Quit Smoking Hypnosis

Quitting Smoking After 30 Years

Quitting Smoking After 30 Years:

Do you have a love-hate realtionship with smoking? Maybe you want to quit smoking and know you should yet sometimes you feel like you enjoy it or the fact that you get a few minutes to yourself.

Or maybe you are one of those smokers who actually hates it yet you still go on being controlled by it and a slave to it. And it could be that you are even afraid of quitting smoking in case you fail or you start over-eating instead.

Whatever the reason you continue to smoke, it is possible to sucessfully quit smoking, just like the person in the video below.

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Quit Smoking Tips: End The Effects of Smoking

Quit Smoking Tips: End The Effects of Smoking

Are you tired of the effects of smoking? Fed up of having your life dictated by cigarettes? 

You’ve probably been fed the line that smoking is an addiction for years, yet that can’t quite explain how some people are able to give up overnight just like that. And nearly everyone knows someone who went from being chained to the effects of smoking and puffing like a steam train and then who quit smoking seemingly effortlessly overnight.

Whilst there is certainly a physical aspect to smoking from that nicotine, far stronger in stopping you in your efforts to quit smoking are the psychological habits and associations.

To start you on your way to breaking free, I’ve included some quit smoking tips below.

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Can you beat 54 years of smoking?

Can you beat 54 years of smoking?

Recently I helped someone who had smoked heavily for 54 years to easily stop smoking successfully.

And of course I’ve also helped many other people who have smoked for a few years, dozens of years or many decades to quit smoking for good.

In effect, they all went from being a smoker when they walked in the room, to being someone who used to smoke and no longer does when they left their session.

The reason my stop smoking programme works so effectively (as long as you want to quit smoking) is that it addresses all the key aspects of smoking.

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Why Stop Smoking?

Why Stop Smoking?

Recently I’ve been working with loads of people who want to stop smoking (and who are now non-smokers!).

And I know there are many more out there who could use the help to quit.

To a non-smoker it seems obvious that you should stop smoking – they will tell you about the impact on your health and the cost of smoking, as well as the stink of it on your clothes and in your hair.

Every smoker I work with already knows that every puff is leading them to an early grave and that they really should stop smoking right now. So what keeps you smoking even when you know the consequences?

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Glenn quits smoking with hypnotherapy in Ely

In this video, Glenn describes how he ended his habit and was able to quit smoking for good with hypnotherapy.

When Glenn came to see me over 6 months ago, he was smoking up to 20 day and was completely fed up with it. He desperately wanted to take back control and stop smoking.

Here Glenn describes how he quit smoking and how good he now feels:

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Planning to stop smoking?

Planning to stop smoking?

With the New Year approaching, are you now planning to quit smoking? Maybe stopping smoking will be your New Year Resolution or maybe you’ve just decided that you no longer want to be a slave to the cigarettes and the toil they reap on your health.

If you want to successfully stop smoking for good then you can start to stack the odds in your favour even before you quit smoking. Your smoking feeds off your current habitual behaviours and associations around smoking as well as the impact of the nicotine and all the rest of the chemicals on your body.

Just trying to sort out your smoking habit alone can lead to increased stress and irritability and so you eat more or go back to smoking to cope. And just swapping cigarettes for another nicotine form doesn’t address the habitual relationship you have with smoking. As one stop smoking client told me yesterday: even with nicotine patches he still felt the need to hold a cigarette and smoke and he ended up feeling dizzy and sick from increasing his nicotine intake.

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Stoptober – from a month to forever

Stoptober – from a month to forever

Stoptober is upon us and you may be one of many smokers hoping to stop smoking for 28 days – and hopefully to continue stopping smoking beyond that.

I fully support anyone who is trying to stop smoking – it’s an unecessary habit that gives you very little in return for the massive price you end up paying with your health.

And although may people quit smoking using will power alone, you may have experiened the ‘elastic band’ effect in the past. This happens when you force yourself to stop something for a period but like stretching an elastic band, sooner or later it springs back to its starting point.

Because in many ways aiming to quit smoking for just 28 days can be a bit like going on a diet in the few weeks before going on holiday – the longer it goes on the more you start to think about food and want to eat it. Once the holiday is over, the motivation and reasons eavaporate and you find yourself putting all the weight back on.

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Five ways to increase your stop smoking success

Five ways to increase your stop smoking success

It’s that time of year when many people decide to stop smoking for good – only for their healthy intentions to go up in a puff of smoke a short time later.

Actually stopping smoking is something that most smokers intend to do. Yet it can seem quite daunting to actually stop smoking. After all, you’ve probably tried and failed before and you may be surrounded by others with similar tales of failure and frustration.

If you really want to stop smoking and you want to start feeling healthier, happier and wealthier right now, then here are five things that will help give you that push and increase your chances of success. 

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Are you prepared to stop smoking?

Are you prepared to stop smoking?

With New Year approaching, the Government is all set to launch a new stop smoking campaign highlighting the toxic damage smoking does to your organs, including your brain 

If you smoke and haven’t quit smoking yet, you probably already know that it isn’t doing any favours to your health – now and into the future.

And with the New Year approaching, is now the time you find the way to stop smoking for good? 

Yet the sooner you stop smoking, the sooner your body starts to recover and your health and wellbeing start improving.

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When will you Stop Smoking?

When will you Stop Smoking?

When will you stop smoking?

What will it take for you to finally take that step and quit smoking for good?

All smokers know that cigarettes are bad for them. You know that sucking in nicotine and other chemicals just can’t be good for you. And you know that you are gambling with your health with every drag.

And you may have told yourself many times that one of these days you will stop smoking for good.

So when will the time be right for you to stop smoking?

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