What People Say

In this video, Anna talks about how she was able to resolve her anxiety and confidence issues:

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April 16, 2016
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

Quit smoking hypnosis in Ely helps Alice end the effects of smoking:

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April 9, 2016
Category -Stop Smoking, Video Testimonials

In this video, Heidi describes how she overcame her anxiety with Dan Regan Hypnotherapy:

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March 5, 2016
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

In this video testimonial, Marc describes how we worked together to massively increase his confidence around presentations, conference calls and much more:

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February 23, 2016
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem, Video Testimonials

I have been listening to the Confidence Hypnosis audio and think it is amazing! After I listen to it, I feel confident and energised to go out and perform!

It’s all confidence focused and is fantastic!
February 21, 2016
Category -Products

Overcoming anxiety symptoms – in this video, Alice describes how she overcame severe anxiety:

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January 21, 2016
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

A year ago today if anyone would have said that I would have no problem going to the dentist I would not have believed them, even going to the hygienist as an issue for me ( I have been known to get out of the chair mid treatment) I joined Enhance dental in Ely and was seen by Patrick, On my first visit to sort out a troublesome tooth, Patrick could see my anguish even at the slightest of touch, at the end of the visit Patrick suggested I try Hypnotherapy as he knew of people it had helped in the past.

This is when I contacted Dan Regan, Dan worked with me to calm my nerves so that I was able to undergo the treatment I needed (Root canal/crown fitting), he showed me various breathing/counting exercises to do while I was in the dentist chair, along with the free hypnotherapy MP3 on the website plus other techniques to get me through the treatment.

Now I have no problem going to the dentist I just use Dan’s techniques plus with Patrick being so good he always puts me at ease – I have even had a tooth taken out, which I wouldn’t say it was a pleasant experience but I managed it without having to be sedated.


Caron Pope
December 21, 2015
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Ben describes how hypnotherapy with Dan helped him to overcome issues around bullying, depression and low confidence:

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December 19, 2015
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem, Video Testimonials

I can’t recommend Dan highly enough. He has helped my teenage son immensely. My son had been bullied throughout his secondary school life which left him feeling anxious, having panic attacks and was very depressed with absolutely no confidence and self esteem. Then he met Dan.

Talking to Dan was his turning point,after a few sessions he is a completely different person. He has had a big cloud lifted from his shoulders and has gone from strength to strength. He is now learning to drive and has passed his theory test first time and now has a full time job as an apprentice mechanic. None of which would have been possible for him 6 months ago. So a Massive Thank you to Dan!


December 17, 2015
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Once again Dan has helped me with issues connected to my cancer and treatment. I really felt I had lost myself. I had no enthusiasm or energy due to problems adjusting to new medication. Because of these difficulties I had given up on hoping I would ever feel “normal” again.Thanks to Dan I have found “me” again. I’m back to doing the things I love, I have my energy back. My life is no longer on hold because of my condition. From the bottom of my heart…Thank you Dan. You are amazing. x


December 11, 2015
Category -Other Issues

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