Sports Improvement

Confidence Playing Football – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Confidence Playing Football – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Confidence Playing Football – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Has your confidence playing football taken a dip? Or maybe you know you have more to give on the pitch but your confidence when playing football isn’t where you want it to be.

Anyone who plays football knows that where your head is at before and during a game will affect how you play. It could be day to day anxiety and stress that you carry with you onto the pitch. Maybe your general confidence and self-esteem levels aren’t as high as you would like them to be and this plays out in your game. And for many players, their own tendency to worry about being judged negatively or to be overly harsh and self-critical towards themselves, can impact on performance.

I’ve worked with players who make one mistake on the pitch and then their thoughts are stuck on that moment even when the game has moved on. Something shouted at you from someone on the side of the pitch can get in your head and you start playing with doubt and nerves. You miss a tackle, get booked, mess up a shot a goal, make an error and you concede or any other number of perceived or actual mistakes and mishaps that can be part of a game.

You start to dwell upon your performance and what you think you did, or didn’t, do well in the game. Instead of playing naturally you overthink and force things. You start to feel more nervous and anxious in the warm up and even in training. You start to think that you aren’t good enough. Your head can drop and you spend large parts of the game more focused in your own imagination and negative self-talk rather than responding to what is going on around you. Your performance suffers and you feel even worse.

When your confidence levels while playing football are good, everything just flows. You respond instinctively, your concentration levels are good, things just click and you are in the zone where you play at your best. Your thoughts, feelings, ability and performance all come together for you in these moments. Yet when your confidence levels dip, everything becomes harder. You don’t play to your best, things just seem a bit off for you and you can even start to lose the joy for the game that you once had. That’s where football confidence hypnotherapy can step in so that you can step up.

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Hypnotherapy for Football Performance

Hypnotherapy for Football Performance

Hypnotherapy for Football Performance

The Euros have kicked off and the group games are advancing at pace. Sadly Wales aren’t there this time but I’m loving watching as many of the games as I can. There have been some tight games, at least one big shock and plenty of goals have been flying in. It’s always fun watching teams who I don’t normally get to watch and playing in a competition where the fans are excited and every game means something.

If you play football then you’ll already know that your mindset is just as important as your skill levels and physical fitness. If you want to perform at your best you need to be focused and confident. You need to manage your thoughts, feelings and emotions before kick off and through to the final whistle.

No matter what level you play at, all sorts of things can get in the way of your performance on the field. General life stress and anxiety, and other things off the pitch, can affect how you play. You may struggle with injury and getting back into playing because of the fear of another injury occurring. There can be setbacks after you make a mistake or if your team are on a losing streak. You may doubt yourself if you aren’t in the first team consistently. There can be comments from coaches, team mates, opposition players or spectators that get into your head and lead to doubt, negativity and indecision. And a host of other negative thoughts and feelings can damage your self belief, lead to negative self talk and interfere with your ability to perform at your best.

You can probably think back over times you’ve performed well and been pleased with your playing. You know you can play well, yet psychological issues can seemingly block you from drawing upon that capability consistently. It can become a negative habit that stops you playing well and can even ruin your enjoyment of the game. Things can happen during a game that adversely impact upon you. You want to be able to go into a game knowing you can perform to the best of your capability, manage your own self-talk and thinking, and remain resilient enough to handle whatever comes your way.

Hypnotherapy for football performance can help you to boost your performance, strengthen your confidence and be in control over you thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions on and off the field.

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Huntingdon Ultramarathon Result – Thanks for all your support!

Huntingdon Ultramarathon Result – Thanks for all your support!

Huntingdon Ultramarathon Result – Thanks for all your support!

The great Huntingdon Ultramarathon has now been and I’m pleased to say I survived it!

Yesterday I headed over to Huntingdon on a warm Sunday morning and I’m pleased to report that I achieved my goal of nine laps of the course. I completed 29.5 miles in 5 hours and 23 minutes. I’m pretty pleased with that as the last lap was a bit of an ordeal! Huge thanks to my friend, Matt, who came up from Windsor to support me and to hold my water and fruit pastilles.

The event, by Zig Zag racing, was well organised and relaxed and everyone seemed to enjoy the day. Hinchingbrooke Park was a lovely venue, even with the deep, damp mud that lurked throughout the woodland part of the course.

