Hypnotherapy Reviews

Review from Google:

Mental Health Therapy - Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket


5 Stars, Highly recommended. Dan helped me immensely during a very difficult time. As a result of therapy my mental health feels so much better, and continues to improve day by day. I was made to feel comfortable and was able to speak freely without any fear of judgement. Dan is very kind and understanding and If you are struggling, I cannot recommend anyone more than him. I was admittedly slightly sceptical and unsure if hypnotherapy would work. But I can honestly say, from experience, that for me it was 100% effective. It has had such a positive impact on my well being and after many years of struggling, I am finally in a good place again.


Callum Moffat
January 21, 2024
Category -General

Review from Google:

overcoming anxiety at work hypnotherapy Ely review


I would highly recommend Dan Regan Hypnotherapy. Dan has assisted me a few times over the years. I first visited him for help to loose weight and more recently he has helped me with over coming anxiety issues at work and in social situations. Dan is good at listening to your issues and tailoring each session so it is personal to you. I always go away with “tools” to help me away from the sessions.


Nicola Brand
January 16, 2024
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Review from Google:

Anxiety Control Emotions Hypnotherapy


Dan helped me with my feelings of anxiety. He made me relax and control my emotions.


Lauren Hayward
January 9, 2024
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Review from Google:

Health anxiety hypnotherapy in ely review


This man changes lives. Seriously.

I worked with Dan some years ago to overcome health anxiety which was absolutely debilitating at times. Doing basic things like going for eye tests, making a doctors’ appointment, giving blood; they were all terrifying to me. Dan’s methods really helped me to overcome these anxieties and now I have a healthy approach to activities I used to panic about and avoid. In April, I’ll be making my 25th blood donation, which is something I’ll be so proud to do because without Dan’s help, I simply wouldn’t been able to achieve this. Thank you, Dan!


Heidi Madsen
December 31, 2023
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Review from Google:

Anxiety review - hypnotherapy in Ely


Definitely recommend Dan Regan Hypnotherapy! Worked with Dan last year on anxiety issues and he really helped me with talking through the issues, hypnotherapy along with several self help techniques to help with breathing/anxiety and meditation audios. If I feel any anxiety coming on I use those techniques to this day and they really do help 🙂


Jennie Pullum
December 30, 2023
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

I went to Dan for ‘noise’ (specifically young humans, but humans generally too).

He was upfront about the likelihood of ‘curing’ me (and to be fair I didn’t think it/I was ‘curable’ anyway), but, he explained what he could and would do (and I, following the plan) what I could expect.

I was under no pressure to ‘sign up’ he said, and nor did I feel I was.

Result: Things are better after my sessions (I’d still like a gun though Dan)!

***** Highly recommended (head is in a much better place. Dan is calm, clear and I – female undergoing hypnotherapy in room with just us two – felt comfortable/safe. I definitely feel less stress too). Thank you.

December 28, 2023
Category -Other Issues

Review from Google:

weight loss hypnotherapy in Ely review

hypnotherapy for weight loss in Ely


I went to see Dan to talk about a hypno band. I wanted to lose weight (again) after yo yo dieting for years and thought it was my best shot.
It became clear through talking to Dan, that I didn’t want anything so restrictive at all, (as I actually really enjoy nice food and going out to the pub and only being able to eat a spoonful or two seemed no fun at all 😳).

I just wanted to lose weight without feeling hard done by all the time (the endless diets and deprivation resulting in weight loss… celebrated by ending the deprivation and round and round I go again on the predictable circle of weight loss /gain misery)

I Say JUST…. But I didn’t believe it was possible….. I know how to diet… Eat less move more… We ALL know the theory…. But the feeling of missing out.. Having to say no to all the nice things…. Removing all temptation from the house etc…. That’s the bit I hated..

Well… Dan performed a miracle…. There is no other way to describe the change in how I feel around food and drink.

I now have control, I can now eat what I want without eating more than I need, I can have a biscuit and not want to eat the whole packet, I can have a glass of wine and not finish the bottle (left over wine for cooking is no longer a myth in my house) and I don’t mean I can control the urge to have more…. I mean the urge is gone….. I don’t want it 🤷‍♀️

Other people can have seconds /another drink around me and I don’t feel the need to keep up or have “my fair share”

And it’s 100% painless…. I know!! I can’t believe it either 🤷‍♀️

Not a diet but a total mindshift
No deprivation…No envious looks at everyone elses choice while you opt for the salad and pretend to self it’s what you wanted.

I have nothing but praise and a sense of disbelief that Dan can undo a life time of bad habits in a few weeks….. But the changes were instant…. The long term results will take time but I have zero doubt that I have changed my habits for life now.

The weight has started to come off and friends and family have noticed the change in portion size and the ability to know my limits etc (I think the words when I declined a second glass of wine were… OK who are you and what have you done with my sister 😂)

If you want to make genuine changes with zero pain but everything to gain….. You should go see Dan.


Carmel Luff
December 20, 2023
Category -Weight Loss

Review from Google:

Driving Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely review


I first attending some Hypnotherapy sessions with Dan a few years ago. I needed help with some anxiety issues relating to driving long distance. Dan was friendly, polite and professional. He put me at ease the whole time. Since seeing Dan, I have driven to Cornwall, London, Chester and most recently Bournemouth for a University open day with my daughter. I cannot thank Dan enough for the help, encouragement and support he gave me and for the freedom I now have being able to drive further. I would definitely recommend Dan to anyone who feels anxious about driving, he has really changed my life and I’m very grateful!


Sarah Lewin
December 13, 2023
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Review from Trustpilot

fears overcome hypnotherapy in ely review


I recently had the pleasure of experiencing top-notch service from Dan Regan Hypnotherapy. From start to finish, the service he provided was spot on and worked so well. The communication was prompt, he was knowledgeable, and the final results exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend Dan Regan Hypnotherapy for his professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction. A truly outstanding experience!


Miranda Reynolds
December 6, 2023
Category -Phobias & Fears

Review from Google:

stop smoking hypnotherapy in ely


I have been seeing Dan for a few weeks to help me stop smoking. Having smoked for far too many years, and tried to stop many times, I have now the confidence to stop of my own accord and those nagging cravings have finally gone, all thanks to Dan Regan.

Well done Dan and many thanks for your help. I would recommend Dan to anyone , not just to help you stop smoking but many other problems can be resolved with this easy therapy.


Ian Bissett
November 29, 2023
Category -Stop Smoking

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