Hypnotherapy Hypnosis and NLP

Time To Talk Day – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Time To Talk Day – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Time To Talk Day – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Time To Talk Day takes place this year on 1st February. It’s a time when we can all join in and have conversations about mental health.

If you are struggling with your mental health, such as anxiety and depression symptoms, then this is your opportunity to talk to someone about how you feel. Rather than trying to hide things and struggle alone, you can find hope and courage from talking about things. It may seem daunting to take a tentative step towards opening up, yet finding the courage to do so can be the first step towards feeling better.

Others may not realise how bad you are feeling and friends and family can be a great source of support. Alternatively, speak to a mental health professional and start moving things forward rather than silently struggling.

When I struggled with mental health years ago, I was too afraid to talk about how I felt. When I opened up a bit, I discovered other people hadn’t even realised because I had hidden it so well. I also then found out how supportive and encouraging other people can be and what a difference it can make to just start with a chat with someone you trust.

For us all, even if your mental health is good right now, this is a time to openly talk about mental health issues, to break down barriers to sharing how we feel. When we talk about mental health, we all benefit. So do check in on your close ones, especially if you haven’t heard from someone for a while. They may be fine or you may find that small act of contact is just what they need right now.

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Back in Ultramarathon Training – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Back in Ultramarathon Training – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Back in Ultramarathon Training – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

I know many of you share my love of running and I always enjoy sharing stories of races and training with clients I am working with. And I know many more of you, even if not runners, like to know how I’m getting on with my running (even if only to tell me, like my wife regularly does, that I must be mad!).

And so this is just a little update to let you know that I am now back in full ultramarathon training mode! My long runs are already starting to nudge up in distance with a fourteen mile run yesterday and there is lots more mileage to come on top of that in coming weeks. Whilst some runs seem more challenging that others, yesterday was one of those occasions where I just lot myself in my thoughts. It was as much a meditation as a run and one of those occasions where I wish I’d taken a notepad and pen with me to write down some work ideas that came to me.

Those of you who have spoken to me about exercise in the past know that it is one of the primary ways I take care of both my physical and mental health.  And there is a lot of evidence and research to support running and exercise to help with anxiety and depression. I’ve included some links about that further on. For those of you who want to improve your running performance and mindset, I’ve also included some links to articles about sports hypnosis and running psychology. When it comes to the mind-body connection and enhancing your well-being, it really is the case that exercise and movement should be right up there on your priority list.

Last year, I came out of some sort of race retirement and managed to complete both a marathon and 50k ultramarathon and, as a result, was able to bag two shiny new medals for my collection. This year I’m aiming to do another one or two 50k ultramarathons and hopefully a bit more fluidly than last time out.

Yesterday, the bulk of my run was along the riverside here in Ely. It’s one of my favourite routes around here. It’s mainly off-road, the paths are pretty quiet and there is so much wildlife and nature to enjoy (to distract from the heavy legs!). As much as I miss the hills of Wales, there is a beauty to be found and appreciated in the landscapes and views around the Fens.

Here’s the view looking back along the fields and river towards Ely, with the Cathedral always present and standing over the town:

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Free Hypnotherapy Initial Consultation in Ely and Newmarket

Free Hypnotherapy Initial Consultation in Ely and Newmarket

Free Hypnotherapy Initial Consultation in Ely and Newmarket

I hope that your New Year has started well and that things are progressing positively for you. It’s been a busy one with hypnotherapy appointments and I’ve already been working with many people to help them with problems such as anxiety, controlling eating habits, panic attacks, overcoming fears, low confidence and insomnia.

And on top of that, at home, we went straight from Christmas into the madness of my eldest daughter’s birthday (I’m too young to be a Dad  to a sixteen year old!). And I’m starting to ramp up my weekly running mileage as I look forward to a Spring ultra-marathon (or two if my body holds it together!).

In the busyness of helping people who contact me to make changes to their thoughts, feelings and behaviours, I sometimes forget to remind you about my free hypnotherapy initial consultation.

I know that many people are a little hesitant and sceptical about hypnotherapy, especially if all you have to go on is what you’ve seen on TV or heard about stage shows. And sometimes the most challenging thing is taking the first step to start therapy. That’s why I’ve always offered my free hypnotherapy initial consultation. I want you to be sure that working with me is the best thing for you to help you feel better. And I want you to be able to do that with no obligation when we first meet and chat.

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Happy New Year From Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Happy New Year From Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Happy New Year! Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

As this year draws to a close, I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year!

A massive thank you to everyone who has made this year such a great one. A massive thank you to all of my face to face clients and to everyone who has downloaded one and benefited from one of my hypnosis downloads. I’m massively grateful for all of your ongoing support and special thanks to everyone who recommended me to friends and family and who has very kindly left me a positive online hypnotherapy review.

It’s been a very successful year of hypnotherapy and I continue to love helping you to deal with issues such as anxiety, fear, overthinking and worry. I’ve also helped many people to take back control over their eating habits and to quit smoking for good.

Earlier in the year I was very fortunate to win another service excellence award at the Ely Business Awards and, outside work, I’m super happy to have completed my first marathon for seven years (and then an ultra marathon too).

As the current year ends, I always like to take a few moments for a private reflection of some of the highlights of the year and the things I’m pleased with and grateful for.

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Merry Christmas from Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

Merry Christmas from Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

Merry Christmas from Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

At this busy time of the year, I just wanted to take a moment to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

It’s been a very busy and successful year here and I’m looking forward to having some time to relax and have fun with the family over the festive period (along with getting out for lots of running and having a bit of time to practice playing the guitar!). I’m already getting booked up and busy for the New Year. And I’m already excited for when I’ll be coming back refreshed and recharged and ready to help many, many more of you to successfully deal with issues such as anxiety, overthinking, weight loss, fears and much, much more.