A massive thank you to everyone who sent me good luck messages before the event. And a massive thanks to everyone who sponsored me to help me raise a bit for MacMillan Cancer Support (if you can spare a pound or two there is still time to sponsor me and help this great cause: – thank so much!).

Here I am before the start, that bit where you have no idea what is in store for you!

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Running For Macmillan Cancer Support

Running For Macmillan Cancer Support

Running For Macmillan Cancer Support

I’ve been busy with my running training and I’m delighted to confirm that I’m going to be raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support when I take part in my next event in April.

For those of you who have been following me for a long time, you may just about remember that I’ve run to help Macmillan before. Way back in about 2013, while my Dad was very poorly with cancer but still with us, I headed back to my home town of Cardiff to take part in the half marathon there. The whole event was outstanding, especially the start where I got to hang around inside the castle for a while before heading to the start line and heading off. A crazy, enjoyable, busy event that helped me to raise a few hundred pounds for such a great cause.

And so Macmillan are a cause close to my heart. They were there when my Dad had cancer to provide advice, information and support. More recently, they have provided help while my father in law has been going through his battle with cancer and his treatment.

Last time it was a half marathon and this time I’m making it more of a challenge for myself. I’ll be heading to Huntingdon in April to do as many laps as I can of a looped course within the six hour time limit. Fingers crossed, I’ll get beyond a marathon and somewhere around the 50k mark. Based on my return to long distance running last year, I’m expecting it to be pretty tough. Yet every penny for Macmillan matters so if you can spare some change then I’d be massively grateful, it’ll help me to persist on the day and it will help Macmillan to help more people who are going through the tough challenge of facing cancer.

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Ely Marathon Result – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Ely Marathon Result – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Ely Marathon Result – Running Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Phew! It was a scorching hot day on Sunday but I’m glad to report that I managed to somehow drag myself around the course and complete the Ely Marathon (part of the Ely Runfest organised by Ely Tri Club). You might think in October that it is going to be a reasonably cool day, yet the weather gods had other ideas!

My time wasn’t the best yet after so many years since my last marathon, I’m just super happy to have crossed the finish line and collected my medal. I’ll also be pretty happy when my legs stop aching as I’d forgotten about the challenges of stairs in the days after running a marathon (I’m glad my office is on the ground floor!!).

I wrote a little about my training and running psychology in this recent article: Marathon Training and Mindset where I also include links to many other articles that can help you with your running mindset to boost performance.

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Marathon Training and Mindset – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Marathon Training and Mindset – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Marathon Training and Mindset – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

It’s official, after what seems like an age since my last attempt, I will soon be running a marathon. Now, my days of trying to get personal bests are a bit behind me yet I’m still excited to take part in an official events and to put my semi-structured marathon training into practice.

After several attempts in previous years that have usually ended in some part or other of me breaking, I’ve slowed things down and, perhaps unsurprisingly, am now enjoying those long runs a whole lot more.  The other day I ran twenty three miles at a steady pace and it’s nice to have the time to see the scenery, to say a few words to a passer by and to be comfortably alone in my own thoughts.

I’ve written many times  about running hypnosis and psychology and I’ve included some links below. And if you are in marathon training, or doing running of any kind, then I have some awesome hypnosis downloads that you may want to listen to alongside your actual running to support your running endeavours.

It’s very noticeable how important your mindset and inner dialogue can be when it comes to running. You want to avoid talking yourself out of putting your trainers on and getting out running. You need to be able to deal with that inner chimp when out running and you want to be as calm and confident as you can be when taking part in an event with all the sights, sounds and people that entails.

According to Facebook memories it’s been at least seven years since I last completed a marathon (but that’s not necessarily accurate!) so I’m hoping to stay healthy, get to the start line, jog around and then stay in one piece to collect the medal. And, like all runners, I’ve already got my eye on the race that comes after that one (a solid 50k ultra marathon).

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Football Performance and Running Hypnosis Downloads – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Football Performance and Running Hypnosis Downloads – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Football Performance and Running Hypnosis Downloads – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

If you are into your sports then you’ll know the importance of your mindset and attitude when playing. At whatever level of sport it is, having confidence, staying calm under pressure and having belief in your own capability are vital assets and attributes.

I work with a lot of sports people, from Olympians and professionals through to those who do it for recreation, fitness or fun. The one thing in common with every sports person is their desire to do their best and to perform at their best. I’ve been meaning to get into the recording studio and create some hypnosis downloads which are focused on football and running performance. 

