What People Say

Anxiety No More Hypnosis Download Review:

Anxiety hypnosis download review

Great toolkit


Verified Buyer
November 9, 2023
Category -Products

Review from Trustpilot:

good hypnotherapist ely


Dan is really personable and I found the whole process to be very positive and worthwhile. Would definitely recommend.


October 23, 2023
Category -General

In this hypnotherapy review, Katy describes how her sessions helped her:

October 19, 2023
Category -General, Video Testimonials

Review from Google:

Anxiety based depression hypnotherapy in Ely


Suffering from anxiety based depression for many years I wanted to see if hypnotherapy would help. It did help me.
The sessions take place in a comfortable, secure setting, and Dan is easy to talk to. I felt he listened and understood the issues. The hypnotherapy is deeply relaxing allowing one’s mind to calm. I came out of each session feeling relaxed and able to step away for a while from worries. This along with simple, practical exercises has helped to start to see things from a better perspective and to stop unhelpful thoughts which have run on continuous repeat in my mind.

Louise Dobson
October 18, 2023
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Review from Google:

Hypnotherapy in Ely reviews


Dan is great and has helped me so much, thank you

Phil Gannon
October 10, 2023
Category -General

Review from Google:

Insomnia Hypnotherapy in Ely Review


I contacted Dan suffering from poor sleep and insomnia. Through hypnosis and being given techniques I am at last able to get some quality sleep. Even on nights when insomnia occurs I am able to get some sleep and feel better in the morning. I cannot recommend Dan highly enough and would not hesitate to use him again.

Sarah Stokes
October 9, 2023
Category -Other Issues

Review from Trustpilot:

Successful hypnotherapy in Ely review


Dan was great for me. I was very quickly at ease and found the sessions engaging and above all rewarding. He certainly helped me deal with the issues I was facing and gave me lots of support and tips too. Highly recommended.


October 5, 2023
Category -General

Review From Google:

Getting On A Plane Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely


I have seen Dan several times over the last 7 years and he has made it possible for me to get on a plane to visit my daughter, who lives abroad. So grateful …. and Dan always makes it a relaxed and fun.. but serious of course… experience. Very happy to recommend him.


Juliet Gibbins
October 4, 2023
Category -Phobias & Fears

Review from Trustpilot:

motion sickness hypnotherapy


Dan is so genuine in his desire to help and I have recommended him to several friends as he helped me enormously with my lifelong motion sickness problem, which had impacted on every holiday I took, with a huge anxiety build-up beforehand – not to mention on the flight or boat journey itself. As a result of his sessions, and coping techniques, I have found I can now look forward to travelling without the normal dread of embarrassment and feeling ill for the first 48 hours. I am not completely cured but I can cope and my confidence is vastly improved. I cannot recommend him enough.


Mrs D R
October 3, 2023
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Review from Google:

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Ely review


Been seeing Dan for a little while to help weight loss but its become a whole lifestyle change instead, the sessions have enabled me to change long time habits so I’m not just losing weight I have also completely eliminated my risk of becoming Type 2 diabetic. Would whole heartedly recommend Dan to anybody who needs that extra push to overcome their problems.


David Spanton
September 28, 2023
Category -Weight Loss

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