Insomnia Help – Hypnotherapy To Sleep Better

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

Insomnia Help - Hypnotherapy to sleep better


Insomnia Help – Hypnotherapy To Sleep Better

Do you struggle with insomnia and need some help to start sleeping better again?

Sleep is so important for your physical and mental health and well-being. You already know this. And if your sleep isn’t that great, then it starts to impact upon each and every part of your life. You feel tired, drained and exhausted all day. You struggle with focus, concentration and motivation. And you feel more stressed, anxious and irritable as you drag yourself through another day of tiredness.

It maybe that you struggle to switch off and stop thinking so that you can get to sleep at night. And many people wake up in the night and find that their mind just gets going and starts buzzing away. You want to sleep, you know that you’ll be tired the next day if you don’t. You get more and more frustrated with your inability to sleep well. And like most patterns, it starts to become an unwelcome habit to lie awake at night for hour after hour with just your own thoughts for company.

You’ll have tried all sorts of things and sleeping aids already without success. You start to anticipate sleeping badly and may even feel anxious through the evening and about going to bed.

Sleep problems could be said to be reaching crisis levels. It’s estimated that one in every three adults struggles to get enough sleep. Insomnia leads to more stress, being less productive and increased health risks. You start to stress about sleep more and more and, in so doing, you inadvertently stop yourself naturally switching off and into sleep.

If you are battling with insomnia (or maybe you’ve just become resigned to it) and want to sleep better then hypnotherapy is a scientifically backed way to calm the mind and promote deep, natural sleep.


Sleep Awareness 

This March sees the return of the annual Sleep Awareness Week. This initiative aims to re-emphasise the important connection between your sleep and your health and well-being. There is also World Sleep Day that promotes healthy sleeping patterns and raises awareness of sleep disorders.

For whatever reasons it started, insomnia can become an ongoing habit. We all have some nights that are less restful, perhaps where something is on our minds from the day just gone or in anticipation of the day ahead. Yet with insomnia, your sleep is adversely affected night after night. I’ve helped people who had spent years just on a few hours a night and who had become resigned to constant tiredness and fatigue.

You already know the basics around things like caffeine and screens. You may even get annoyed when people suggest things to improve sleep because you’ve heard it all before and tried it all before. You may have used sleeping tablets but you know these just mask the issue and you can only get a small amount because of the risk of addiction.

When you think about sleep you may feel a little stressed and anxious. You imagine being there again at night, lying in bed and wide awake for hours and hours. You may even dread the night time and your bed time routine. You may feel a bit sleepy in bed and ready for sleep but when you close your eyes, your overthinking starts. You already know that tonight is going to be another long night of torment and frustration.

Sometimes daytime stress and anxiety impacts upon your sleep and then even when the daytime stress and anxiety subsides, your sleep fails to improve. For others, it creeps in and before they know it, insomnia is an issue. You can spend hours at night thinking about things that you don’t want or need to have racing through your mind. You struggle to switch off to sleep or to get back to sleep.

Yet sleep, like other habits and patterns is made up of thoughts, feelings, behaviours and expectations. And all of these can be altered, changed, moved on and directed. That’s what hypnotherapy helps you to do, to take control over your own thinking and feeling patterns so that you can sleep better.


Insomnia Hypnotherapy

If you’d like to learn more about hypnotherapy for insomnia then this video covers hypnosis for insomnia and sleep improvement. Have a watch here:



There is also more about hypnotherapy for sleep in these articles:

Hypnotherapy for Sleep and Sleep Disturbance – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Sleep and Insomnia Issues – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Hypnotherapy To Help With Sleep Disorders – Insomnia Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

How To Sleep Better – Seeking Solutions When You Can’t Sleep

Sleep Disorders – The Epidemic of Sleep Deprivation


You know that sleep is important for your physical and mental health and well-being. Yet a good night’s sleep might seem something that is ever elusive to you. You may struggle with switching off and getting to sleep at the start of the night, or maybe you wake up for hours on end through the night. You lie there overthinking and frustrated. You get up already exhausted and wondering how you’ll cope with the day ahead.

When your sleep isn’t great it impacts upon the rest of your life too. Your concentration suffers. You may have mood swings or feel anxious, irritable and deflated. Your energy and motivation never quite seems to be there. It stops you wanting to do things.

The good news is that hypnotherapy can help you to reset and improve your sleeping pattern. You can learn how to quieten your mind and reduce stress and anxiety. You can purposefully change your sleeping habits so that you find yourself sleeping better and more deeply again.


To your health and happiness, 

Dan Regan

Award Winning Anxiety Hypnotherapist in Ely & Newmarket


Struggling with a busy mind, anxiety, stress, worry and fear and need some help to tackle insomnia? Find out how I can help with a Complimentary Hypnotherapy Strategy Session. Learn more here: Appointments

Find out what dozens of other people have said after their hypnotherapy sessions with Dan: Hypnotherapy Testimonials

And check out these powerful hypnosis downloads that can start helping you right away with anxiety, confidence, relaxation and switching off your mind and more: Hypnosis Downloads



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