you have more to give on the pitch but your confidence when playing football isn’t where you want it to be.

Anyone who plays football knows that where your head is at before and during a game will affect how you play. It could be day to day anxiety and stress that you carry with you onto the pitch. Maybe your general confidence and self-esteem levels aren’t as high as you would like them to be and this plays out in your game. And for many players, their own tendency to worry about being judged negatively or to be overly harsh and self-critical towards themselves, can impact on performance.

I’ve worked with players who make one mistake on the pitch and then their thoughts are stuck on that moment even when the game has moved on. Something shouted at you from someone on the side of the pitch can get in your head and you start playing with doubt and nerves. You miss a tackle, get booked, mess up a shot a goal, make an error and you concede or any other number of perceived or actual mistakes and mishaps that can be part of a game.

You start to dwell upon your performance and what you think you did, or didn’t, do well in the game. Instead of playing naturally you overthink and force things. You start to feel more nervous and anxious in the warm up and even in training. You start to think that you aren’t good enough. Your head can drop and you spend large parts of the game more focused in your own imagination and negative self-talk rather than responding to what is going on around you. Your performance suffers and you feel even worse.

When your confidence levels while playing football are good, everything just flows. You respond instinctively, your concentration levels are good, things just click and you are in the zone where you play at your best. Your thoughts, feelings, ability and performance all come together for you in these moments. Yet when your confidence levels dip, everything becomes harder. You don’t play to your best, things just seem a bit off for you and you can even start to lose the joy for the game that you once had. That’s where football confidence hypnotherapy can step in so that you can step up.

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Insomnia Help – Hypnotherapy To Sleep Better

Insomnia Help – Hypnotherapy To Sleep Better

Insomnia Help – Hypnotherapy To Sleep Better

Do you struggle with insomnia and need some help to start sleeping better again?

Sleep is so important for your physical and mental health and well-being. You already know this. And if your sleep isn’t that great, then it starts to impact upon each and every part of your life. You feel tired, drained and exhausted all day. You struggle with focus, concentration and motivation. And you feel more stressed, anxious and irritable as you drag yourself through another day of tiredness.

It maybe that you struggle to switch off and stop thinking so that you can get to sleep at night. And many people wake up in the night and find that their mind just gets going and starts buzzing away. You want to sleep, you know that you’ll be tired the next day if you don’t. You get more and more frustrated with your inability to sleep well. And like most patterns, it starts to become an unwelcome habit to lie awake at night for hour after hour with just your own thoughts for company.

You’ll have tried all sorts of things and sleeping aids already without success. You start to anticipate sleeping badly and may even feel anxious through the evening and about going to bed.

Sleep problems could be said to be reaching crisis levels. It’s estimated that one in every three adults struggles to get enough sleep. Insomnia leads to more stress, being less productive and increased health risks. You start to stress about sleep more and more and, in so doing, you inadvertently stop yourself naturally switching off and into sleep.

If you are battling with insomnia (or maybe you’ve just become resigned to it) and want to sleep better then hypnotherapy is a scientifically backed way to calm the mind and promote deep, natural sleep.

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Can Anyone Be Hypnotised? Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Can Anyone Be Hypnotised? Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Can Anyone Be Hypnotised? Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Can anyone be hypnotised? During a free consultation that I have with someone before they start hypnotherapy, this is one of the most common questions that I get. After all, if you are going to enjoy the positive results of hypnotherapy, you want to know that you can be hypnotised so that you benefit form your sessions.

And I think that this idea, that only some people are ‘susceptible’ to hypnosis, comes mainly from stage shows and film depictions of hypnosis. In these, people seem to slump with their eyes closed into some altered state of consciousness that they later have no recollection about. They then do whatever they are told to do, which is often fantastical. The first thing I say to clients is to dismiss anything they’ve seen or heard from these environments out of their mind.

We are all suggestible to some degree. You stop at a red light, you do what your manager tells you, you hear your phone beep and you pick it up to take a look. In every interaction, conversation and relationship we all have cues and suggestions that we respond to. With hypnosis, you are just learning how to suggest certain things around your own thoughts and feelings to yourself in beneficial ways. You are taking back control over the things that go on inside of your own mind.

