Hypnotherapy Hypnosis and NLP

Five Minute Rule For Changing Habits – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Five Minute Rule For Changing Habits – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Five Minute Rule For Changing Habits – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Changing habits can often feel tough and like some sort of difficult challenge to achieve. Your existing patterns of behaviour, thinking and reacting may seem so long standing and ingrained that they seem immovable.

Yet we are all able of learning, adapting and making changes to what we currently do.

However, often we try to change too much too soon and struggle to maintain it. Or, making the changes you want to achieve may seem too overwhelming and so you procrastinate and delay and don’t make the progress you would like. Even if you get going with changing habits you may find that in no time at all your motivation and willpower has faded over time and with the busyness of life, and you are back where you started, doing what you’ve always done.

So if you want to start making consistent, progressive change and to build up some positive momentum in changing habits and behaviours then you need to tackle it step by step.

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Being Self-Critical – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Being Self-Critical – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Being Self-Critical – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Do you have a tendency to be self-critical in your thinking? 

Whether it’s a component and linked to anxiety, low confidence, low self esteem, depression or just struggling to cope with things, being self-critical is often there contributing and exacerbating how bad you feel. You may generally be negative towards yourself, who you and what you do. Or you may find that when faced with an adversity or challenge, you go back to putting yourself down, blaming yourself and believing that you are at the cause of all of your struggles.  

Being self critical can contribute to all sorts of mental health problems, as well as being a generally uncomfortable and unpleasant way to go around living inside of your own head. You can put yourself down, be harsh towards yourself, blame yourself and talk yourself out of doing things that you want to do. 

Yet you may find that your thinking and mindset is very different towards those you are close to. It may be that you encourage and believe in loved ones, considering them to be capable and wanting the best for them.

And if a stranger walked up to that loved one and starting putting them down, telling them they weren’t good enough and they were a waste of space, would you just idly stand by and let that happen? Or would you tell them to do one and then reassure your close other that those things were nonsense? And if you wouldn’t let a stranger be critical towards a loved one, why on earth would you put up with being that negative and critical to yourself in your own head all of the time?

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New Year’s Resolutions and Achieving Goals – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

New Year’s Resolutions and Achieving Goals – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

New Year’s Resolutions and Achieving Goals – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Happy New Year! I hope that you had a lovely festive period and that you are feeling refreshed, refocused and ready to have an amazing year ahead!

I recently wrote about how to improve the likelihood of your New Year’s resolutions being successful (check out that article here: Successful New Year’s Resolutions) and many of the same principles apply to setting and achieve goals effectively no matter when you set them.

So many people set massive personal goals and then struggle to make, and maintain, progress. They seek to revolutionise their life overnight when, in reality, keeping the same big, motivating goals and evolving towards them can reap more consistent and enduring rewards.

That’s something I talk about more in this brief video: 

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Using A Christmas Carol To Boost Your Mental Health and Well-Being – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Using A Christmas Carol To Boost Your Mental Health and Well-Being – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Using A Christmas Carol To Boost Your Mental Health and Well-Being – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

I hope that you’ve had a great festive period and have enjoyed lots of positive moments. Our household succumbed to the flu type bug that is going around which threw all of our well planned plans up in the air! 

Now I don’t know about you but every Christmas I love to watch and read A Christmas Carol. I love everything about the story, structure, period and message of the story.  I’m sure I don’t need to revisit the well known story in any detail as we all know that Scrooge was visited by three spirits who help him reflect, review and change his life (although in case it comes up in a quiz remember he was actually visited by four ghosts in total!).

And it’s the sort of structure, that of reflecting upon the past, reviewing the present and planning for the future, that you can use to benefit you own mental health and well-being.

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Successful New Year’s Resolutions – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Successful New Year’s Resolutions – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Successful New Year’s Resolutions – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Do you set New Year’s resolutions? The start of a new year somehow often feels like the right time for setting fresh goals. As one year ends, the new one, filled with the possibility and opportunity of the forthcoming twelve months, seems like a good time to start.

As well as that, if you have some time off over the festive period, then you may have more time to think and plan about what you’d like to achieve or change in your life. And if you have been overindulging through the Christmas and New Year period, then making some health changes may be top of your New Year’s resolutions list. In practice, most resolutions involve making health changes, such as quitting smoking, losing weight, cutting down drinking or changing eating habits.

Yet all too often your good intentions for improving your health fall by the wayside. You find yourself back where you started with your usual eating, drinking and exercise habits and routines, and your usual wishes to be thinner, healthier and happier.

So what can you do to improve your likelihood of not only making a New Year’s resolution, but also sticking to it and consistently changing how you do things for the better? 

