Hypnotherapy Hypnosis and NLP

Rock-tastic Mindfulness! Why I’m Loving The Current Ely Rocks Mania!

Rock-tastic Mindfulness! Why I’m Loving The Current Ely Rocks Mania!

Rock-tastic Mindfulness! Why I’m Loving The Current Ely Rocks Mania!

This weekend was a big one in the Regan household as we went family rock-hunting for the first time around the streets of Ely. That’s right, rock-hunting! 

Here in Ely, a growing number of people are drawing, painting and decorating rocks and hiding them around Ely for others to search for and find. There’s a Facebook group with over 1200 members so that when you find a rock, you take a photo of it, post it in the group and then rehide it for someone else to discover. And as the Facebook photos show, there are some pretty talented artists out there of all ages. In fact, a quick scroll through the page shows I’ve come to this at least a couple of months late but hey, what does that matter now I’m here!

Now I don’t actually know who started this idea or whether it’s bigger than just Ely and the surrounding area, yet what I do know is that it’s pretty addictively fun stuff! After finding my first rock on my walk to work the other day, I’ve found myself eagerly walking around my usual Ely routes yet with my eyes peeled to spot more amazing rock finds (ok, ok so my eyes are actually checking out every possible corner and hiding place along the way…and yes I have actually altered my route a bit to go past places where I’m sure there must be some rocks hidden…I mean they are just awesome places to put a painted rock…come on rockers, please someone put some more rocks out on my route!!).

And having taken my rock finds home to show my kids, they were very excited about the weekend and having a chance to get out there and find some rocks themselves. It’s great family fun! 

Along with being lots of fun, here are some other reasons why I think no matter where you live, you should get rocking…

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Increasing Focus and Productivity in 2018

Increasing Focus and Productivity in 2018

Increasing Focus and Productivity in 2018:

Wowzers! It’s the end of the first working week of 2018 already! How did that pass by so quickly? (Ok, I know that for most of us here in the UK it was a shorter week because of the Bank Holiday on Monday, but still….)

This week has been crazy busy with clients and I’ve been helping people with, amongst other things, overcoming anxiety (including a client who hadn’t left the house for weeks and after our session was able to go to a packed-out event in London!), quitting smoking (I had a great update form a client who came just before Christmas and is now well on the way to three weeks as a non-smoker), ending exam anxiety, ending insomnia and many clients who want to increase their confidence and self belief.  

Outside of that it’s been hectic with the kids going back to school and trying to resurrect the old getting up and ready on time routine and I’ve survived back-to-back bootcamps for the first time after a couple of weeks’ break from them over the holidays.

So many people I’ve spoken to tell me how 2017 seemed to fly by for them in one big blur, and I can resonate with that as while overall I had a great year, it often seemed to whizz by, divided into my three main priorities of family, work and exercise. 

And because our time is so limited, I’m determined to get even more focused and productive at work this year so that I can enjoy more time with my kids (and throwing a tyre around at bootcamp). 

Yet if you are a bit like me then this first week has not been your most productive. Sure I’ve got the essentials done but with getting used to getting up in the morning and trying to get back in the groove with work processes and systems, it’s seemed more of a lumpy journey than a seemless one.

So with these first few days out of the way, I’m getting back on track right now! Here are three things I’m putting in place to increase my focus and productivity:

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Happy New Year! Let’s Get Cracking On With 2018!

Happy New Year! Let’s Get Cracking On With 2018!

Happy New Year! Let’s Get Cracking On with 2018!

Phew! Christmas week is over and it’s been a pretty hectic one in the Regan household!

Christmas morning began at the early hour of 2 am when my very excited kids woke up to investigate whether Santa had been yet. My two had been told they could open and play with the presents left in their rooms but they were not allowed downstairs and they certainly were not to wake me and my wife before 7 am – turned out this was beyond wishful thinking and we had a slightly surreal moment when my eldest tried in earnest to persuade me at 3am that it was actually 7am! 

And in what seems like no time at all we have gone all through Christmas week and we are into 2018 already! I’m super excited about this coming year and can’t wait to get back to helping people overcome their anxiety, stress and worry. I had some fantastic updates from clients over the Christmas week which has only fuelled my eagerness to get going with 2018.

