Why I Became a Hypnotherapist

Hypnotherapy Hypnosis and NLP

Why I became a hypnotherapist – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

One of the most common questions I get asked when people come to see me is, ‘how did you become a hypnotherapist?’ or ‘why did you become a hypnotherapist?’

After all, it isn’t one of those careers that comes up when you talk to a careers advisor at school (I think at that time I wanted to run a hotel like some bloke in Neighbours!).

For years I struggled with anxiety, low confidence and low self esteem and, after trying various avenues, it was only hypnotherapy that resolved these issues once and for all.

In the video below I talk a bit more about this, why I became a hypnotherapist and how much I love helping others to end anxiety and confidence issues.


Why I Became A Hypnotherapist

In this video, I talk about how I decided to become a hypnotherapist and why I do what I do now (and apologies if I ramble a bit but I’m very passionate about helping people overcome anxiety, low confidence and low self esteem issues!):


 Watch on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHMnY84leyQ


If you prefer it in writing, here is what I said:

Hi there, My name’s Dan Regan of Dan Regan Hypnotherapy. One of the things people commonly ask me, especially when they come along and meet me for the first time at a free initial consultation is why I do what I do, why am I a hypnotherapist, how did I become a hypnotherapist.

And the answer is that, for years, all the way through school, through secondary school, university, into work, I struggled with anxiety, low self esteem and low confidence. It plagued my life. When I was in situations when I was put on the spot, asked a question in class, in training, in meetings, you know those moments where people go around the room and you have to introduce yourself would be like a living hell for me. My heart would be beating, I couldn’t think straight, I was struggling to think what am I going to say, how is it going to come across. Will I even remember my name. I would get it with presentations.

I would just worry about what people thought about me, did they think I was boring, or I looked funny, was I uninteresting, I worried about making an idiot of myself. I used to have all these worries and concerns any time I was in group situations. Any situation where I could be judged, especially things like interviews, training assessments, where you are being judged, would be an absolute nightmare for me, and I would worry for days, weeks, even months beforehand. I would have vivid, worse case scenarios in my mind. What if this happens, what if I say that, what will they think about that. In the situations themselves, I felt I just couldn’t be myself. I was so worried about what they were thinking that I couldn’t even pay attention sometimes because I was busy lost internally in my own head, too busy thinking about what they‘re thinking about what I might be thinking, and it just tied me up in knots.

And I tried all sorts of things, and I’m sure you‘ve looked at some of these things too. I tried CDs, I tried self help books, I went on training courses, I tried to plough through it,  just force myself thinking that if I, you know, fake it ‘til you make it, but nothing seemed to bring me long lasting results. I tried some sort of psycho-dynamic therapies, counselling type therapies, yet still I might feel better for a bit but the same anxieties, worries, those concerns, those ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘they’re going to catch me out’ or ‘I’m a fraud’ would keep coming back.

And that’s how I got into doing what I do. I have found somebody who helped me like I help people now. Who taught me the ways that I can put in place that mean I’m in control of my thoughts and my feelings. It means I can look forward to things. I can do things like this video and I might make a few mistakes but that doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t matter. I can go and do talks to people. I’ve done talks throughout the last 5/6 years while I’ve been a hypnotherapist. I can have new people come in. I can just enjoy doing things. A real choice if you like. And that’s what I often say to people. It is about having a real choice rather than pretending that I want to go there but, for some reason I can’t. If I want to do something I do it, if I don’t want to I’ll put something else on. Again, that’s absolutely fine.

And I love helping people to find the solutions that they’re looking for. To use those ways, how our mind works, how our bodies work, to use our imagination, to change our beliefs so that we can start feeling better, so that you can start feeling better to live the life you want to live, feeling happy, feeling fulfilled, feeling good inside and really just enjoying life exactly how you want to.

And if you’ve got a change that you want to make in your life, whether that is getting rid of anxiety and panic, whether it’s feeling more confident, feeling good inside, just feeling happy to be yourself, to go places, to do things, to enjoy life, to be the real you, then give me a call.

Come over for a free consultation, let’s have a chat and we can take things from there. I’ll answer any questions you’ve got and, if you want to know more, you can download the free MP3 on this website to have a little experience of what it’s like to relax and start focussing your mind and start making changes.

And if you really want to know, or have results on how to feel better, then take a look at some of the testimonials. There are lots of written testimonials and video testimonials. See what other people are saying and then, when you’re ready, just give me a call and I’ll look forward to meeting you then. Hope to see you soon.”


Hypnotherapy Ely, Newmarket, Online

If you would like to overcome anxiety, increase confidence, boost self esteem or make another positive change in your life then contact me today, book your free consultation and take that first step on the road to your success.

Just call 01353 886158 now.

To your success,

Dan Regan

Hypnotherapy Ely, Newmarket, Online

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Find out what dozens of other people have said after their hypnotherapy sessions with Dan: Hypnotherapy Testimonials

And check out these powerful hypnosis downloads that can start helping you right away with anxiety, confidence and more: Hypnosis Downloads



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