Using A Christmas Carol To Boost Your Mental Health and Well-Being – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket
I hope that you’ve had a great festive period and have enjoyed lots of positive moments. Our household succumbed to the flu type bug that is going around which threw all of our well planned plans up in the air!
Now I don’t know about you but every Christmas I love to watch and read A Christmas Carol. I love everything about the story, structure, period and message of the story. I’m sure I don’t need to revisit the well known story in any detail as we all know that Scrooge was visited by three spirits who help him reflect, review and change his life (although in case it comes up in a quiz remember he was actually visited by four ghosts in total!).
And it’s the sort of structure, that of reflecting upon the past, reviewing the present and planning for the future, that you can use to benefit you own mental health and well-being.