What People Say

In this video, Richard describes how his sessions helped him:

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September 27, 2017
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem, Video Testimonials

I had spent 2 years suffering in silence and doing the bare minimum in order to survive day to day, almost becoming a recluse in my own life. Since spending time with Dan I have gained in strength and confidence and I have managed to take hold of the reins and start to guide my life in the direction I need . Thank you for your understanding and patience and tools for changing my life for the better. Here’s to a bright future and not going back.


September 25, 2017
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

In this testimonial video, Laura describes how she used to have a social smoking habit that would then lead to her smoking more generally afterwards. Following her stop smoking session she can now go out socially, and even be around people smoking, without any desire to smoke:

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Laura Mills
September 22, 2017
Category -Stop Smoking, Video Testimonials

Once again this amazing man has helped me. Scanxiety – the anxiety that hits whenever my cancer scans are due, is a real and terrifying reality. It never gets any easier.

Listening to Dan’s Abolish Anxiety and Deep Relaxation downloads is helping me to deal with what for the past 4 and a half years has been a regular part of my life. I can also practice some of the techniques he taught me help if I get a panic attack. Trying to count backward in 3’s when a panic attack washes over me when I’m on my bike really focuses the mind and the fear lifts away!

I will never be able to thank you enough, Dan. You have helped me so much. Thanks to you this journey I’m on is much more bearable. xxx


ELY, Cambridgeshire
August 28, 2017
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Dan was able to meet with our son at a time when life had become absolutely overwhelming for him. Dan provided him with the tools to start getting his life back. From the very first session we noticed a difference and from there, week by week we got our lovely son back. He helped to provide mechanisms for breaking the cycle of anxiety and was available to talk things through and help build our sons confidence up again.

We saw the most fantastic transformation in our son which at one point seemed almost impossible. We cannot recommend Dan highly enough.


Rachel S.
August 26, 2017
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

I have had confidence issues all my life, finding it very difficult to interact with people. While I was married I left it to my wife to engage with people, I was happy just to stay in the background. Sadly, my wife passed away and at 60 years of age I was completely lost, I had relied on her for so much, but now she was gone.

I knew I had to do something but what, while browsing the internet I came across a hypnotherapist by the name of Dan Regan, spent a while looking over his website and plucked up the courage to call him. Arranged to have an initial consultation with him, right from the start Dan put me at ease and I decided I to go ahead.

After my first session, I didn’t really notice any difference and I thought this might be a waste of time, but I stuck with it and I am glad I did. After the third session, I started to notice that I was actually talking to people more and going out more, I was feeling a lot less nervous about meeting people.

I had six sessions in total and at the end of that time my life had changed completely, I had the confidence to go out and actually start conversations with people, one thing I had always struggled to do in the past. I wish I would have done this 40 years ago.

I was always rather sceptical of hypnosis but it worked for me, if you have any confidence or anxiety issues I can very highly recommend Dan Regan. He has an amazing talent.


Brandon, Suffolk
July 29, 2017
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem

In this video Beth describes how her sessions helped her to end her anxiety and increase her confidence:

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Beth Hannant
June 26, 2017
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

In this testimonial video, Roy describes how his hypnotherapy sessions helped him to end his smoking habit:

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Roy Barrett
June 22, 2017
Category -Stop Smoking, Video Testimonials

In this video, Enrikas describes how his anxiety used to control his life and stop him enjoying his life. It is now seven months since his sessions and he is still anxiety free and happily enjoying his life:

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May 13, 2017
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

In this video, Jenny talks about how she overcame her fear of driving on motorways and dual carriageways that she had struggled with for years:

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May 10, 2017
Category -Phobias & Fears, Video Testimonials

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