What People Say

A few months ago, irrational health fears had control of my life. Routine trips to the doctor would scare me to the point that I actually made myself ill – which made my fear worse. I was locked in a cycle of obsession and anxiety – too ashamed to talk about it, because I felt stupid.

When I came to Dan, I found him so accepting and non-judgemental that talking was easy. Through his sessions, I’ve learned to calm my mind and switch off unwanted thoughts. It’s been fantastic to have him on my side as I’ve made progress – he’s helped me every step of the way. I now feel like the ‘normal’ person I so wanted to be.

For years, I’ve wanted to give blood. Previously the idea of it made me sick with worry as the process of donating blood was the most frightening situation I could imagine. Last night, I was immensely proud to send Dan a message telling him that I’d just donated blood. In fact, I’m looking forward to doing it again.

Dan’s put me back in control and my future is more exciting than ever, because if I can defeat my demons then I know I can do anything. Thanks Dan, I’m the bravest and happiest person I’ve ever been.


November 20, 2013
Category -Phobias & Fears

I had anger management problems for some time and really needed a solution.

Dan offers an excellent service and instantly makes you feel relaxed. I’ve always struggled with speaking to people close to me about why I react the way I do and chose to ignore and try and forget about it most of the time. But with Dan I was able to really open up and get to the root of the problem.

I’m really pleased with how my sessions went and Dan has made me a better person for it. I’m so much more relaxed now and the little things don’t annoy me any more. I would definitely recommend Dan and I’m really pleased that I contacted him.

Red Lodge
November 11, 2013
Category -Other Issues

After having a major car crash I lost all confidence while being in a car. I went to Dan not expecting him to be able to help but at the same time desperate for help.

After the first session my doubts disappeared as I noticed a instant change in my behaviour in cars. I cannot thank Dan enough for his help,it has helped me recover a lot quicker from the incident than if I had let myself suffer. I cannot Recommend him highly enough!

October 17, 2013
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Having been a smoker for 20 years, I have spent most of those years wanting to stop but never managing too – a basic lack of will power and I loved smoking.

I tried everyway to stop – patches, gum, pills from the doctor and had even had hypnotherapy twice before. I decided to give hypnotherapy one more try and am so pleased I went to see Daniel. His technique was totally different to people I had seen before – he totally understood my fears and my doubts – I could openly admit to him I didnt think it would work!

I walked out of his office and suddenly I had willpower!! When I felt I needed a cigarette the ‘non smoker’ in me was finally the winner. 6 months on and I havent smoked and I know I never will again. Thank you so much Daniel!

debi reidy-bond
October 16, 2013
Category -Stop Smoking

Everything is going great since my sessions! My confidence is getting better and better as the weeks go on. Thanks again for all your help. You helped me escape the situation I was in and I am very grateful for that.

October 15, 2013
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem

As promised, I wanted to let you know how I got on with my trip at the weekend.

In a nutshell, it was great. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to say that I love flying but that is largely down to the fact that it’s a quite boring, and not an ideal way to spend time with two young children!

I was worried before the first flight that all my old anxieties would hit me and I’d have a massive panic attack but it never came. I was a little apprehensive, but nothing worse. Once we took off I actually calmed down more and I felt really quite relaxed during the flight. I barely thought about the return flight while we were away and managed to enjoy the last day of the holiday (something I can’t usually do) and I was even more relaxed on the plane on the way home. I am now looking forward to choosing our next holiday based on factors other than how easy it is to get to by car!

I have also noticed my general issues with anxiety are much improved. For example, while I was away we took a boat trip – in the past this would have made me nervous but I was able to enjoy the whole thing without worrying. I seem to be taking everything in my stride and worrying less about life in general and just enjoying it, which at the end of the day is what everyone wants surely!

You have really helped improve my life and I look forward to many happy adventures with my family, thanks to you.

Claire Harrison
September 11, 2013
Category -Phobias & Fears

My 13 yr old daughter is a keen runner and competes at County Level. Unfortunately, my daughter has experienced difficulties coping with the mental side of public competition.

We found it so distressing that she loved and gained so much from her sprint training but when she then competed she fell apart mentally. Her symptoms were ‘zoning out, sickness and general panic attacks. We had reached the stage where a decision had to be made….It was ‘all or nothing’.

I found Dan’s website and we went to him to see if their was anyway that he could help. To be perfectly honest I didn’t hold much hope as my daughter had got herself into a spiral which she seemed to automatically get into just before she competed.

Right from the start Dan was professional and as a runner himself understood her problem from both perspectives. Over three sessions Dan was able to re-programme her way of dealing with things. He also was able to provide her with practical coping strategies, things which she could do before she competed, thus breaking her negative thought pattern.

It is lovely to see my daughter now being ‘in control’ of her feelings. She finishes every race with a smile, regularly winning. She said to me: “Even though I still have some of the feelings just before I compete. They are good nerves and I can now control them and I am in charge”.

I cannot begin to thank Dan enough. The best thing is she can now use the lessons learnt in other areas of her life too. We intend to have a repeat session just before she competes next year in the summer Athletics season.

Maria Stableford
September 10, 2013
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Hi Dan, All still cool, no smoking for a month now. wish we had met you earlier. Have recommended you to quite a few people so all I can say is thank you.

Chris & Heather
September 9, 2013
Category -Stop Smoking

Dan is brilliant – he is calming, intuitive and helps you relax as soon as you meet him. I’ve struggled with food since my early teens (am nearly 40) and before seeing Dan, I felt trapped: like food was controlling me. I had eating disorders in my teens and since then have obsessed about food and my appearance. I was unable to resist sweet foods and would eat until whatever I was eating was finished – especially enormous bags of pic n mix sweets!

Since my sessions with Dan, I have gone down a dress size (in about 2 months) without dieting, exercising or controlling what I eat. I eat what I want, when I want to, and it is so very liberating! I stop when I’ve had enough, and even when I get premenstrual and crave sweet things, I now have an inner voice that asks me if I really want to keep eating – and the answer is always a resounding “no”.

Many thanks, Dan. I have recommended you to many people – and everyone who has commented on my weight loss has been told how great you are and how hypnotherapy and NLP has truly changed my life for good. It’s wonderful to finally be in control – I can enjoy food and it’s now on my terms only!

September 8, 2013
Category -Weight Loss

With my shock cancer diagnosis my appetite deserted me. Up until then food had been my god. I loved everything to do with it, finding new recipes, baking, tasting, eating, making treats for my family. As my treatment progressed my eating issues got worse and worse, I was existing on Complan and ice lollies. Food had become my enemy. I knew my problem wasn’t all to do with the chemotherapy.

I found Dan when my best friend gave me a leaflet for Ely Complementary Health Centre. This wonderful man has changed my life. After 8 months of hating everything to do with food, I’m now enjoying all the things I used to connected with food. After my very first session with Dan I ate food without my usual feelings of revulsion…only a very small amount but it was a huge step forward for me.

I’m now back to being me again…in fact I think I’m even better than the old me. I have a new confidence in myself that I don’t think I’ve ever had before. I feel happy and relaxed in a way that I haven’t for months. It’s all thanks to this amazing man. Thank you,Dan. X

Carolyn Robbins
September 6, 2013
Category -Other Issues

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