When you come to see me there is some aspect of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours that you are currently struggling with. Whether it is anxiety, stress, panic attacks, lack of confidence, eating habits or smoking, you don’t feel in control over that part of your life. Hypnotherapy helps you to master your own inner dialogue, imagination, motivations, expectations, emotions and behaviours so that you move forward feeling better and better equipped to successfully tackle the trials and tribulations that life will throw at you and so that you can progress with positivity towards being the best version of you.

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Workplace Anxiety – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Workplace Anxiety – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Workplace Anxiety – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

If you struggle with workplace anxiety, it can start to dominate all of your waking hours. We all spend so much time at work, often with the same old pattern of tasks, situations, people and environments.

If there is something, or someone, at work that causes your anxiety levels to rise then it can become a real problem. You find yourself thinking ahead and feeling stressed in the morning as you get ready. On your commute you notice that the worst case scenarios and uncomfortable feelings grow and grow. And at work you can feel totally stressed, worried and anxious in a way that makes you feel bad and stops you getting on with the things you need to do. You may then worry about not doing your job very well and getting in trouble over it.

With workplace anxiety, your evening can be filled with a sense of relief that you’ve made it through another day yet tinged with the dread that the next day will be another exhausting internal battle. You may find yourself thinking and talking about work issues all of the time and struggling to sleep each night as you worry about the next day and play out things in your mind. And, of course, many people need help to overcome their fear of public speaking such as workplace presentations and meetings.

Recently I was was working with someone who would wake in the night thinking about work, would be unable to eat from stress in the morning and then struggled to get out of the car and go into the office. Now, she’s happily getting on with things, rather than putting them off, and feeling happier and more herself again.

There was also a client who had anxiety when seeing, or even thinking about, a particular colleague. The mention of their name, the sound of their voice or an email from them popping up would all cause workplace anxiety. Thankfully, it is very possible to change your response and interactions with someone at work to something more calm, composed and confident.

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Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy for weight loss is one of the most common things that people come to see me about. You’ll have tried multiple times with various diets and fads and probably be heavier now than when you first started. You can get short term results but nothing that really lasts. You want to lose weight, make long lasting lifestyle changes and have a healthy relationship with food. You know it’s your mindset and habits but still you struggle to make, and stick to, the healthier patterns that you keep promising yourself you’ll achieve. You want to be slimmer, healthier and happier but somehow it just seems like such hard work.

Only today I came across a story in the BBC about how more than half of all adults and a third of children, teenagers and young adults are predicted to be overweight or obese by 2050. That is a lot of people carrying excess weight. And, of course, with this comes the increased risk of all sorts of physical health issues that can well be debilitating.

I remember when, years ago, I struggled with my own weight. It made me miserable and I even felt a bit isolated from everyone else. I would be self critical about my weight and appearance. And, as often happens, I then used food to try and cheer myself up a bit. I knew there was an issue but I pretended that there wasn’t and just carried on doing the same old things over and over.

Eating habits, like other habits and patterns, have a way of gaining a seemingly unstoppable momentum. By the time you realise that your relationship with food is not that great, it feels like you are already too stuck to change it. Maybe it is emotional eating and using food as an external means to change how you feel when stressed, anxious, bored or down. Maybe unhealthy food has even become part of what you do to celebrate things and an integral part of happier moments.

For other people it is snacking and over-eating that are the problems. So many people eat when they are not even hungry. And even more people eat excessive portions that are way beyond what their body needs. These eating habits may go all the way back to childhood or they could have started later when you had more freedom or when settled in a relationship.

Whether is it emotional eating, unhealthy habits or negative associations with food, it is very possible to make beneficial and effective changes with weight loss hypnotherapy.

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Drink Less Alcohol Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Drink Less Alcohol Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Hypnotherapy To Drink Less Alcohol – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Are you trying to drink less alcohol? Having a few drinks every night can become a habit that seems hard to break out of. You may find looking forward more and more to that moment when you can grab a drink, switch off and relax. It may seem like the drinking habit offers relaxation and stress relief. But, you may notice that you struggle to cut down or take a night off. And many people secretly drink or find that once they’ve had that first one they just keep going, regardless of their previous good intentions.

