Fear of Spiders Hypnotherapy Review

Phobias and Fears

Fear of spiders hypnotherapy review


Fear of Spiders Hypnotherapy Review

Today I’m sharing with you an overcoming fear of spiders hypnotherapy review video from someone I have worked with.

Our eight legged friends certainly do get around don’t they. You can just be sitting there at home or work getting on with something and then, out of the corner of your eye, you notice something scuttling across the floor or wall. Now, if you have a fear of spiders then you probably already did a little check when you came in the room. You may not even notice how you scan the corners of the room in case there is one about.

I’ve worked with people who get anxious and fearful just going near a place where they’ve seen a spider before, even though the spider they saw back then is long gone. A cobweb may put you on edge. People talking about them or a picture of one may get your heart rate up. And if there is one anywhere near you then you can panic and either freeze with your eyes locked onto the spider, or you may run as fast as you can from the room. You may have to get someone else to get rid of the spider and you either can’t look at it or need evidence that it has been removed. And my client who is sharing her hypnotherapy review today couldn’t even say the word spider when we first met, let alone get near enough to get rid of one.

You know that your fear of spiders is irrational. Yet that doesn’t stop the anxiety, worry and panic whenever you see one. Although there is a time of year when they are more likely to come in your house, they can appear anytime. Perhaps even more worryingly they can soon disappear into any little dark space so that you don’t know where they are or when they may appear. For some it’s any spider and for others it’s the bigger bodied ones. Either way, hypnotherapy can help you to feel calm, confident and in control to either humanely remove a spider or to just let it be as you get on with other things.


Fear of Spiders

If you currently have a fear of spiders, it may seem difficult to ever imagine being able to deal with them confidently and comfortably. And any signs of a spider can be enough to set you on edge and make you tense. You may not even be able to look at a picture of a spider without some anxiety, and there can be some movies where you have to look away from the screen during a spider scene or which you have to avoid altogether.

And I’ve noticed how a lot of people with a spider phobia tend to scan the corners of a room when they go in, just to check whether any may be lurking in a corner somewhere.

There may have been a particular incident involving spiders that you remember and that seems to have been the cause of your ongoing fear. Yet it’s just as common for someone to have no idea what started it (it just seems to have always been a thing) or to tell me how other, close family members also have the same fear of spiders. And in terms of overcoming your fear and phobia, how it started is usually less relevant than how the anxiety keeps itself going (that anxiety persists even when you logically know, here in the UK at least, that a spider is pretty harmless to you).

There’s more on the fear of spiders in this article: Fear of Spiders – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

As this video will show, it is very possible to overcome your irrational fear. Do click on the image and have a watch of Donn’a fear of spiders hypnotherapy review video:


Fear of spiders hypnotherapy review

Watch on You Tube

I love that things went from not even being able to say the word spider, to being able to put a glass over a large spider and get rid of it calmly. It just further demonstrates how hypnotherapy can help you to take control and change your unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours. If another spider comes along Donna can just remove it if she wants to with no anxiety and no fuss.

For more inspiration on the positive changes that can be achieved with hypnotherapy, do take a look at the hundreds of other positive reviews from people I’ve helped: What People Say After Their Hypnotherapy Sessions

It certainly makes life easier when you aren’t on edge and tense about anything to do with spiders as you go places and do things. Of course, hypnotherapy can help with all sorts of other fears and phobias so if there is something limiting you right now then do get in touch and let’s start working to get you free of that.

To your health and happiness, 

Dan Regan

Award Winning Anxiety Hypnotherapist in Ely & Newmarket


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