Dan’s Blog

Anxiety and Worst Case Scenarios

Anxiety and Worst Case Scenarios

Anxiety and Worst Case Scenarios

Anxiety and worst case scenarios go hand in hand. Or, if you prefer, imagined catastrophic scenario by imagined catastrophic scenario.

You start to think about some upcoming situation, person, time or place. Your feelings of anxiety, dread and fear begin to kick in and rise. And that anxiety and fear drives your imagination into all sorts of potential disastrous places. You find yourself thinking of all the things that could go wrong and then your imagination moves onto the ongoing fall out as a result of it. Whatever the particular scenario, it always ends in immense disaster for you.

The more you feel that anxiety and overthink and dwell upon the worst case scenarios, the worse you feel and the more other negative things you can find yourself contemplating. You wonder how you will handle, deal and cope with things when they go wrong, as it seems in your head that they inevitably must. You start to associate anxiety with the things you are thinking about until just a fleeting thought or passing mention of that thing can set you on edge.

It doesn’t matter what the upcoming thing actually is. It could be something coming up at work, a social situation, getting on a plane, making a speech, seeing that person again, or any number of things.  And because anxiety can generalise, any other similar things get coloured by the same feelings of anxiety, fear and dread. Anxiety moves on from one thing to the next until soon you find yourself carried along on a wave of feeling worse and worse.

These movies in your mind can take over your thinking and fill you with dread. Even though you know things may not turn out the way you are imagining, you still feel anxious and think of all the worst case scenarios.

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Anxiety Hypnosis Download Reviews

Anxiety Hypnosis Download Reviews

Anxiety Hypnosis Download Reviews

As you’ll already know from reading these articles, one of my biggest passions in life is helping others to overcome their anxiety. Having struggled with anxiety in the past myself, I know how awful if feels when you are filled with dread and fear. It can be debilitating and it limits your life and what you feel able to go and do. It’s like a constant shadow lurking beside you, ready to strike and escalate at any given moment. No wonder people start to feel anxious about the possibility that they may feel anxious.

Yet it is very possible to learn how to calm that anxiety so that you feel more confident and happier in your life. Right now, all those worst case scenarios and catastrophic thoughts, and the bad feelings that go with them, may seem to have a life of their own. That pattern and habit of anxiety seems to do its own thing and you are just forced to endure it and suffer.

However, by learning how to take back control over your own thoughts and feelings, you can start to feel better in yourself. You aren’t looking to never feel anxious again because sometimes a reasonable and proportionate feeling of anxiety is needed in certain situations to help you to look after yourself. But you can certainly get rid of the unnecessary anxiety, that stuff that impacts upon you negatively when you know there is no real reason for it. Life would be good without that anxiety and it is certainly possible for you to accomplish that.

And one of the things that can help with overcoming anxiety are hypnosis downloads. All of my anxiety clients get a copy of my anxiety relief hypnosis download and many others have benefited too after grabbing a copy from my online shop. It becomes one of your most useful and proactive tools for managing your own thoughts and feelings.

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Cambridgeshire Business Awards – Gold Winner!

Cambridgeshire Business Awards – Gold Winner!

Cambridgeshire Business Awards – Gold Winner!

For various personal reasons I’ve not had the opportunity to post many articles since last Summer and so there is one big piece of good news that I’m a little late in sharing with you!

You may recall that I mentioned being a finalist at the 2024 Cambridgeshire Business Awards in a previous article. And I’m delighted to share that, at the grand final, I successfully became a gold award winner. I’m thrilled to have been recognised for delivering an effective service and helping so many people across Cambridgeshire (and beyond!).

Thank you so much for all of your support and all of your ongoing positive reviews (check them out here: What People Say).

This award is just the latest in a whole series of business awards for my hypnotherapy business.

