Abolish anxiety Hypnosis

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“Your Anxiety No More book and audios really helped me. I have never been much good at following coping strategies before but yours has really helped me. I am more relaxed than ever and I believe that it is your help and guidance that has helped me to relax and as a result I am pregnant with my 2nd baby. 
Now I am in a really good place mentally I really do think that it is your relaxation techniques and anxiety busters that have helped me to conceive.”


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Are you fed up and exhausted from battling with all your anxious thoughts and feelings?

Do you find you just can’t switch off or that even if you can manage to distract yourself for a while, all that anxiety keeps coming back again and again?

Would you like to have a tool that can help you melt your anxiety and help you learn how to feel calmer, more confident and more in control?

Hi, I’m Dan Regan and over recent years, I’ve helped thousands of individuals to

abolish their unwanted anxiety and happily get on with their lives.

You may have seen me in anxiety articles in such publications as Daily Mail, Hello, Take A Break and the Huffington Post, as well in others such as the Cambridge News and Ely Standard.

You may have read the hundreds of testimonials on my website or watched one of the dozens of video testimonials that other people have proudly talked about how I’ve helped them feel better.

I’ve also been crowned Hypnotherapist of the Year, been published as the anxiety Hypnotherapy Expert and been described by a Sky 1 presenter as ‘probably the best anxiety hypnotherapist in the UK’.

What matters most to me right now though, is how I can help you axe your anxiety today. 

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Now, Here’s What I’ve Got For You.


Anxiety No More – The Complete Anxiety Freedom Toolkit.

It’s the key mind programming toolkit you need to help you break the cycle of anxiety.

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As an expert in overcoming anxiety and panic, I have developed a product that will give you 3 audio downloads and a forty page e-book to help release anxious thoughts and feelings and boost your confidence so you can kick unwanted anxiety out of your life.

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“I have been listening to the Confidence Hypnosis audio and think it is amazing! After I listen to it, I feel confident and energised to go out and perform! It’s all confidence focused and is fantastic!”

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Special Price Today: Only £19

[/pb_text][pb_text el_title=”Buy Now button” width_unit=”%” enable_dropcap=”no” appearing_animation=”0″ css_suffix=”centrebox” ]


 {quicksell file=”/Anxiety-No-More-Bundle/1_Welcome_to_Anxiety_No_More.m4a.mp3″ price=”19.00″ title=”Anxiety No More” currency=”” customPayPal=”” emailDelivery=”” requireRegistration=”” discount_rate=”” return_url=”” notification_email=”” rm=”” cbt=”” sub=”” addToCart=”” partner_id=”” license_id=”” freeForGroup=”” assignUserToGroup=”” subscriptionEnable=”” subscriptionRate=”” subscriptionBillingCycle=”1″ subscriptionBillingCycleUnit=”M” subscriptionRecurringPayments=”” subscriptionRecurringTimes=””}btn_buynowCC_LG.gif{/quicksell}

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In your 40 page manual “Anxiety No More Manual”


  • The most effective tools so you can switch off any anxiety you may be feeling where ever you are
  • Putting you back in control of how you feel now AND in the future
  • Working with the powerful audios to help you leave behind your anxious thoughts and feelings and embed feeling calm, confident and in control 

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On Audio 1: “Understanding Anxiety“


  • Help to understand why you feel anxious and what all those thoughts and feelings are really all about.
  • Understand why you haven’t been able to shift the anxiety up until now
  • Valuable information to help remove the anxiety and fear about feeling anxious 

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On Audio 2: “Abolish Anxiety”


  • Immediately helping you to abolish any anxiety you may be feeling
  • Programming your mind to leave behind anxious thoughts and feelings
  • Embedding calm control, inner strength and positivity in your life

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On Audio 3: “Super Charge Your Confidence“


  • Building your confidence so that you feel better within and about yourself
  • Enjoying a greater level of self-worth, self-esteem and self-belief that will benefit you in every situation in your life
  • Maximising your self-belief so that you let go of anxiety, worry and dread

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“Hi Dan, wanted to say a big thank you. I am using your Anxiety No More toolkit repeatedly to help with my anxiety. It works, I am now doing things that are way out of my comfort zone, like making a short video for my business and actually sharing it.”

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Special Price Today: Only £19

[/pb_text][pb_text el_title=”Buy Now Button” width_unit=”%” enable_dropcap=”no” appearing_animation=”0″ css_suffix=”centrebox” ]

 {quicksell file=”/Anxiety-No-More-Bundle/1_Welcome_to_Anxiety_No_More.m4a.mp3″ price=”19.00″ title=”Anxiety No More” currency=”” customPayPal=”” emailDelivery=”” requireRegistration=”” discount_rate=”” return_url=”” notification_email=”” rm=”” cbt=”” sub=”” addToCart=”” partner_id=”” license_id=”” freeForGroup=”” assignUserToGroup=”” subscriptionEnable=”” subscriptionRate=”” subscriptionBillingCycle=”1″ subscriptionBillingCycleUnit=”M” subscriptionRecurringPayments=”” subscriptionRecurringTimes=””}btn_buynowCC_LG.gif{/quicksell}

[/pb_text][/pb_column][/pb_row][pb_row ][pb_column span=”span12″][pb_text el_title=”Terms” width_unit=”%” enable_dropcap=”no” appearing_animation=”0″ ]


  • Once an order is placed the MP3 audios will be delivered to your inbox
  • No refunds are permitted once an order has been placed for this product
  • Responsibility for all technical uploads / downloads lies with the purchaser
  • Delivery of this product is strictly for the purchaser’s sole use only.
  • Any forwarding on these download products to third parties is deemed theft.
  • No responsibility is accepted for the results of following this programme.
  • This product does not constitute medical advice. If you have any concerns whatsoever about your health please consult your medical practitioner prior to purchasing or using this product.
  • Do not listen to these MP3 audios when driving or operating dangerous machinery.
  • Purchasers agree not to forward the product onto any third party.
  • You will need access to a PC or Mac, and iTunes to listen to the audios on your iPhone or iPad.



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