Fear of Birds Review – Hypnotherapy For Fears and Phobias
In this article, I’m sharing a fear of birds review video from one of my recent hypnotherapy clients.
Fears and phobias can be funny things. You know that your phobia is irrational yet you still get the same old fear, anxiety and panic about whatever it is. I’ve helped people with the more common fears and phobias, like flying, driving, needles, blood and injections. And phobias can attach themselves to any other manner of things, such as spiders, balloons, certain sounds, sickness, clowns and almost anything else you can think of.
Whatever your feared thing, you dread encountering it and you probably do all you can to avoid it. And if you can’t avoid it, you get out of there as quickly as you can because the panic and fear are so great. Your heart races, you feel tense, your breathing rate increases, and all you can do is fixate on the thing that your brain perceives as a threat. The fear quickly takes over your thoughts and feelings.
Recently, I was working with someone who struggled with a fear of birds and who couldn’t go anywhere near them. Now, she is getting on with life free of her old fear. You can watch her video review below.