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Fear of Birds Hypnotherapy

Fear of Birds Hypnotherapy

Fear of Birds Hypnotherapy

Do you struggle with a fear of birds? If so, then of all of our feathered ‘friends’, pigeons are very likely to be your worst nightmare. Pigeons, especially those used to being around people, may come quite close in their search for food. And even with your ‘bird radar’ on constant alert, you can come across a pigeon around any corner and be filled with instant fear. Of course, your fear of birds will likely apply to them all, yet my clients always talk about those, seemingly everywhere, pigeons.

Pigeons will come up to you and near to you looking for food. They will happily hang around, often in big cooing gangs, in any public places. They think there is food and swoop down and will wander closely over to anyone who is, or may, be eating in the hope of some crumbs. You know they will be lurking around and just the thought of encountering birds may fill you with dread and anxiety. And when you encounter one (or more) your fear escalates to another level, You have to stay on constant alert when you are out and about because at any moment you may be forced to face your dreaded fear.

If you have a fear of birds then you already know they are everywhere. Someone without your fear may not even notice them or give them a thought. Yet for you, birds may be all you can think about and notice when you are out and about. Even TV adverts seem to be filled with birds, such as funky pigeons, these days. And if you’ve been struggling with the fear and anxiety then fear of birds hypnotherapy may be just what you need to help you feel better.

And if you are of a certain generation (like I am!) then you may very well remember the ‘Stop the Pigeon’ cartoon where Dastardly and Muttley, and assorted others associated with them, would try and do whatever they could to stop a carrier pigeon from reaching it’s destination. I can’t remember where the pigeon was going, or why it had to be stopped so that the message didn’t get through, but stopped it must be (amusing and unsuccessfully). I suppose these days it would be like having a cartoon of someone trying to stop an email or a Whatsapp reaching the recipient. That would not make a very entertaining kids cartoon.

The theme tune went along these lines:

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Fear of Heights Hypnotherapy

Fear of Heights Hypnotherapy

Fear of Heights Hypnotherapy

Do you struggle with a fear of heights? Whether it is looking out from an upper level shopping centre or car park, enjoying the view from several floors up in a building or dreading a cliff top walk, your fear of heights can be limiting and stop you doing things you want to do.

You know, logically, that you are in a safe place and your feet may be firmly grounded on the floor, yet the fear and anxiety take over. You may feel like you are going to fall, imagine worst case scenarios or just feel anxious and so get out of there (or stay away from there) as quickly as you can. Either you experience dread and try to avoid getting up high, or you struggle and seek to escape from that situation as quickly as you possibly can. There is the anxiety and dread that you may need to be up high, the worry about feeling anxious and the panic and fear that strikes if you find yourself in a high up place.

Most of the time avoidance may work quite nicely as a strategy for avoiding the anxiety and fear. You decline invitations to go places or you find a way to get out of things. Those around you may be used to it and so plan things that won’t involve heights, and you may feel bad about stopping them doing things. Or perhaps you can push through some situations by moving quickly and looking down (while pretending you are somewhere else). At some point, however, avoidance becomes problematic. You know you are limiting others from doing things. You can worry about freaking out and embarrassing yourself in front of people who don’t know about your fear, and you may be frustrated that you can’t just enjoy things and do things you would kind of like to get on and do. Your fear controls your life.

With your fear of heights, your brain has, for whatever reason, labelled high up situations as dangers and threats. Despite what you know logically about being safe, your feelings and emotions take over. Whenever you encounter something high up, the same pattern repeats and repeats. You may imagine falling down or worry about having a panic attack. You steer away from anything that could lead to feeling so uncomfortable. And you start to anticipate your fear of heights and think of yourself as someone who can’t cope with these situations. It becomes a self perpetuating cycle of dread, anxiety, worry and fear.

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Free Relaxation Hypnosis Download

Free Relaxation Hypnosis Download

Free Relaxation Hypnosis Download

It’s been a manic start to the year for all sorts of reasons. And when things get busy, it is easy to start to feel overwhelmed. That in turn can lead to overthinking, trouble switching off, anxiety, stress and a sense of psychological loneliness.