Thanks so much to everyone who has worked with me this year, and a special thanks for all of the very kind positive reviews that you’ve left about your sessions and about my hypnosis downloads (new titles coming early next year!).

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Evening Positive Meditation – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Evening Positive Meditation – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Evening Positive Meditation – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

As humans we have a natural tendency to focus upon the negative and the things that are more difficult and challenging right now in our lives. Sometimes the good stuff in your life can be swamped and cast aside by these automatic negative habitual thinking patterns.

Of course, this made good sense in evolutionary terms. At one time it was a good idea to be alert for threats that could harm or kill you. Those threats used to be things external to us, whereas these days a lot of the negative stuff in our heads comes from perceived threats and from our imagination running wild with potential catastrophes and worst case scenarios.

There will always be good things going on in your life at some level each day and you can have numerous moments of positivity and happiness, or of feeling uplifted in some way. Yet whilst these are good as they happen, they don’t require any fixing, action or solving. And so these moments pass by and your natural negative tendency puts these good things mentally to one side and then brings back all the things that aren’t quite how you want them to be or that are challenges for you. Your mind whirrs away with the negative thoughts, feelings and emotions that come with the real or perceived problems and challenges occurring in your life.


And so if you want to boost your levels of positivity, well-being, gratitude and happiness in your life then you need to not only be aware of this inbuilt negative bias, you need to take action to deliberately counter it and to nurture more encouraging, supporting, balanced and uplifting thoughts and feelings.

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Sleep, Alcohol and Caffeine – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Sleep, Alcohol and Caffeine – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Sleep, Alcohol and Caffeine – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Interrupted and disturbed sleep can have a huge impact upon your well-being and ability to function in the daytime. A few poor nights sleep can grow into an ongoing pattern of struggling to get, or stay, asleep and then feeling tired, foggy and anxious during the day. It can detrimentally impact upon both your physical and mental health.

It may be that your anxiety has led to poor sleep as you overthink and worry at night and struggle to switch off. Or it may be that you have been battling with your sleep and that has led to feeling exhausted, stressed and anxious. You may now find yourself feeling anxious during the evening as bedtime approaches and fearful of not getting enough sleep.

No matter what you are currently struggling with, checking in on how you sleep is always important because of how it can exacerbate unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours. This can include your sleep quality and quantity and your habits and routines about switching off and unwinding before you go to bed.

You may have tried all sorts of things to try and get enough sleep, and if the usual sleep hygiene things aren’t cutting it then you can find yourself feeling pretty low and pretty desperate.

Many people turn to alcohol and having a drink or two in the evening to try and help them to mentally calm down and physically relax enough for sleep. And if your sleep is poor, you may also be relying on caffeine to keep you functioning and productive through the day.

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The Importance of Coping Skills – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

The Importance of Coping Skills – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

The Importance of Coping Skills – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

When someone comes to see me for help with something like anxiety, stress, panic attacks, overthinking or something else, one of the things I want to know is how they currently attempt to handle, deal and cope with their unwanted thoughts and feelings. I want to know what strategies they have put in place, deliberately or without realising, that may be helping or hindering them feeling better.

Often clients have been to see other therapists along the way, whether for similar issues or something different.  I will always ask about what strategies, skills and techniques they were given to do outside of their sessions by that therapist. I want to explore what they may have tried before and what has, or hasn’t, worked well for them. There’s little benefit in me suggesting they do more of the same if they haven’t found that it helped at all. Yet along with building upon what works, sometimes adjustments and slight changes in other strategies can make them more effective and easier to apply to interrupt things like anxious thoughts.

However, more often than not their former therapist didn’t give them any techniques for outside the sessions to help them in managing their own thoughts and feelings. To be honest, this astounds me because the importance of having effective, workable coping strategies in your life cannot be underestimated.

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Hypnotherapy in Ely Video Testimonial

Hypnotherapy in Ely Video Testimonial

Hypnotherapy in Ely Video Testimonial – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

I absolutely love it when someone who has been struggling with issues for years turns around after their hypnotherapy sessions and tells me that they almost can’t believe the positive results they have achieved.

You can struggle on and on with an issue for such a long time, trying all sorts of things to help along the way, yet starting to feel like nothing can ever work for you. It can start to seem like the problems that weigh you down are going to have to be carried through life forever more. Very often people tell me that hypnotherapy is their last chance to finally feel better. And in the case of my clients at least, very often they find that hypnotherapy is the solution that has eluded them for so long.

It’s my passion and purpose to help you to feel better and to overcome the issues and challenges that hold you back and stop you feeling at your best. I’m massively grateful to the three hundred and fifty plus people who have taken the time to share their positive results. By sharing positive results I hope more people find the courage to seek help and to join the growing list of people who now feel happier, more confident and more in control of their own thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions.

In this article I’m sharing my most recent hypnotherapy in Ely video testimonial. And let me assure you, even before you watch it, that it is both awesome and inspiring so do read on and take a look.

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Updated Website Launched – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Updated Website Launched – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Updated Website Launched – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

I’m happy to let you know that my new website is now live (if you are reading this then you are looking at it!).

You may notice that it looks suspiciously like the previous website (which I’ve always received a lot of positive feedback about), yet the technology has been updated to make the new site more robust (the old one had a habit of breaking every so often as it got older). I’m still not sure whether that means my updated website has launched or that I have a new website!

All of the previous information, reviews and articles are all here, and I’ll be continuing to add more and more hypnotherapy, anxiety and mental health articles

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Dan in the spotlight!

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Hypnosis Downloads

Powerful hypnosis for download that will help you to overcome issues and achieve your goals. 

Hypnotherapy Video Testimonials 

Click below to see dozens of videos from happy clients who have worked with Dan:

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