Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy for weight loss is one of the most common things that people come to see me about. You’ll have tried multiple times with various diets and fads and probably be heavier now than when you first started. You can get short term results but nothing that really lasts. You want to lose weight, make long lasting lifestyle changes and have a healthy relationship with food. You know it’s your mindset and habits but still you struggle to make, and stick to, the healthier patterns that you keep promising yourself you’ll achieve. You want to be slimmer, healthier and happier but somehow it just seems like such hard work.

Only today I came across a story in the BBC about how more than half of all adults and a third of children, teenagers and young adults are predicted to be overweight or obese by 2050. That is a lot of people carrying excess weight. And, of course, with this comes the increased risk of all sorts of physical health issues that can well be debilitating.

I remember when, years ago, I struggled with my own weight. It made me miserable and I even felt a bit isolated from everyone else. I would be self critical about my weight and appearance. And, as often happens, I then used food to try and cheer myself up a bit. I knew there was an issue but I pretended that there wasn’t and just carried on doing the same old things over and over.

Eating habits, like other habits and patterns, have a way of gaining a seemingly unstoppable momentum. By the time you realise that your relationship with food is not that great, it feels like you are already too stuck to change it. Maybe it is emotional eating and using food as an external means to change how you feel when stressed, anxious, bored or down. Maybe unhealthy food has even become part of what you do to celebrate things and an integral part of happier moments.

For other people it is snacking and over-eating that are the problems. So many people eat when they are not even hungry. And even more people eat excessive portions that are way beyond what their body needs. These eating habits may go all the way back to childhood or they could have started later when you had more freedom or when settled in a relationship.

Whether is it emotional eating, unhealthy habits or negative associations with food, it is very possible to make beneficial and effective changes with weight loss hypnotherapy.

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Why You Should Get Dancing For Weight Loss

Why You Should Get Dancing For Weight Loss

Why You Should Get Dancing For Weight Loss – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

You should be dancing, yeah! Dancing, yeah! So sang the Bee Gees, whose songs, alongside those from Showaddywaddy, are guaranteed to get me up on the dance floor at any party. I’ve still got all the moves! You’ll just have to trust me on that one!

And who doesn’t love a good dance to a good song at a party. My moves are nothing like those rehearsed, synchronised things you see on TikTok or the copy and paste my kids sometimes do to a just dance video on You Tube. I know a lot of people love the dancing on Strictly but I’m more of a freestyle type guy!! Or ‘no style’ if you ask my kids!

There’s no doubt that exercise and movement are good for you. Being active supports both your physical and mental health, and there are a whole load of health risks associated with being too sedentary. I’ve written before about the mental health benefits of exercise and how it can help with things such as anxiety, depression and stress. And, as you’ll already know, burning some calories through moving also helps with weight loss. Sure, you need to be eating the right amount and in control over your eating habits (which my hypnotherapy sessions can very much help you with) and exercise certainly helps with weight loss too.

Regardless of the science, I’ve always subscribed to the view that the best form of exercise for weight loss (and your mental health), is to do something you enjoy. If it is fun and enjoyable then you’ll stick with it and get more from it instead of trying to make yourself do something when you heart isn’t in it (and any excuse to not do it starts to seem like a good one). As long as you are moving and your heart rate increases a bit then all is good.

And whilst we already have evidence for the benefits of strength work and cardio, there is now the evidence around whether you can get dancing for weight loss. Now, before we get onto the evidence, of course I think we can all guess the outcome of moving and being active if you want to get fitter and healthier. Yet if you’ve been thinking that to lose weight you have to force yourself to the gym or run a marathon even though you hate running, then this may be the inspiration you need to get dancing more.

And so, is dancing an effective intervention for weight loss?

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Control Eating Habits and Weight Loss Hypnotherapy

Control Eating Habits and Weight Loss Hypnotherapy

Control Eating Habits and Weight Loss Hypnotherapy

A major component of any successful and sustainable weight loss programme is always learning how to control your eating habits.

Rather than dieting and restriction, you can reach your ideal weight and still enjoy all the tastes, textures, smells and tastes of healthy and nutritious food. You simply learn to enjoy consistently eating the right amount.

So many of us learn eating habits that are less than ideal and then get stuck in a cycle of repeating them. Even if you make some changes for a while, without addressing the underlying psychological and behavioural issues, you soon find yourself back where you started. You may have been told when you were young that you needed to clear your plate (perhaps through the guilt of starving people in the world). You may have always eaten quickly, over-eaten or made less than healthy choices. And it’s quite common that once you had the freedom to make your own eating decisions then the calories came thick and fast (and perhaps sweet too).

Many eating habits get ingrained without you even realising until your weight is an issue. And, as with all habits, your brain is designed to repeat the same patterns, regardless of whether they are helpful or not.  And so you eat too much, make unhealthy choices, crave certain foods, find it impossible to stop once you’ve started and mindlessly snack. You get stuck in a rut and, no matter how many diets you’ve tried, you can’t break free.

