What People Say

The first hurdle was accepting I needed help to deal with my problem, the second, actually having the courage to open up to someone which was very hard but I am so glad I did. Dan immediately addressed the ‘bigger picture’ focussing on how I wanted to see myself in the future over how I would be if things didn’t change. I no longer drink alcohol (and I truly never ever thought I’d hear those words coming from my mouth) and I am a far, far happier, healthier and much more contented and balanced person. Thank you so much Dan

April 16, 2012
Category -Other Issues

Had a great four sessions with Dan to ease my panic attacks. Feeling so much better now – thank goodness…

April 16, 2012
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Going to Dr Dan (Daniel Regan) has really had a positive effect on my depression and anxiety. I have learned some very helpful coping skills. He is extremely personable and caring; all my visits were helpful and positive.

Shona Jamadi
April 4, 2012
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

I went to the dentist yesterday as discussed and had the filling needed. It was better than times in the past, I even said to my dentist once out of the chair that it wasn’t as bad as I expected and I left the place with a smile on my very numb face.

March 18, 2012
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

I first visited Dan back in Dec 2011, to see if he could help ‘ straighten my brain out’. Previously to seeing Dan, I was normally such a confident person, but life had delivered a few hard knocks over the years and my confidence, self belief and positivity were at an all time low. I didn’t want to resort to pills, so sought a holistic method to sort my issues out.

I found Dan after googling ‘NLP’ and to be honest I haven’t looked back. I recall my first session with Dan and being hyper critical of what I considered to be mumbo jumbo, I remember saying to him ‘ so is this like voodoo magic then?’ Well to be honest, it kind of is…….in that I have no idea how it works, but frankly I don’t care, it just does.

Yes, I still have bad days when negative thoughts creep in, but unlike before, these thoughts are fleeting and always replaced by thoughts and feelings of positivity.Dan has helped me regain the person who I thought I had lost and now helps me with my future goals – I see him once every few weeks to top up my positive batteries and would whole heartly recommended him.

March 12, 2012
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem

I could never go anywere on my own and was always on the phone to my partner, I would fear getting out of my car to go into my house, walking in the dark, being attacked in and out of my home, the list is endless. This has changed my life, I not only have saved hundreds on my phone bill, I can now enjoy and relax being on my own at home and pop into town when ever I want. My family and I have noticed big changes. Thank you so much.

March 9, 2012
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

I’ve been to see Dan a number of times, for different reasons – fear of flying, depression, and for overeating. Each time, a few weeks after the session I noticed a change in the way I acted and felt. I don’t know how this all works, but it does and I am amazed.

Someone told me before I sought a hypnotist that you must feel trust in that person, otherwise it won’t work. Dan is a gentle, non-judgmental person who you can tell does this to genuinely help people and that made all the difference to me. Thanks Dan!!

March 3, 2012
Category -Other Issues

I came to see you for help with my issues with food but you helped me with so much more than that. You gave me the skills to deal with stressful and agressive situations at work and helped me with my issues with low self esteem which were all factors which affected my relationship with food. I can now sleep at night rather than lying awake worrying about things I have more energy to exercise and eat when I am hungry rather than as a coping mechanism. Thank you so much for all your help Daniel.

February 12, 2012
Category -Weight Loss

Going great feeling good being free of smoking!

January 26, 2012
Category -Stop Smoking

I had to drop you an email after my session on Google based procrastination yesterday. Today I found myself jotting down things I might want to look up on a piece of paper, I achieved a huge amount of work very efficiently and felt fantastic. At 4.30 I stopped working and whizzed through the things I wanted to look up, bizarrely it took less than 15 minutes to do. Now I know that on a day in the past all that would have eaten big chunks out of my day.

At 4.50pm I have time to email you my sincere thanks for the work in the session yesterday, I am overwhelmed at the difference it has made, not just to my time management but also to my attitude to what I need to do at my desk. And I will be leaving on the dot of 5pm in order to collect my daughter and enjoy my evening at home.

January 12, 2012
Category -Other Issues

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