Back in Ultramarathon Training – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Hypnotherapy Hypnosis and NLP

Ultramarathon training - sports hypnosis ely

Back in Ultramarathon Training – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

I know many of you share my love of running and I always enjoy sharing stories of races and training with clients I am working with. And I know many more of you, even if not runners, like to know how I’m getting on with my running (even if only to tell me, like my wife regularly does, that I must be mad!).

And so this is just a little update to let you know that I am now back in full ultramarathon training mode! My long runs are already starting to nudge up in distance with a fourteen mile run yesterday and there is lots more mileage to come on top of that in coming weeks. Whilst some runs seem more challenging that others, yesterday was one of those occasions where I just lot myself in my thoughts. It was as much a meditation as a run and one of those occasions where I wish I’d taken a notepad and pen with me to write down some work ideas that came to me.

Those of you who have spoken to me about exercise in the past know that it is one of the primary ways I take care of both my physical and mental health.  And there is a lot of evidence and research to support running and exercise to help with anxiety and depression. I’ve included some links about that further on. For those of you who want to improve your running performance and mindset, I’ve also included some links to articles about sports hypnosis and running psychology. When it comes to the mind-body connection and enhancing your well-being, it really is the case that exercise and movement should be right up there on your priority list.

Last year, I came out of some sort of race retirement and managed to complete both a marathon and 50k ultramarathon and, as a result, was able to bag two shiny new medals for my collection. This year I’m aiming to do another one or two 50k ultramarathons and hopefully a bit more fluidly than last time out.

Yesterday, the bulk of my run was along the riverside here in Ely. It’s one of my favourite routes around here. It’s mainly off-road, the paths are pretty quiet and there is so much wildlife and nature to enjoy (to distract from the heavy legs!). As much as I miss the hills of Wales, there is a beauty to be found and appreciated in the landscapes and views around the Fens.

Here’s the view looking back along the fields and river towards Ely, with the Cathedral always present and standing over the town:

sports hypnosis ely


And here’s one with me on so you can be sure I actually went out and so you can appreciate how cold it was (you can’t see it here but I’m wearing two hats to keep some warmth in!):

ultramarathon training - hypnotherapy in ely


I’ve covered a bit about my races last year in these previous articles (where you can also check out the awesome race bling!):

Ely Marathon Result – Running Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Running Therapy for Depression and Anxiety Disorders – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket


Improve Your Running Performance

If you are looking to improve your running performance, then your mindset training, practice and skills are as important as your physical training. Whether you want to run faster, longer or stronger, there are demonstrable ways from sports psychology and hypnosis to help you. Your mind can play all sorts of tricks on you before and during a run, especially when it is a hard run or as you get fatigued. And if you struggle with non-running anxiety, low self-esteem or overthinking then these can easily seep into your running and impact on your performance and results.

I’ve covered a ton of strategies and sports psychology information in these previous articles for you to take a look at:

Marathon Training and Mindset – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Running motivation: Rediscover and Find Your Running Motivation

Running speed: Run Faster By Unleashing Your Inner Cheetah

Improve your running performance: Using Your Hypnotic Hero To Improve Running Performance

Pre-run strategies: Strategies In The Hour Before Running

Move beyond a previous negative running experience: Getting Over A Perceived Running Failure

Reducing running anxiety: Reducing Running Anxiety To Help Your Running Performance

Achieve your running goals: Achieve Your Running Goal – Running Therapy & Psychology

Running performance: Running Psychology: Increase Running Performance By Picking The Pink

Confidence and self-esteem: Runners Therapy in Ely And Newmarket: Using Your Mind To Boost Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

A whole bunch of ideas and strategies are contained in these articles so I hope you find plenty to support your running performance and progress.

And there are my running hypnosis downloads for help with achieving your running goals, running quickly and running strongly: Running Hypnosis Downloads


Running and Exercise for Anxiety and Depression

As well as being good for you physically, running and exercising can help with mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. There is plenty of evidence that being sedentary isn’t great for us, and that being active boosts mental health and well-being.

I’ve written before about the research into running and exercise for anxiety and depression in these previous articles:

Running Therapy for Depression and Anxiety Disorders

Ely Festive 5k 2019 and Why You Should Get Running For Your Mental Health

Anxiety and Exercise – Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely

Depression: Does aerobic exercise have anti-depressant effects?

Exercise & Mental Health – Depression, Stress & Memory

Plenty of good stuff to sink your teeth into there. And if you need a bit more help and support with running performance or overcoming anxiety and depression then do let me know and we can fix up a time to meet for a free initial consultation.

I’ll be continuing with my ultramarathon training, and ever increasing long runs, and I’ll be sure to let you know how I continue to get on (while some of you may love winter training, personally I can’t wait until the Spring and it gets lighter and milder). And if you are running in any shape or form then let me know as I’d love to here your running updates.

To your health and happiness, 

Dan Regan

Award Winning Hypnotherapist in Ely & Newmarket


Struggling with anxiety, stress, worry, low self-esteem or fear and need some help? Find out how I can help with a Complimentary Hypnotherapy Strategy Session. Learn more here: Appointments

Find out what dozens and dozens (and dozens!) of other people have said after their hypnotherapy sessions with Dan: Hypnotherapy Testimonials

And check out these powerful hypnosis downloads that can start helping you right away with anxiety, confidence, self-esteem, negative thinking, running performance and more: Hypnosis Downloads

Hypnotherapy in Ely location: Hypnotherapy in Ely

Hypnotherapy in Newmarket location: Hypnotherapy in Newmarket


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