Quit Smoking Hypnosis

The only way to successfully stop smoking

The only way to successfully stop smoking

Today is No Smoking Day and regardless of the many different methods you come across to help you stop smoking, there is really only one way for you to successfully stop smoking.

So before you start spending time, money and effort to stop smoking you want to make sure that this ingredient is there at the very beginning.

The only way you can successfully stop smoking is this:

Decide you are never, ever going to smoke again

If this sounds too simple, then just consider, if this element isn’t there at the beginning, then anything else you do to stop smoking is just a waste of time, money and effort.

If you haven’t yet made the decision to stop smoking then it doesn’t matter which method you chose, you won’t successfully stop smoking.

Occasionally, I meet people who want to stop smoking because

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October saw the launch of ‘stoptober’ – an attempt to try and get people to stop smoking for 28 days through October.

When you consider the impacts of smoking on your health and wellbeing now and into the future, not to mention the increasing expense, then I applaud anyone who finally makes the decision to quit.

After all, would you really want to wait until you or someone close to you gets a health scare before finally feeling you have to do something about it? Maybe you are already starting to get fed up with being out of breath, sore throats, chesty coughs or maybe just the thousands of pounds you are investing in feeling that way. 

By the time they come to see me, most smokers have tried

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Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking – How does it work?

Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking – How does it work?

I get a lot of queries asking about how stop smoking hypnotherapy works and what it involves. For many people who smoke, the idea that they could be free of the habit in just two hours seems difficult to understand after they may have been smoking for many years. 

Using advanced levels of hypnotherapy, hypnosis and NLP it is possible to stop smoking in just 2.5 hours. Consciously if you could just stop smoking then you would just decide never to smoke again. However, habits are run at an unconscious level and so we need to work with you unconscious mind to address the associations, habits and underlying reasons for smoking. 

It’s a bit like when you first learned to

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Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy

Quit Smoking with Hypnotherapy

Whether you’ve been a smoker for 40 years or just a few years and no matter whether your habit is 25 a day or a handful, hypnotherapy with Dan Regan Hypnotherapy can help you stop smoking forever.

Recently I saw a client who had smoked twenty plus roll ups a day for forty years (since he was ten years old) and was paying nearly £20 a week for the ‘pleasure’. He told me he had decided the time was right to quit after his health began to deteriorate and his shortness of breath started to affect his social life and job.

Another client had been smoking 5-10 cigarettes a day for thirty years, only pausing during pregnancy. She was fed up of the smell and of being the unsociable one who got up and went outside when out with friends.

What did both have in common? Both felt they wanted to quit and both

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Freedom From Smoking

Freedom From Smoking

Imagine being able to finally stop smoking. How good would that feel? What would your friends and family say about your new levels of health and vitality?

If you are a smoker then it’s probably obvious, if you think about it, how much better your life could be if you found a way to stop smoking that worked.

One client who came to see me recently for hypnotherapy had struggled to find a

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