What People Say

Rapid Relaxation Hypnosis Review

Rapid Relaxation Hypnosis Review


I suffer with menopause anxiety, this is brilliant, Dan’s voice is so soothing. This is my new go to when I need to calm quickly as the anxiety kicks in.

Fiona Lowe
November 17, 2021
Category -Products

Creating Calm Hypnosis Download Review:

Creating Calm Hypnosis Download Hypnotherapy Review

I love how grounding these sessions are.


Fiona Lowe
November 17, 2021
Category -Products

Clear Out Mental Trash Hypnosis Download Review:

Clear Out Mental Trash Hypnosis Download

Brilliant for the when I need to quiet the mind. I feel a mental weight lifted helps me to release what is not important or necessary.


Fiona Lowe
November 17, 2021
Category -Products

Positive Mindset Hypnosis Download Review:

positive mindset hypnosis download

Yet another great session from Dan. Does what says. I love it.


Fiona Lowe
November 17, 2021
Category -Products

A few years back I set up my own property maintenance business but due to my anxiety and lack of confidence, I was finding it hard to take it to carry on as I was waking up not wanting to go to work and found my self getting stressed out over small things on a daily basis which became exhausting, Dan was recommended to me and although  I was skeptical about the whole process I  decided to give it a shot, best thing I’ve ever done and am now thriving once again this has helped me over come my troubles and I am now waking up ready to go and full of confidence unbelievable how this has changed my life so quickly. Dan is an extremely easy man to talk to more like taking to a friend then a professional can’t thank him enough.

Barry Helstrip
October 25, 2021
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Review from Google:

Top Coach and Therapist - Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket


Dan is a top coach & therapist, highly recommended.


Wayne Till
October 13, 2021
Category -General

Dan is a very special man, with his techniques and guidance,  he brought me out of a very dark place. I came to him rock bottom , no self worth and no confidence. Within just a few sessions I was so much stronger. I had 6 sessions with Dan and it transformed my mindset. A year on and I am now coaching people who are in that dark place I once was. Thank you Dan.

Rory Sasse
September 24, 2021
Category -Confidence & Self Esteem

Rapid Relaxation Hypnosis Download Review:

Relaxation Hypnosis Download Review

Listened 3 times, fell asleep twice. So definitely helped with relaxation.

September 12, 2021
Category -Products

In this testimonial video, Natasha describes how her hypnotherapy sessions helped her to overcome her panic attacks and to successfully manage her anxiety:

Read Transcript


August 27, 2021
Category -Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Video Testimonials

Weight Loss Triple Hypnosis Download Review

weight loss triple hypnosis download review


I bought this for a friend as I had excellent results combining other downloads with face to face sessions. He has had good success using this alone.

August 16, 2021
Category -Products

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