Today I popped into the office with my eldest daughter to start getting things sorted ready for getting back to helping clients tomorrow. While there we recorded this short video to wish you a very Happy New Year and to encourage you to get started taking action on your goals so that this time next year you’ll be looking back on a fantastic 2018 rather than wondering what happened to the year (and you can enjoy the moment where my soon-to-be ten year old decides to stick her tongue out!).

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So here it is Merry Christmas from Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

So here it is Merry Christmas from Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

So here it is Merry Christmas from Dan Regan Hypnotherapy:

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the Regan household with the decorations up, presents getting wrapped, Slade and Wizzard on the radio and two rather excited young girls!  Before we go any further let’s settle about the best ever Christmas pop sings. The answers are Slade, Wizzard and Bony M. I’m glad to get that sorted.

Last Sunday I took the girls to see the fabulous Christmas tree at Ely Cathedral. It really is an impressive sight and looks amazing. And there was a light display that the kids loved playing around with to change the shape and the colour. We also made some progress on presents with one of my girls buying the other a present (but not vice versa yet!) – it really is incredible how long someone can spend deciding if they really, really want that 50p eraser as part of their presents. But we got there in the end!

And as well as having a wonderful year with my girls, it’s also been a truly fantastic year for Dan Regan Hypnotherapy.

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The Top 10 Blogs of 2017 from Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

The Top 10 Blogs of 2017 from Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

The top 10 blogs of 2017 from Dan Regan Hypnotherapy:

It’s been another busy year here at Dan Regan Hypnotherapy and, as is often the case as we approach the end of 2017. It’s a good time to look back on what has been achieved this year.

With over fifty website articles published this year, I thought you might like the opportunity to look back over some that have proved the most popular with visitors to my site. And while I’m about it can I just say a huge thank you to everyone who has read, liked and shared my posts and articles this year, I really appreciate your support.

So here we go, here are the top ten hypnotherapy articles of the year!

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Mindfulness – Being Mindful While Playing In The Snow!

Mindfulness – Being Mindful While Playing In The Snow!

Mindfulness – Being Mindful while playing in the snow!

We’ve had snow! It seems winter strikes even here in the tropics of East Anglia! On Sunday we had lots of lovely snow that poured down all through the morning and led to lots of fun in the snow with my kids.

Although actually, that Sunday was the first Sunday ever I had agreed to work with clients (usually Sunday is a no-go zone reserved for my family time). These two clients however were planning to travel quite a distance to work with me to quit smoking after being referred by a friend of theirs who had also been to see me to stop smoking. But the best laid plans can fall by the wayside once the snow arrives in the UK! Thirty minutes after leaving their house they had only made it two miles through the ungritted roads and so we had to postpone to another day.

On the plus side, I had the most awesome walk in the fresh snow on my way to my office! I love the freshness of the snow and how it transforms the landscape (even if it does tend to bring life to a standstill in the UK, unlike in the USA where the American football game between Buffalo and Indianapolis was played in a blizzard and the pitch could hardly even be seen!!).

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Ely Christmas Lights Switch On and Coping With Stress at Christmas

Ely Christmas Lights Switch On and Coping With Stress at Christmas

Ely Christmas Lights Switch On and Coping with Stress at Christmas

How are your Christmas preparations coming along?  We started putting up our Christmas decorations at home and last Friday we all enjoyed going to watch the Ely Christmas lights being switched on by the Mayor along with Boogie Storm (if you don’t know who Boogie Storm are, they are a dance group dressed as Star Wars Stormtroopers who appeared on Britain’s Got Talent).

Despite the freezing cold, we had a great time watching the Ely Pantomime characters on stage (and getting a photo taken of the girls with ‘Willy’), checking out the various stalls, saying hello to Mickey and Minnie Mouse and visiting Santa in his Grotto. There was also a very talented fire juggler and loads of rides and other stuff that made it a great occasion. And there were some great fireworks once all the lights had been switched on.