If you have been struggling with anxiety, stress and overthinking then hypnotherapy can help you (just check out the reviews on this website!) and it is worth coming along to find out how you can take back control over your habitual thoughts and feelings and so feel better.

Yet I think everyone can benefit from taking the time to mentally and physically switch off and recharge. In these days of busyness and constant demands, as well as constant stimulus from screens, having some time to truly switch off is often seen as a luxury. Taking some time for yourself is seen as an addition to life, rather than a fundamental.

And so if you could use some help to mentally relax, recharge and reset then do head over and grab your copy of my free relaxation hypnosis download. It’s a gift from me to you and from you to your sense of well-being. I think you’l enjoy it (at least based upon what other people tell me). You can get it here right now:

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Anxiety and Certainty – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Anxiety and Certainty – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Anxiety and Certainty – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

If you struggle with anxiety then you already know how you can quickly and easily get caught up in the whirlwind of anxious thoughts and feelings. Your head fills with all the possible worst case scenarios about what is going to happen in some future time, situation, circumstance or event. You catastrophise, dwell and overthink all the possible bad stuff that could be coming your way.

As if that constant stream of negative thinking wasn’t enough, you also struggle with the unpleasant and uncomfortable anxious feelings and sensations that take over how you feel. You feel agitated, restless and tense. Your heart may race and you can have trouble switching off. You may struggle to rest, eat, sleep and even function.

Whether your mind fixes on one worst case thing that could happen or your thinking jumps, races and cycles from one thing to the next faster than you can grasp it, the end result is that you feel anxious, worried and down.

Anxiety thrives on uncertainty and the unknown. You have no way of knowing how things will pan out and so your anxious imagination and focus can run wild with possibilities. Whether you picture scenarios in your mind or have a running conversation with yourself, there is dread, worry and a sense of impending doom. Of course, because your anxiety is about some future thing, it is impossible to get total certainty over what might happen and you just can’t be completely sure that everything will be ok.

Because you can’t know what will happen, your anxious thoughts and feelings flow into that space of uncertainty.  You feel anxious and that drives your imagination to find a focus for your fear. You imagine the worst and that ramps up your anxious feelings. The worse you feel, the more you can find to worry about and dread. You may even find yourself going beyond that initial catastrophe and focusing upon all the ongoing future waves and ripples of disaster that you worry will follow on from it.

So how can you take back control over your anxious thoughts and feelings even in the face of that lack of certainty?

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Is Your Drinking Habit A Problem? Excessive Alcohol Help

Is Your Drinking Habit A Problem? Excessive Alcohol Help

Is Your Drinking Habit A Problem? Excessive Alcohol Help

Is your drinking habit a problem? I’ve recently been helping a whole of bunch of people who have found that their drinking habit and excessive alcohol consumption has now become a problem.

Drinking alcohol is a pretty much accepted social norm even though more and more people are deciding to stop drinking. In fact, until relatively recently, not drinking at social occasions was often perceived as something unusual that required a strong reason behind it. As many people who have stopped or reduced drinking can testify, however, there are now a growing number of palatable non alcoholic options (Guinness Zero gets all sorts of rave reviews from clients who have switched to it to reduce their alcohol intake).

Your drinking habit may have started a long time ago. At first it may have just been something for social occasions or the odd drink as you unwind in the evening. Maybe you enjoy the taste and that feeling as the alcohol helps you relax after the busyness of the day. It could be that your life is stressful or that there was a time when you just needed something to help you deal with your thoughts, emotions and feelings. Whatever your history with drinking, at some point you have realised that your drinking habit has become a problem. Somewhere along the way it went from something you purposefully called upon for fun, enjoyment or relaxation, and became this pattern that you persistently fall into despite your determination to curtail it.

