What People Say

Creating Calm Hypnosis Download Review

Creating Calm Hypnosis Download Review


Really helpful when you find your thoughts spiralling out of control. This wonderful audio allows you to take control of your mind and create needed space and calmness in your head


May 29, 2020
Category -Products

Anxiety No More Hypnosis Download Review

Anxiety hypnotherapy download review


Dan Regan has been a real life line for me. I’ve used his therapy and downloads in the past and found them to be incredibly beneficial. Hypnotherapy carried out in his own style has worked so well with me that when this Covid crisis began I started to use his podcasts everyday. They turned me from a tearful emotional wreck to being someone who can deal with the situation much calmer and rationally. I don’t know how he does it, he just does. If you are lost in a world of stress and anxiety he will place your feet very firmly “back in the room” Quite simply I can not recommend this kind, witty, considerate man enough.

Lou Hartnett
May 28, 2020
Category -Products

In this testimonial video, Charlotte describes how her sessions helped with her health anxiety and fear of flying:

Read Transcript


April 1, 2020
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

Instant Stress Relief Hypnosis Download Review

Instant stress relief hypnosis download review


Exactly as it’s title suggests – Instant stress relief. I’ve used this several times over the past week or so and I’m finding it so helpful. Thank you Dan


March 31, 2020
Category -Products

Stress Relief Hypnosis Download Review

stress relief hypnosis download review


So helpful not only personally but for recommending to clients and friends. Thank you for making this available FOC


Alison K
March 31, 2020
Category -Products

Stress Relief Hypnosis Download Review

stress relief hypnosis download review


I am suffering with major anxiety atm I struggle with sleep and this has helped me a lot thank you

Holly Baker
March 31, 2020
Category -Products

Weight Loss Hypnosis Downloads Review:

Weight Loss Hypnosis Downloads


Had I actually listened to the correct one at the start it would have been more helpful, however when I realised which way round it went it’s very good


March 30, 2020
Category -Products

Stress Relief Hypnosis Downloads Review

Stress Relief Hypnosis Download Review


Really enjoy listening to the download I listen to it every evening I’m finding it’s really helping with my anxiety

March 30, 2020
Category -Products

Feedback from my Fear of Flying Course with Sim2do

I wanted you to know that I had a wonderful trip to Morocco. Partly because the flights to and from were absolutely fine for me, thanks in the most part to both of you. Your enthusiasm for flying, your clear descriptions of how planes worked and your complete confidence in aviation Serena enabled me to be interested in the plane and actually enjoy almost everything about the flight! Especially landing in Marrakech, which looked just like it did on the simulator!

I used your downloads, Dan, on take -off and landing and found just having your calming voice in my ear really helpful. I particularly found the concept of being in control of my reactions to the flight helpful, even though I wasn’t in control of the plane, it was a good distinction to make.

So an enormous thank you to you both for your care, support, and  professionalism it enabled me to have the most fantastic holiday,


March 29, 2020
Category -Phobias & Fears

Anxiety No More Hypnosis Downloads Review

Anxiety no more hypnosis downloads review


Very helpful and relaxing


Wayne Bayford
March 18, 2020
Category -Products

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Hypnosis Downloads

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