What People Say

Review from Google:

dan regan hypnotherapy anxiety review


Absolutely amazing. I can not explain how much the sessions helped me over the years! I also have 2 of Dan’s audios still. It really does work! Worked from the very first session as well as the strategies he suggests, really works too! 100% Recommended Also a friendly person, who truly cares and helps you feel comfortable and at ease!


Beth Hannant
May 27, 2021
Category -General

Review from Google:

Trauma Hypnotherapy in Ely Review


Dan has been instrumental in helping me deal with the trauma of a major RTC. In the early days of my recovery I had horrid flashbacks and nightmares, which he helped bring under control with his hypnosis as well as helping me use different coping strategies when I was struggling at home. Since then I’ve been back to Dan whenever I felt things were getting tough in other areas of my life and each time he has helped me sort things which have allowed me to continue being the confident happy person I am. I really can’t recommend this kind gentle caring man enough.


Sandie Jardine
May 27, 2021
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

A really top service.

April 6, 2021
Category -General

After struggling a little bit and then entering a third lockdown, I contacted Dan for a online hypnotherapy session. Having seen Dan about 4 years ago, I was already comfortable with hypnotherapy and the session online is just as good and helpful as it is in person! would recommend the online sessions just as much as face to face and the best thing about it is that you don’t even have to leave your house for it!

Thanks again for all your help

January 23, 2021
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Anxiety Relief Hypnosis Download Review

Anxiety Relief Hypnosis Download Review


This is a great audio to help challenge those negative and unwanted thoughts you may be having. I’ve only used it the once so far, but I noticed a huge shift in my outlook afterwards!

Laura M
December 5, 2020
Category -Products

Morning Calm Hypnosis Download Review

Morning Calmness Hypnosis Download Review


Thank you so much for this it has really helped me calm down my anxiety


Oliver Cooper
November 2, 2020
Category -Products

Self Confidence Hypnosis Download Review

Self Confidence Hypnosis Download Review


Really good for getting me ready for a day

Oliver Cooper
November 2, 2020
Category -Products

I’ve had to consult Dan over the last few years for two different reasons now and can thoroughly say I’ve had great outcomes from both as I can describe below.

I’d been a nervous flyer for many years, sometimes choosing to drive on holidays rather than having to fly.  Around 3 years ago I chose a role change in my job that meant I was going to need to move on from my flying fear as I would be travelling to Switzerland at least once a month.  I’d heard a couple of friends talk about hypnotherapy for quitting smoking before and they’d said positive things about it and it had helped them give up.  After a quick Google of those in the area I found Dan and booked myself in.

I instantly found Dan very easy to talk to. Each session started by talking through with Dan how I was in general and then dived into the detail on my previous flying history – the thoughts and feelings I had at the time of the flights, the airport, getting on the plane, the actual parts of the flight etc. He also asked about how I’d like it to be – essentially my target that I wanted to get to.  The second half of the sessions was the hypnotherapy itself – a truly relaxing experience.  Dan is clearly a very good listener as, alongside the background music, he will feed in all that you’ve discussed in the first part while you’re deeply relaxed and taking it all in – eyes shut and thinking about nothing else.

I had around 5 sessions with Dan for my flying fear and had amazingly positive results, going from around 4 flights in 15 years to 24 flights through the next year!  Each time I was leading up to the flight and on the flight itself, my mind was able to somehow refer back to our conversations and also use extra techniques that Dan had explained to move the mind away from the fear.  I’ve moved on from that job now and actually miss the flying out to Switzerland!

Advancing to around 6 months ago, Coronavirus hit us all and like me, totally changed our daily routines.  For me, gone was the commute to the office on the train, earphones in and reading a booking to learn something new.  Gone was the office interaction and along came the carnage of home-schooling alongside the day job.  This threw me completely and, in early April, a big anxiety problem cropped up and I became very worried about it.  I’d consulted the Mind mental health website to compare the symptoms I was feeling (both mental and physical) and decided I had to act pretty quickly.  My very next step was to make contact with Dan again to ask for his help and more hypnotherapy sessions for my anxiety.  I only had a couple of sessions this time (with the added technical challenge of it being over Zoom due to total lockdown!) but again, they really helped me.

In my own personal list of benefits of working with Dan, high on the list would always be just the chance of talking the issue through with someone and not trying to deal with it on your own.  If you’re like me, you’ll then find the hypnotherapy part a zen-like experience that you’ll want to return to again and again.  Dan also provides a selection of downloadable audio files to listen to in your own time which I tend to do at least on a weekly basis!

Chris Tromans
September 29, 2020
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

From experiencing several years anxiety which had an effect on my quality of life I can confidently say that Dan Regan has helped by giving me confidence in myself and I now look forward to a brighter future, thank you Dan.

Carol Tebbs
August 11, 2020
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Creating Calm Hypnosis Download Review

Creating Calm Hypnosis Download Review


Really helpful audio. I have listened to it to help with issues sleeping well during lockdown and I feel calmer and can get back to sleep easier rather then overthinking. Would recommend

July 8, 2020
Category -Products

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