What People Say

In this video, Ashley describes how his hypnotherapy sessions helped him with his Ironman triathlon performance:

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Ashley Blackmore
November 9, 2018
Category -Other Issues, Video Testimonials

In this testimonial video, Shaun describes how his sessions helped him to let go of his anxiety:

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Shaun Brown
September 28, 2018
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

Re: Rapid Relaxation Hypnosis Download:

This has been working very well for me. I will continue to use it on a regular basis, very relaxing and helps me clear my mind every time, thank you.


September 23, 2018
Category -Products

Re: Supercharge Your Self-Confidence Hypnosis Download:

Great help to energise and give you the support you need to move forwards more confidently!


September 6, 2018
Category -Products

In this testimonial video, Sandie describes how her sessions helped to her to deal with her trauma and anxiety:

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Sandie Jardine
August 29, 2018
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

Re: Self Esteem Booster Hypnosis Download:

Dan has a very calm, reassuring voice and is perceptive, full of empathy and has a deep understanding of how the mind works. I always feel more uplifted and boosted after listening to Dan’s audios and this ‘Self Esteem Booster’ is no exception. I highly recommend it if you lack self esteem, self confidence, or if you lack faith in your own abilities. Dan is an exceptional person whose only desire is to help – this is manifested in personal consultations as well as in the audios. I can not recommend this audio highly enough.


August 21, 2018
Category -Products

In the last 18 months I have had several medical issues and developed anxiety when going for medical appointments, tests and scans. I would delay appointments to avoid the anxiety.

I started to see Dan as knew the anxiety was stopping me from getting the answers I needed and also was incredibly unpleasant. I’ve now had 4 sessions with Dan.

Today I went for an appointment which would normally have me feeling beyond anxious and had to undergo several tests. I was told I needed to go for another test which is minimally invasive and I felt really level headed. I didn’t feel any anxiety or nervousness. I felt really ready to get answers.

August 18, 2018
Category -Phobias & Fears

After a serious accident, ( I was struck from behind whilst cycling) I was suffering post traumatic stress, having horrible flashbacks and unable to sleep because of nightmares. 10 weeks into my recovery Dan has helped me start to heal. I’ve still got a way to go but I’m certainly moving in the right direction. Dan is incredible in what he does and I can’t recommend him enough if you are suffering with anxiety and stress. I could not have got this far without his help.

post traumatic stress hypnotherapy testimonial


Sandie Jardine
August 17, 2018
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

In this testimonial video, Miranda describes how her sessions helped her to overcome her fear of swimming in open water so she could compete calmly and confidently in her triathlon:

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Miranda Reynolds
August 1, 2018
Category -Phobias & Fears, Video Testimonials

Re: Anxiety No More Audios:

These techniques really do work, I was unsure at first but there is no doubt and it feels so great being so calm, relaxed and confident


July 31, 2018
Category -Products

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