And I’m delighted to say that my football performance and some running hypnosis downloads are now available over in my shop!

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The World Cup Kicks Off! Football Confidence Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

The World Cup Kicks Off! Football Confidence Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

The World Cup Kicks Off! Football Confidence Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

The football World Cup is here! Having never seen Wales at a world cup before in my lifetime, it’s something super exciting to be able to watch them at the biggest tournament in the world!

There are a whole host of non football related issues around this world cup, yet from my sports psychology perspective, it’s a useful opportunity to remind you of how hypnotherapy can help you with your confidence and performance if you are a footballer.

If you play football, then you’ll already know that your mindset is just as important as your physical fitness, skill and technique. You need to be able to calmly make decisions, respond to setbacks, keep focused and play to your confident best. If you lose your focus, get too emotional or let a negative thought grow inside of your head, then the rest of your game can go out of the window.

Football confidence hypnotherapy can help you to improve your football performance through management of your emotional levels, effective visualisation and harnessing your self-talk constructively. You can draw upon previous successful performances, learn from role models, build your sense of self belief and capability and prime your mind for successful performance. 

Whatever your level of playing, you want to perform to your best and enjoy your football and be using effective sports psychology hypnotherapy, you can achieve just that. 

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Hypnosis For Golf Performance – Sports Performance Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Hypnosis For Golf Performance – Sports Performance Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Hypnosis For Golf Performance – Sports Performance Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Recently I’ve been working with a golfer to help him to overcome issues and unhelpful habits with a certain part of his game. As anyone who takes part in a sport will know, there is always scope for tweaking, learning and improving, yet there can also be aspects where the improvement doesn’t seem to happen.

I know from my own running and training that sometimes a run or session just doesn’t go to plan. Maybe other aspects of life are getting in the way and affecting things, maybe you are tired, or it could just be an off occasion for some reason. It’s never great but you know it’s a blip and you expect things to be back on the usual positive track next time.

However, there can be aspects of your sport where things just seem to always be awry. It can be anxiety, self-doubt, a lack of belief in your own ability, worry what others think, the legacy of a previous poor performance, too much tension or overthinking. Each and all of these things drain energy and undermine your performance. 

I’ve worked with golfers who get anxious and tense only when playing with certain other people or only when playing in a competition. There are those who overthink their actions and so don’t swing smoothly and strike the ball cleanly. And there may be certain shots or conditions where you expect to mess up and then you become tense and make it a reality (and having done so, you then expect to mess up again and anticipate happening again with similar shots in the future). As well as tackling the psychological aspects and unhelpful habits, there are also those golfers whose game is fine yet who want to use their mindset and sports psychology to improve their play and increase their level of performance.  

In this article I’m covering some of the research and evidence that supports hypnosis for golf performance and which covers how to improve your game.

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Improving Football Performance with Hypnosis – Hypnotherapy in Ely

Improving Football Performance with Hypnosis – Hypnotherapy in Ely

Improving Football Performance with Hypnosis – Hypnotherapy in Ely

I’ve written many times before about the research and evidence for improving sports performance using hypnosis and sports psychology.  In any sport, including football that I am talking about here, your mindset plays an influential role in your performance.

Using hypnosis can help you to improve your soccer performance through management of your emotional levels, effective visualisation and harnessing your self-talk constructively. You can draw upon previous successful performances, learn from role models, build your sense of self belief and capability and prime your mind for successful performance. 

Using these psychological techniques and strategies can help you with staying focused, decision making, skill development and handling challenges. When things aren’t going well for you or the team, or you make a mistake, how you orchestrate your thoughts and feelings will have a massive impact on whether you bounce back or let your performance deteriorate. 

I find it fascinating watching football due to the emotions and psychology involved. Some players rise under pressure and goading from the opposition and perform at their best, while other sink under the weight of it all. Some players look like they want to be there and to play and seem to have endless energy and insight, while others are lethargic and lack belief in themselves. And when things go wrong, such as missing a penalty, losing the ball or a mistimed tackle, a player can either refocus and get back on with it, or a lack of belief or the ‘red mist’ ruin the rest of their game. 

Whatever your position on the pitch, you will benefit from confidence and a belief in your own ability. You can call upon psychological techniques to improve your ability to bring the ball under control, to complete successful passes and to make successful tackles.

Research suggests that hypnosis can help you to improve your soccer performance. If you want to consistently play at your best, then hypnosis for football performance may be the strategy that helps you get there and stay there. 

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