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Motivation and Achieving Goals – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Motivation and Achieving Goals – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Motivation and Achieving Goals – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Do you find yourself setting goals and then never really getting going with them? Or maybe you start off all motivated and firing on all cylinders yet along the way you lose focus and motivation and your good work gets abandoned?

It’s an all too familiar story where people set goals with the best intentions and knowing it will benefit them, yet they find themselves ending up back where they started.

There can be any number of reasons for this, yet there are certainly some things that, when put in place effectively, can help you to make progress and to keep it going.

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My Most Popular Hypnotherapy Articles of the Year – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

My Most Popular Hypnotherapy Articles of the Year – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

My Most Popular Articles of the Year 2022 – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

It’s been another very busy year for my hypnotherapy practices in Ely and Newmarket. As well as helping many, many people in person, I’ve also worked with clients from across the UK and the rest of the world using zoom. There have been new hypnosis downloads added here on my website, and I’m super proud to have picked up an award (or two if you include the delayed 2021 awards!) along the way.

More than anything, I remain grateful to all of my clients for choosing to work with me, and to the dozens and dozens of you who have kindly shared your positive feedback after your hypnotherapy sessions.

At the end of the year it’s become a bit of a tradition of mine to share the most read articles of the year from my website. Over the years I’ve covered many psychological, hypnotherapy, anxiety and well-being topics, and where possible I try and include the evidence and research so that you can keep informed about the latest and most evidence supported strategies for supporting your mental health.  

So here we go, out of all of the articles I’ve written this year, these are the top ten that have proven to be the most popular, I hope you enjoy reading these (for the first time if you missed them first time around or if you are revisiting them to remind yourself of all the useful bits)…  

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Merry Christmas From Dan Regan Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Merry Christmas From Dan Regan Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Merry Christmas From Dan Regan Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

This year seems to have somehow passed by both quickly and slowly!  Certainly there has been a lot going on!

Work has been busy and I’m grateful to everyone who worked with me and left me such kind positive hypnotherapy reviews over the year. From a work point of view, winning silver for Service Excellence in the SME Business Awards 2021 (delayed to early this year due to covid) and then gold for Service Excellence in the 2022 awards have been particular highlights (and I got to dress up all smart as a finalist in the National Awards too!). I’ve added dozens of articles about hypnotherapy, anxiety and mindset on this website, as well as adding some awesome new hypnosis downloads in my online shop.

Outside work, we all managed to get covid back in March (but thankfully no lasting effects from it), my youngest started college, my eldest has been passing her guitar exams, and my wife has started a new job. On top of that we’ve had a close family member battling cancer and my Mum has relocated from Wales over to this side of the country. I also took part in my first ever Crossfit competition and learnt a lot from the process. 

I know from my clients that the impact of covid and lockdowns, as well as the current economic situation here in the UK, have exacerbated some mental health issues for them, and I’ve been pleased to help so many people with anxiety, stress, confidence and worry, as well as taking control over eating habits and quitting smoking.

So much has gone on but it’s still hard to believe it’s Christmas already and nearly the end of the year!! 

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Achieving Goals – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Achieving Goals – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Achieving Goals – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

We live in a world where everything is becoming more and more instant. You can message anyone at anytime, and probably get a response in a matter of seconds. You post something online and you check and check for the likes and comments. Everything is on demand and you can stuff to your door in hours (or even less). There used to be something special about waiting, being patient and the anticipation rather than the instant hits, even if it does make life so much easier a lot of the time.

As we get used to everything being quick, getting instant psychological hits and becoming used to instant results from our actions, it can mean problems when it comes to the bigger goals in life, those things that take time, energy and effort.

A need for instant results and quick fire progress can mean that when these life goals take a bit longer (as they will), you get frustrated, anxious or annoyed and either it becomes harder work or you may just give up. We aren’t as well versed in the skill of being patient!

Yet, we instinctively know that the big and worthwhile goals in life, those things that have real meaning and a sense of purpose for you, will take time, energy, persistence and focus. So start to be ok with that. By pursuing these things and enjoy the journey of successes and challenges, you get to become a better version of you. You learn new skills and coping strategies, you get the pleasure and triumph of progress and accomplishment, and you can enjoy the journey that takes you through seeing it through and achieving the end result.

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Overthinking, Worry and Developing Positive Habits – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

Overthinking, Worry and Developing Positive Habits – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

Overthinking, Worry and Developing Positive Habits – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

In the first of a new series of video shorts, I talk about overthinking and worry and one positive habit to develop and consistently repeat to help with this common problem.

If you are prone to overthinking and worry, then this is one of the best strategies to consistently build into your day (you’ll probably be able to tell that it was sooo cold when I recorded this video for you!)

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