What People Say

Re: Anxiety No More Hypnosis Downloads:

Your Anxiety Toolkit recordings never fail to relax me or give me a much needed boost to my spirits and confidence. It has become an essential part of my life, and the more I listen to them, the more effect they have. I can’t recommend it highly enough, it works wonders!


July 28, 2018
Category -Products

Re: Anxiety No More Hypnosis Downloads:

I just started to use your Anxiety No More toolkit. For me it is a great help to understand my problems and I look forward to see you again soon and talk in detail about what I found out. The relaxing kit is just great to get prepared for a good start of the day. Thank you for this great help.


Renate Zeigermann
July 3, 2018
Category -Products

In this video, Kieran describes how his anxiety had been impacting on his life. Following his session he is now free of anxiety and back enjoying doing the things he loves:

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Kieran Brady
June 21, 2018
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

In this video, Lauren describes how her sessions helped her to overcome her anxiety:

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Lauren Thomas
June 14, 2018
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

Re: Mindfulness Hypnosis Download:

I’ve listened to your Mindfulness Hypnosis download several times.
It’s good – I think you’ve captured the essence of meditation the mind watching the thoughts coming and going and not really attaching itself to them. You have also included the mindfulness of breathing technique in there which people use doing their meditation watching the breath come in the body flow around and then leaving. Experiencing the breath in various parts with the body.
You’re recording studio have made a good job of mixing in the backing track as well it seems to me to reach peaks at crucial parts of the hypnosis process. I am very pleased with what you produced.


John Dove
May 25, 2018
Category -Products

In this video, Laura describes how her sessions have helped her to lose weight, take control over emotional eating and to change her relationship with food:

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May 15, 2018
Category -Video Testimonials, Weight Loss

Anxiety Hypnotherapy and Coaching in Ely Review


Dan proved invaluable in helping our son cope with his anxieties, he is infinitely calmer and able to cope with everyday worries that were previously overwhelming him. Cannot recommend Dan enough.


Lauren Ferris
March 8, 2018
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

In this video, Kate describes how her sessions helped her with sports performance and her mindset for training:

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Kate Byrne
February 10, 2018
Category -Other Issues, Video Testimonials

I have suffered from extreme social anxiety and panic disorder for as long as I can remember and since becoming disabled (temporarily) these became so bad that I would not leave the house – even just so walk in the garden. My wife suggested hypnotherapy but for a long time I refused to entertain the idea as I was very sceptical of such ‘airy-fairy’ ‘hippie’ nonsense and thought it would be a complete waste of both money and time. In the end she convinced me to give it a go and so I contacted Dan.

I am extremely pleased (and surprised) with the results. After a few sessions at my house, coupled with excellent self-help advice and resources, my anxiety and panic are now well and truly under control. Even to the extent that I recently travelled to London by train, saw a show at the Royal Albert Hall, had a meal and thoroughly enjoyed every single minute of it. I now lead a much more full, enjoyable and ‘normal’ life. It has even helped me to regain confidence as I learn to walk again. Suffice it to say that I am no longer sceptical and can thoroughly recommend Dan’s services.


Jack Russell
Ely, Cambridgeshire
February 7, 2018
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

I have never looked at myself and thought I was good enough. I have never felt pretty enough, I have never felt like I meant anything to anyone. For the 5 years I have been coping with Depression and Anxiety I have never believed in myself. I have been to different counselling sessions, been on different medication but nothing has helped me become the confident, strong person I was 5 years ago. I cannot express how much Dan has helped me regain my confidence. Week by week I started to feel more like myself again, and after each session I would feel so happy with myself and so confident. To hear my mum say she “has her daughter back” just shows how Dan was able to turn my life back around and get me into a happy state. I now know how to cope in certain situations, and what to do when I feel myself slipping back into old, bad habits. I cannot thank Dan enough for everything he has done. It changed my life completely and I would not be where I am today without him.


January 25, 2018
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem

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