Of course, it is always up to you how much, and how often, you want to drink. Yet, with your habit, no matter what you tell yourself, it is almost like it isn’t really up to you anymore. You can find yourself having that drink (and the one after, and the one after that…) even when you’ve been telling yourself all day that you’ll have a night off the booze. You may be worried about your health, know it just isn’t good for you or it may be that those empty calories are putting pressure on your waistline in ways you don’t feel good about. Drinking too much can also lead to arguments, drain your energy for doing other things and interfere with getting a good night’s sleep.

Some people use alcohol to try and help them deal with stress and anxiety. And whilst alcohol may help you quieten those unwanted thoughts and feelings for a while, they generally come back with avengeance later on. You find yourself progressively more and more agitated, anxious and feeling low.

If your drinking habit has become a problem then it is certainly possible to take back control so that you have the freedom to enjoy an occasional drink when you choose but without the consumption levels that create such adverse impacts in your life.

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Hypnotherapy for Football Performance

Hypnotherapy for Football Performance

Hypnotherapy for Football Performance

The Euros have kicked off and the group games are advancing at pace. Sadly Wales aren’t there this time but I’m loving watching as many of the games as I can. There have been some tight games, at least one big shock and plenty of goals have been flying in. It’s always fun watching teams who I don’t normally get to watch and playing in a competition where the fans are excited and every game means something.

If you play football then you’ll already know that your mindset is just as important as your skill levels and physical fitness. If you want to perform at your best you need to be focused and confident. You need to manage your thoughts, feelings and emotions before kick off and through to the final whistle.

No matter what level you play at, all sorts of things can get in the way of your performance on the field. General life stress and anxiety, and other things off the pitch, can affect how you play. You may struggle with injury and getting back into playing because of the fear of another injury occurring. There can be setbacks after you make a mistake or if your team are on a losing streak. You may doubt yourself if you aren’t in the first team consistently. There can be comments from coaches, team mates, opposition players or spectators that get into your head and lead to doubt, negativity and indecision. And a host of other negative thoughts and feelings can damage your self belief, lead to negative self talk and interfere with your ability to perform at your best.

You can probably think back over times you’ve performed well and been pleased with your playing. You know you can play well, yet psychological issues can seemingly block you from drawing upon that capability consistently. It can become a negative habit that stops you playing well and can even ruin your enjoyment of the game. Things can happen during a game that adversely impact upon you. You want to be able to go into a game knowing you can perform to the best of your capability, manage your own self-talk and thinking, and remain resilient enough to handle whatever comes your way.

Hypnotherapy for football performance can help you to boost your performance, strengthen your confidence and be in control over you thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions on and off the field.

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Blood Fear and My Birthday Blood Donation

Blood Fear and My Birthday Blood Donation

Blood Fear and My Birthday Blood Donation

Recently, I’ve been working with a fair few people who struggle with a blood fear. That might be blood itself, having a blood test, needles and injections or even all medically related things.

Last week I celebrated my birthday and I took some time to pop along and make my latest blood donation. As it was my birthday the staff very kindly gave me a card and offered me extra snacks after my blood donation!

I can well remember my first blood donation a few years ago. I was a bit hyped up about it beforehand. I’m ok with blood, needles and injections and the like but there was still a bit of anticipation about what was going to happen and how I would feel afterwards. After all, the first time you do these sort of things there is a big element of the unknown about what is going to happen. These days it’s more in, have a bit of a chat with the staff, bosh out a pint of the red stuff, eat a snack and then back home (feeling like a hero!). This latest experience was so relaxing I felt like I could have had a little sleep whilst donating. I’d have happily sat there and relaxed for a lot longer than they let me!

I help a lot of people to overcome their fear of blood and their anxiety around needles, injections and medical type things. Sometimes even something on TV or a mention of these things can be enough to start the anxiety. Maybe you avoid these things because of your fear. Yet at some point you know that, for your own health and well-being, you are likely to need a blood test or something similar. You can put it off yet at some point it is pretty likely to become necessary.

Instead of that anxiety, fear and dread, it is very possible to have a blood test (or even give blood) whilst feeling calm, comfortable and in control.

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