Alcohol can harm your health over time. You may drink too much and do silly things or get embroiled in arguments that damage relationships. Your sleep quality gets diminished. You can struggle to get out of bed in the morning and be productive. Perhaps more worryingly, maybe you drink a lot and don’t even notice any consequences the next day. And maybe alcohol fills those moments of boredom and starts to sneak into more and more of your free time. All the while it robs you of motivation and enthusiasm. There are things you could be doing but after a few drinks you rarely feel like getting on with those things.

So many people I meet want to drink less alcohol. However, as you’ll already know, changing habits with willpower alone is difficult. Yet when you are no longer in charge and in control over alcohol then you really need to do something soon. Hypnotherapy can help you to drink less alcohol and to take back control over your behaviours and habits. You can drink less and live more!

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Healthcare Anxiety

Healthcare Anxiety

Healthcare Anxiety – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

Do you struggle with healthcare anxiety?

Healthcare anxiety can be a constant lingering worry that lurks at the back of your mind. You see things on TV and in the press about health issues. People tell you about their ailments and treatments. Maybe you even have something that you know you should probably get checked out but your anxiety holds you back and leaves you overthinking and worrying about it.

You’ve probably got used to avoiding going to the doctor or having any investigations or tests. Yet you know that in all likelihood, at some point in your life you are going to have to face it head on. Sooner or later, you know that you will need to get something looked at or have something done. Even the thought of it can be enough to raise your blood pressure and give you restless moments.

Medical procedures and appointments are a normal part of life. You may need to visit your GP for a check up, undergo a procedure at hospital or need an injection or blood test. You may be ok with some of these things yet there is some part of healthcare that fills you with immense dread, fear and worry.

With health anxiety, medically related things (sometimes even if for someone else rather than yourself) can fill you with anxiety, dread and fear. You try to avoid medical things. But at some point avoidance no longer becomes an option and you have to face it. That’s when you need to learn how to change your mindset, calm your anxiety, think clearly and change that old healthcare anxiety habit.

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Ely Standard Think Local Campaign Features Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

Ely Standard Think Local Campaign Features Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

Ely Standard Think Local Campaign Features Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

The Ely Standard is currently running a Think Local campaign to promote some of the awesome local businesses that we have here in Ely.

And this week I’m delighted that Dan Regan Hypnotherapy is the featured business!

I’m hugely grateful to the Ely Standard for profiling my business and it is lovely to be covered alongside some of the other brilliant local businesses who have already features as part of the campaign (such as Odyssey Games and FRESH). I’m looking forward to learning about more of the businesses in Ely as the Ely Standard campaign continues.

You can read the full Ely Standard article here:

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Fear of Being Sick – Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Fear of Being Sick – Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Fear of Being Sick – Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Do you struggle with a fear of being sick?

When someone comes to see me about their fear of sick, they are often surprised when I tell them how common a thing it is that I help people with. As with many fears, you can get good at avoiding situations associated with sickness and vomiting. And you can become an expert in keeping it under wraps no matter how anxious you are feeling.

If you struggle with a fear of being sick (emetophobia), then you can worry that you, yourself, will be sick and you can feel anxious that someone around you will vomit. You may hate any reference to feeling sick or being unwell and avoid anyone who has been unwell until you can be sure that the danger period is over. When you hear about sickness bugs going around you may feel tense and on edge and avoid even more people and situations.

The likelihood is that you don’t like to drink much alcohol because of the risk of being sick, and you may worry about social events with alcohol in case someone else vomits. Certain forms of travel associated with potential sickness, such as flying and boats, may be no-go areas. I’ve known clients who tell me that even their pet cat or dog being sick is enough to trigger the panic.

You may avoid certain ‘higher-risk’ foods or those linked in your mind to sickness in some way. A feeling in your stomach may be enough to convince you that you are definitely going to be sick this time (just as you were certain last time, when it didn’t happen). And even watching an actor on screen being unwell may be too much for you to cope with. The more people there are somewhere, especially if someone burps, coughs or splutters while eating, the higher the risk. And fairground rides that cause that wavey feeling in your belly are probably a no-go for you right now too.

Being sick is a normal human function (at the right time) and usually someone with emetophobia hasn’t actually vomited on many occasions. However, the fear is so great that it can stop you doing things you’d like to do and it can rule your life at times.

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