You can have a look at my amateur video recording of the fireworks and a few bits from Boogie Storm in this video:

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Mental Health and Exercise – family fun at the Ely Festive 5k

Mental Health and Exercise – family fun at the Ely Festive 5k

Mental Health and Exercise – family fun at the Ely Festive 5k

One of the things I love about living in Ely is that there seems to always be something going on. And that means lots of opportunities for family fun with my girls.

This weekend was a big one in our household because as well as my normal bootcamp and full day of clients on Saturday, my eldest daughter also performed on stage with her school choir and the highly acclaimed Witchford Voices choir. It was a brilliant evening and a proud moment to see my daughter standing up on stage and confidently singing her heart out in front of about 250 people. The grand finale featuring both choirs was a version of ‘Africa’ (the 1980s hit song by Toto) and was exceptional. 

Then Sunday morning it was up and ready and heading to the start line with about 600 others for the Ely Festive 5k, a fun run around the streets of Ely in aid of the Arthur Rank Hospice charity, who support people in Cambridgeshire living with a life-limiting illness. A fantastic cause I’m sure you’ll agree. And a great excuse to dress as Santa and go for a run with my daughter!

Now if you’ve taken a look around my website, you’ll know that I love exercise (or at least I love the feeling having completed a marathon or a tough bootcamp session!). I started exercising years ago because I was grossly overweight into my teens and hated being fat. Of course, with the anxiety I had back then I soon also discovered that good mental health and exercise go hand in hand. 

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Social Anxiety No More! I’m looking forward to appearing on one of the world’s most popular hypnosis podcasts

Social Anxiety No More! I’m looking forward to appearing on one of the world’s most popular hypnosis podcasts

Social Anxiety No More! I’m looking forward to appearing on one of the world’s most popular hypnosis podcasts!

When I used to struggle with social anxiety, any situation where I had to talk about myself and my opinions was a nightmare for me. Whether it was an interview, a team meeting or a presentation, it would cause me weeks of dread, fear and anxiety.

My social anxiety would kick in and I would lose hours to worst case scenarios where I was being judged negatively in some way, or making an idiot of myself or just simply not being good enough in some way. Then there were the sleepless nights and the exhaustion of being consistently anxious.

I can even remember times I called in sick to the job I had then, to avoid stressful meetings or the anxiety of presenting. It wasn’t pretty and it wasn’t pleasant. In fact, I can even remember a time I only had to do a presentation to two new members of staff (one of whom I’m now married to!). I was anxious and restless beforehand, I felt hot and sick all the way through it and I was a heap of exhausted relief afterwards. Social anxiety was just a familiar part of my life experiences. 

So nothing is more satisfying to me now than helping others to break free of all that needless social anxiety and to stop worrying about what other people think about them (and to stop assuming it will be negative too!).

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Dealing with Grief – It’s Four Years Since My Dad Passed Away

Dealing with Grief – It’s Four Years Since My Dad Passed Away

Dealing with grief – it’s four years since my dad passed away

Just now on Facebook a ‘memory’ popped up from four years ago when I thanked my clients for their understanding after I was called away to my Dad’s bedside in hospital in Cardiff. Not that I actually needed Facebook to remind me. When someone you love has been struggling with an illness like cancer for a long time, it’s still the phone call you dread, that call that says you’d better come right now.

And even as I write about that time, I can still feel myself getting emotional right now, four years later. Not in the same raw way that it did in the months after he died when I couldn’t even mention his name, but in that way we get for those we have loved and who have been an important part of our lives yet are no longer with us. Sure, it has elements of sadness and loss within that emotion, but is also has joy and love and hope because I always aim to continue to be the best son I can be to my Dad through how I support and nurture my children.

Of course I can’t change the past, I can’t turn back the clock and see him again and in many ways we all have to learn to accept that, when we lose a loved one, no amount of tears or sadness or longing can change the facts.

However, one thing I did in those long hospital days (my Dad had a strong heart and defied the opinion of the doctors by holding out for another week…we like to think because he wanted to hear the fireworks one last time!): I made the decision to deliberately recall many, many of the happy times that we experienced together. And there were many. We had long, funny conversations, we went for walks along the cliffs on holidays, we watched Wales play rugby in Cardiff and much more.

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