What People Say

Review from Google:

Regain Confidence Hypnotherapy in Ely


Dan has been a huge help to me helping me regain myself confidence.

Thank you Dan


Ashley Colcomb
May 14, 2024
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem

Review from Google:

Difficult times at work hypnotherapy


I highly recommend Dan to anyone seeking help with life’s challenges. A few years ago, I was going through difficult times at work, and Dan’s assistance proved invaluable. The techniques he taught me have stayed with me over the years and I still turn to him whenever I face a stubborn problem. Dan is friendly, empathetic, professional, respectful, and supportive. What more could you ask for?


Clair Bryant
May 11, 2024
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Anxiety No More Hypnosis Download Review:

Overcome Anxiety Hypnosis Download


Brilliant, the whole package from the introduction to the two complimentary hypnosis tracks. I have been using them both, one in the morning and one in the evening to support me. I have yet to complete reading the written guide but what I have read so far has been very helpful. I would recommend this package to anyone who needs support to overcome their anxiety.


May 8, 2024
Category -Products

Review from Google:

Professional Hypnotherapy in Ely


Dan is a great guy, he makes you feel at ease. Very Professional and would definitely recommend.


James Cross
May 3, 2024
Category -General

Review from Google:

Anxiety and Low Self-Esteem Hypnotherapy in Ely


I went to Dan, for help with anxiety and low self-esteem, having 6 hypnotherapy sessions with him. It made me more aware of my inner critic and just how much my own thought processes stopped me doing things. Dan gave me tools that helped identify and combat negative thoughts, enabling me to move forward. I would recommend Dan, if you have reached a stumbling block in your life.


Hannah Winter
April 23, 2024
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Confidence & Self Esteem

Review from Google:

Shift mindset hypnotherapy in Ely review


Dan has helped me in ways that I never thought would be possible. I met him with an open mind, thinking that any small improvement we make together would be a miracle and would be worth it. I have one session of the six left, and my family and I cannot believe the wonders Dan has worked. A complete shift of mindset.
If there is something that is negatively affecting your life, just try a few sessions with Dan, even if you believe it’s impossible to change.
I cannot thank you enough


April 17, 2024
Category -General

Review from Google:

confidence hypnotherapy in ely review


I went to see Dan after suffering domestic abuse. I was a nervous wreck and frightened to go out. He helped me get my confidence and my life back. Highly recommended!!


Joanne Wilson
April 11, 2024
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem

Review from Google:

Fear of heights hypnotherapy in Ely


Dan has really helped me with my fear of heights. I would highly recommend him.


Sharon Buxton
April 9, 2024
Category -Phobias & Fears

Review from Google:

Hypnotherapy in Newmarket reviews


I have been visiting Dan for a couple of months after a recommendation, and now it’s my turn to do the recommending. Dan’s work has helped me in a major way in a short period and I would advise anyone who is considering this type of therapy to contact him as soon as possible.



Charlie Sutton
April 3, 2024
Category -General

In this hypnotherapy review video, Nicola describes how her sessions helped with has anxiety at work and in social situations:


March 23, 2024
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

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