If your weight is an issue for you, you may already be trying to summon the motivation and inspiration you need to try and start yet another weight loss programme of calorie counting, restriction and deprivation. It’s a depressing prospect of struggle and likely failure.

However, with weight loss hypnotherapy it certainly is possible to take control over your eating habits and so to then successfully lose weight.

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Weight Loss Motivation – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Weight Loss Motivation – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Weight Loss Motivation – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

A lot of people struggle to believe me when I tell them that when I was younger I was very overweight and hated all exercise with a passion. Up until my mid-teens, I considered P.E. to be a form of mental and physical suffering and unpleasantness. And my unhealthy snacking meant I was probably the biggest kid in a school of about a thousand students. I had no interest in sport or being active, I was eating too much rubbish and I was often the brunt of fat jokes, jibes and insults. I probably wasn’t too happy with how I looked and felt but I could go home and forget about it because we didn’t have social media or messaging.

At some point in my mid teens (or thereabouts) I started doing something about it, but mainly just because my mates all played football after school and I didn’t want to be left out. I can also vividly remember at some point being so depressed about my weight that I would bike ten miles on an exercise bike at home most evenings. Then I ditched most of the rubbish and started enjoying football with mates and a little bit of running. For someone with anxiety and low self-esteem, i found that eating a bit healthier and exercising made me feel better in myself. I’ve written elsewhere on my website about the science and evidence for running and exercise benefiting your physical and mental health.

After getting a bit fitter and healthier, running became something enjoyable that I actually wanted to do, a mindset that still continues.

I work with a lot of people seeking help with their weight loss motivation and consistency with exercise. At the heart of all eating is learning how to be in control over your eating habits, rather than food running (and ruining) your life. You increase your weight loss motivation, take control over eating habits and then, feeling healthier and happier, you can continue to tweak and nudge things forward. When you have a healthier relationship with food, everything gets easier.

And sometimes people want help with exercise motivation. Maybe they’ve not done any exercising for years, or they’ve lost their motivation for it and want to enjoy being active again. And that comes from building a little bit of motivation and perseverance and then positive habits set in.

If you are desperately seeking some weight loss motivation then hypnotherapy can certainly help you with your thoughts, feelings, habits and behaviours around food and eating.

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Weight Loss Strategies – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Weight Loss Strategies – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Weight Loss Strategies – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

The weight loss strategies that you consistently adopt will determine whether you achieve your weight goals or whether you struggle to lose weight and keep it off.

For many people even the thought of yet another weight loss attempt can feel pretty depressing and defeating. If you’ve lost in the past and then put it all back on, then the idea of doing it all over again after all that wasted previous effort can sap all of your motivation and persistence. You want to lose wight yet you don’t want to have to deprive yourself. You may enjoy food and worry about everything to do with eating becoming boring and pleasure-less. You know what you should be eating and what you should be doing yet somehow you can’t get going or make it a seamless part of your healthy, slim, lifestyle.

Sadly, the fact remains that despite more and more weight loss approaches and diets being available, more people are overweight and the majority of people attempting weight loss struggle to implement effective and workable weight loss strategies for the achievement and maintenance of long-term weight loss.

However, no matter where you are right now with your weight, or what you may have tried before, it is possible to make positive, sustainable changes. You can change your mindset and relationship with food. And, just like my other clients, you can take control over your eating habits, feel healthier and happier and consistently make progress towards being the size, shape and weight that you desire to be.

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Weight Loss Through Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Weight Loss Through Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Weight Loss Through Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Perhaps one of the most satisfying aspects of being a hypnotherapist is when I help someone finally take control over their eating habits. After what may have been a lifetime of struggle, frustration and inconsistency, my weight loss clients learn to calmly and consistently make healthier food choices and decisions.

For some, their unhealthy relationship with food started as a child and just continues to be an ongoing issue from them on. Others found that once they had the freedom to make their own eating decisions then snacking, sugar and overeating started. And most clients already know what they should be eating, yet their mindset, experiences and habits continue to thwart them. Positive results may come for a time and then they find themselves drifting back to what they were doing before and any weight they have lost comes back on. It can seem like a form of self sabotage where you eat in ways that you know are not good for you.

Sometimes you will have tried lots of different diets and plans over the years, maybe getting some weight loss results for a while but then struggling to maintain it if your motivation wavers or you try to eat normally. You may eat emotionally when stressed, anxious, happy, sad or worried and find it hard not to fall back into this long used method of managing your emotions. Or it may be that you’ve just developed some unhealthy habits and behaviours around food that mean you are eating more than you need, struggling to resist temptation or just plodding along doing the same old things with no clear focus.

Whether you want to be healthier and happier, to look good and feel good or you want to be fitter and in better shape, hypnotherapy can help you to make positive, sustainable changes that will allow you to make progress towards being the size, shape and weight you desire.

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Changing Eating Habits With Hypnosis – Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Changing Eating Habits With Hypnosis – Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Changing Eating Habits With Hypnosis – Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

One of the main challenges you may face when trying to lose weight are all of those established habits and behaviours that you’ve been repeating over and over for so long. 

