Suffering with Social Anxiety? Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket Social anxiety is something I suffered with for years before hypnotherapy helped me overcome my anxiety and enjoy being...
Confidence and Self Esteem
Instantly Feel More Confident
Have you ever had one of those situations in a meeting or when talking to someone when you feel tense, uncomfortable, anxious and you just want it to be over?
Or maybe you sometimes feel that some people are more intelligent or somehow better than you and when you speak to them you get a bit lost in your own thoughts, maybe even not saying much because you don’t want to look stupid?
And then you kick yourself because someone else suggests the same thing you were thinking and everyone responds positively. It could have been you who said it!
Putting People On A Pedestal
Obviously there is nothing wrong with admiring somone who is gifted at some skill, or wanting to learn from them.
However, recently I was working with a client who felt way, way down the pecking order at work and put everyone on some higher level in her mind compared to herself.
In meetings she would be reluctant to speak because her managers had been doing it longer, knew more and she thought she would make an idiot of herself. She would try to avoid giving her opinions and even try and avoid speaking to senior managers or others who she felt knew so much more than her.
In these situations she would feel tense and anxious. Sometimes somone wlse would say the very thing she had been thinking and she’d mentally kick herself about her failure to speak up.
So how did we easily change this?
How Anita Massively Increased Her Confidence
I love helping people increase their confidence and self esteem.
I’m very lucky to be able to help people move from feeling anxious, worried and hiding in the sidelines. Using the key of confidence hypnotherapy they soon light up, discover their confidence and feel comfortable being themselves. In a very short space of time they quickly start moving forward and doing the things that they want to do, achieving some amazing things along the way.
Hypnotherapy For Confidence
One client who used my confidence hypnotherapy to change her life was Anita and this is what she said after our sessions:
Do you have a Fear of Public Speaking?
The fear of public speaking is said to be one of the biggest fears that affects people – in fact, many people will do all they can to avoid ever being in a situation where they need to give a speech, deliver a presentation or speak in front of others.
When I work with people who have a fear of public speaking the sort of things that concern them are:
- Worry about forgetting what you are talking about or going blank
- Worry about freezing up or
Could You Use More Confidence?
Earlier in the month, I went to a conference in Cambridge where Michael Heppell (author of several books including ‘How To Be Brilliant’) spoke. If you ever get a chance to see Michael speak then I’d highly recommend you go.
At the conference Michael asked the audience:
‘How many of you could use more confidence?
Is there anybody here who can honestly say that they have all the confidence they need in every area of their life?’
Not good enough? Says Who?
I see a lot of clients who hold a deep belief of ‘I’m not worthy’ or ‘I’m not good enough’. This can then lead to making images in their minds of things going badly, or bad feelings or an internal voice that criticizes and puts them down. The end result is ongoing feelings of anxiety, low confidence and low self esteem which impacts on career, health and relationships and stops them doing things in their life.
If I believe I’m not good enough (which I did used to believe before hypnotherapy helped me) then I must consider that
Becoming The Confident Person Within
Steve initially came to see me for a free consultation to hear more about how hypnotherapy could help him. You see, Steve suffered with problems including paranoia, anxiety, feeling self conscious, low self esteem and low confidence.
These thoughts and feelings were affecting every part of his life – he would worry about what people thought about him and anything he said or did. This had grown so bad that
Making the Speech; Eliminate Anxiety & Low Confidence
What would it be like to simply let go of all that public speaking anxiety you’ve been carrying with you for all those years through all those work and social situations? Imagine what you would say to yourself if you knew you had all the confidence and self esteem you could need to breeze through any public speaking situation in a calm and controlled way.
When Ella came to see me recently she was anxious (some might say petrified!) about
Eliminating persistent anxiety and low confidence quickly with hypnotherapy and NLP
Eliminating persistent anxiety and low confidence quickly with hypnotherapy and NLP:
When Adam (not his real name) came to see me at Dan Regan Hypnotherapy he told me how he felt anxiety and low confidence nearly all day long about one thing or another. He believed that he just wasn’t good enough.
It’s surprisingly common how many people go through their day with this inner anxiety and worry, forever overthinking and struggling yet never wanted other to notice any of it (after all, that would could lead to them judging you in some way which would just add to the anxiety).
He was due to go on a big night out the following evening and was already worrying about how it would go, what people would think of him and whether they would like him and say good things about him afterwards. Even as he told me this he was running an internal commentary as he tried to guess what I was thinking of him based on what he was saying.
In his mind, he was constantly guessing and worrying about what other people were thinking about what he was saying or doing. He couldn’t relax and just be himself with this constant internal dialogue going on and
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