What People Say

Dan’s helped me more than I ever dreamed possible! I started seeing him to increase confidence in my athletic abilities. Along the way, I soon realised that other things were holding me back and deeply affecting my ability to relax and enjoy life.

I’ve long harboured anxieties about medical situations and have avoided doctors, opticians and dentists for years – grimly accepting that it’s part of my character. Well, Dan soon sorted that – I’ve been to the optician for the first time in 20 years, have attended the dentist with minimal stress.

I am much more in control of my life and feel I can achieve anything I put my mind to. At first, I was a little apprehensive about hypnotherapy, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt so relaxed! It helps that Dan’s a great listener – even when I’ve felt unsure what I’m trying to say, he has a knack of picking out what’s important. He’s brilliantly intuitive and sessions with him are great fun. Highly recommended – make an appointment!

September 5, 2013
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

It’s been over three months and still not smoking!! Thank you again – I can’t tell you how much happier I am now!!

August 17, 2013
Category -Stop Smoking

It’s been a strange sort of week since you saw my wife and I to help us stop smoking. There have been no urges or slips. We both find it quite amazing how it works. Can only thank you and wish you well for the future.

August 17, 2013
Category -Stop Smoking

I saw Dan about my fear of flying which had been getting worse over the last ten years. Just the thought of my upcoming flight was filling me with panic and I didn’t want it (and the thought of the flight back) to ruin my holiday.

Thanks to Dan’s help the flight was the best I have ever had! I even helped my partner to relax and we had taken off before he had realised! So thanks for the help. Have enjoyed a wonderful, relaxing holiday with my family.

August 8, 2013
Category -Phobias & Fears

After suffering for months with anxiety and panic I contacted Dan which turned out to be the best desicion I have made.

Dan has turned my life around I can feel my confidence returning, I am enjoying my life again and can interact socially I thought I had lost all these things for ever. Dans an amazing young man and I cannot thank him enough for giving me my life back.

Dont suffer in silence contact Dan and be in control of your life again. It’s amazing!!

July 12, 2013
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Wanted to give you my good news, as you helped to make it happen. I clocked up two years of not smoking this month. Thank you again for your assistance in making it happen. I am amazed that after 30 years of smoking and not seeing an end to it, that you were able to show me that it can happen.

June 28, 2013
Category -Stop Smoking

I’m pleased to say I haven’t had a single puff of a cigarette since prior to our session a month ago.

I’ve gone immediately from a 40 a day habit to being nicotine free as a direct result of your hypnotherapy session and some repeated listens of the follow up CD.

I was also impressed that you invested not only a free initial consultation but also a full treatment session lasting 3 hours to ensure success.

These efforts combined with your follow up contact and offer of a free further session (which hasn’t been necessary) means that I have no hesitation in recommending you to others and have indeed already done so. Thank you very much.

David Wisbey
June 14, 2013
Category -Stop Smoking

When you have a fear so deeply rooted it can be difficult to find the words to explain how you feel about it, why you haven’t driven for ages. When your fear lives strong, when you struggle to find the willpower to even find the car key and your hands start sweating at the thought of sitting at the wheel, it is easy to hold on to any little excuse.

So I did, hold on, just like I had been holding on to my fear for over two decades. Hypnotherapy trains the mind to think differently. My memories of my accident have totally changed. I think of that day, of the months and years that followed it in a totally different way.

Hypnotherapy has allowed me to take back control. The worst thing about fear is that it invades all parts of your life, conquering that fear has to be down to you, hypnotherapy gave me the tools to do so but, at the end of the day, no one but me could get back in that car and drive.

Mid-way through my hypnotherapy Dan gave me a task, I was to get in the car, we needed to see whether I would be able to and how I felt about it, had anything changed? So I did and things had indeed changed, in fact I can remember I drove the car back home from somewhere but I can’t even remember where from. A week later I was driving back from 15 miles away. Not bad for someone who hadn’t driven for over 7 months.

I am now in the fourth week of full-on driving. I now sleep ok the night before, despite knowing that I will be driving in the morning. This is the longest I have driven in a row since I was probably in my very early twenties, in fact I’m not sure I have ever driven this frequently for such a long period of time in my whole life.

May 28, 2013
Category -Phobias & Fears

Dan’s NLP has completely transformed my outlook and the way I view my life. An incredible, insightful and complete journey of finding solutions to all problems. Very relaxing and therapeutic. His very professional and calm demeanor makes him an excellent NLP practitioner. I would highly recommend him to anyone wishing to enhance their life with positivity, calm and inner strength.

May 15, 2013
Category -General

Since our session I haven’t had a cigarette at all! Hooray! I cant tell you how grateful I am – having tried every type of quitting aide including e-cigarettes before and failing miserably, I know that whatever you did has boosted my willpower. I feel better than ever and even my husbands tobacco laying around the house isn’t tempting me!! Thank you so much again!

May 13, 2013
Category -Stop Smoking

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