You may have been able to change your behaviours around food for a while, yet those unhelpful and unhealthy habits seem to just creep back in. And so you find yourself eating when you aren’t hungry, snacking, comfort eating, craving sugar or just eating more than you need. Despite all of your good intentions, habits can be difficult to change with just willpower and persistence.  

Your weight continues to bother you, you don’t feel as good as you know you could, and every setback makes the next attempt to change eating habits even more of a struggle.

As creatures of habit, pattern and repetition we all find ourselves repeating the same sorts of things over and over in similar situations. Those patterns, from your past experiences and behaviours, lead to certain thoughts, feelings and behaviours around food and eating. Just trying to consciously change these patterns and eating habits can feel like a struggle where you are battling with yourself to make the kind of healthy decisions that you want to make.  

And that’s where weight loss hypnotherapy and the psychological approaches that go with it can help. Rather than being stuck in a constant yo-yo struggle with yourself, you can learn how to take back control over your eating habits and to develop the kind of positive, healthy relationship with food that will bring you the positive results that you’re looking for. 

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Weight Loss – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Weight Loss – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Weight Loss – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

If you have been struggling to make successful progress towards your weight loss goals, then it is likely that there are psychological, behavioural and emotional factors that keep hindering you.

Whenever I help someone with weight loss, they will tell me about how they use food to manage their emotions, such as stress, sadness, boredom, happiness and for a perceived sense of comfort from food. There will be unhelpful behaviours involving unhealthy food choices, such as overeating or snacking in front of the TV. And there can be a host of other thoughts, patterns and habits that keep the unhealthy eating patterns going and that make it hard to just take back control over your eating habits without help.

You probably have a reasonably good idea of what constitutes a healthy or unhealthy food, and about what you should be eating if you want to feel healthier and happier. Yet the habits, emotions and associations that have built up over time mean that making good decisions is easier in theory than in practice. Yet, whether you learnt your behaviours around food at an early age, or they just crept in at some point along the way, it is certainly very possible to take back control over your eating habits, to enjoy eating just the right amount for you and to build the focus, motivation and determination you need to achieve your weight loss goals.  

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Nutritional Wisdom and Food Choices – Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

Nutritional Wisdom and Food Choices – Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

Nutritional Wisdom and Food Choices – Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

So many people who come to see me describe their never ending battle to try and achieve their weight loss goals. They tell me about all the different diets they’ve been on and how they lost some weight for a while, only to put it back on again. They describe how they seemingly self sabotage their own success through their unhealthy relationship with food and their habits around eating. They’ll tell me about emotional eating, eating when not hungry and mindless eating.

And, most of all, they will tell me about their frustration, annoyance and disappointment that, despite knowing what they should be doing, they continue to struggle to lose weight and keep it off.

Taking control over eating habits and feeling healthier and happier are things that can be positively achieved with the right psychological approach and behaviours. In the same way you will have learnt unhealthy patterns, habits and behaviours around food, you can also learn how to eat the right amount of the right things and to handle any challenges that may come along.

When I was younger I used to struggle with my eating and weight. I would use food to deal with how I was feeling and I would then feel annoyed with myself for putting on weight. It became a cycle of habitually eating poorly and feeling bad. Yet, in the same way that you can using hypnotherapy, I managed to finally break out of this cycle and adopt much more positive and healthy eating habits.      

It’s always a pleasure and joy when my clients describe to me how they no longer snack for the sake of it, how they can leave food if they don’t need it and how they feel better in their body and in their clothes. With the right mindset and habits, weight loss and achieving the size, shape and weight you desire, become easier and easier each day. 

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Hypnosis and Mindfulness For Weight Loss Success

Hypnosis and Mindfulness For Weight Loss Success

Hypnosis and Mindfulness For Weight Loss Success

Many people live their lives in a constant state of battle with their eating choices and their weight. Unhealthy habits, food cravings and overeating can all combine to impact upon your weight and to mean that, even if you lose weight, you find yourself frustratingly putting it all back on again.

Many people have also found that that pandemic-related stress and changes to usual pattens led to eating more, drinking more and putting on weight. Many people have told me how they have found themselves engaging in more mindless eating, increasing the quantity of food they eat and using food and eating to cope with things.

And it’s not only recent events that can have impacted upon your weight. Many people endure a lifetime of struggling with their weight and not feeling comfortable in their own body. You may try a whole range of diets, lose some weight, only to put it back on again, binge eat, emotionally eat or just have an unhealthy relationship with food, which in turn means your weight goes up.

As well as diet and exercise, addressing the psychological aspects of eating is vital if you want to achieve weight loss and reach the weight, size and shape that you desire. You need to develop control, be able to manage your emotions effectively, be able to encourage yourself and learn healhty eating habits, thinking and behaviours. All of this is certainly possible with an approach such as weight loss hypnotherapy, and recent evidence has looked into the effectiveness of hypnosis and mindfulness strategies for successful weight loss. 

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