Hypnotherapy Hypnosis and NLP

Stop Overthinking It (Where I Get Totally Freaked Out By A Horse!)

Stop Overthinking It (Where I Get Totally Freaked Out By A Horse!)

Stop Overthinking It

Do you have a habit of overthinking things? Whether it’s anxiety, stress or worry related, or you struggle to switch off from thinking and thinking, overthinking can be a real pain. It can stop you getting on with things and enjoying things, it can make you anxious and frustrated and it can leave  you wide awake at night when you’d rather be relaxing into a deep sleep.

In the last of the videos I recorded down in the New Forest, I decided to talk a bit about overthinking and why you should emulate a horse and just be happy with having loved ones around you, enough to eat and being in a safe place. As you’ll see, unfortunatley the horses (who up to that point and the entire week had not got up to much) decided to show-boat and totally freaked me out! This was totally unexpected (especially as I wasn’t looking) and totally threw me for a bit! But anyway, stop overthinking! 

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Hypnotherapy in Newmarket Now Back Open!

Hypnotherapy in Newmarket Now Back Open!

Hypnotherapy in Newmarket Now Back Open!

Hypnotherapy in Newmarket is back! After the long months of the pandemic lockdown and then sorting out my new office in Ely, I’m delighted to confirm that I am now back offering hypnotherapy sessions from the wonderful White Tara Therapy Centre in Newmarket.

Naturally there are a few Covid-19 secure changes since the start of the year, so please wash your hands (or use hand gel) upon arrival and wear a face mask when you come into the Centre and when leaving. Other than that, it’s all systems go and I’ve already been helping people to deal with issues such as anxiety, increasing confidence and feeling better in themselves.

If you need a reminder about where the Centre is located then do take a look at the details here: Hypnotherapy in Newmarket 

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Hypnotherapy in Ely – A Brief Tour

Hypnotherapy in Ely – A Brief Tour

Hypnotherapy in Ely – A Brief Tour

Hello! And it’s another post about my new office (sorry!) but moving office (to a new awesome place) is quite a big deal for any business so please indulge me this one last time! 

Today I have a brief video for you to show you around my new location a bit (just so you know where to come for the best hypnotherapy in Ely!). If you are coming here for an appointment or want to get idea of what the location is like before doing so, then this video gives you a quick idea. Even better, I manage to display my ‘walking backwards while talking and filming’ skills…without knocking into anything! Multi-tasking at its finest!

I’ve been getting lots and lots of positive feedback from people who have been here for help with things like overcoming anxiety and panic attacks, boosting confidence and self-esteem, and improving performance at work or in sports. It really is a great environment for dealing with problems and challenges, and achieving your goals.

And if you are very lucky when you visit, you’ll get to see the deer wandering through the fields that my windows look out upon.

Have a watch of my video here:

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The New Location For Hypnotherapy In Ely

The New Location For Hypnotherapy In Ely

The New Location For Hypnotherapy In Ely

Hello from the new epicentre of successful hypnotherapy in Ely! 

I’m just about all moved into my new office at St Thomas Place, CB7 and pretty much just need my new desk to arrive before everything is fully in place (my new desk is delayed arriving due to Covid-19 so right now I’m using my daughters pink desk that has hearts on the pull out drawers!). As anyone who has ever moved office knows there is a ton to sort out and get shifted and thankfully there has only been one ‘almost’ hiccup (when my friend helped me move my bulky furniture in the pouring rain late on a Friday night and before he was due to go on holiday for a week, only for me to discover that I didn’t know the security code to get in!).

I’ve started having my first clients visit and I’m getting their feedback and any comments on making things even better for you here.

Already there is reserved parking, disabled access and a waiting area, all of which are improvements on my previous office. It’s so much quieter than being above a barbers, there are lovely views across the fields (where I’m still waiting to see the deer) and, of course, I have air con to make sure everything is comfortable when you visit (for more location details have a look here: Hypnotherapy in Ely). 

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Boosting Mental Health in the New Forest

Boosting Mental Health in the New Forest

Boosting Mental Health in the New Forest

I’m just back from a week with the family over in the New Forest, a truly beautiful place. The weather was great and I loved spending time with the kids and having some fun together. And I particularly enjoyed getting up early every day to head out into the forest to see nature at its best.

If you’ve never been to the New Forest then one thing pretty special is all the horses (and cows, and donkeys) that roam free around the forest and the surrounding area. It’s pretty common to find a horse standing in the road totally unphased by the cars and traffic that he’s holding up. And in the forest there seems to be wildlife around every corner from more horses to deer, cows and squirrels. I loved it.

Now if you’ve been reading my blogs for a while you’ll know that getting out in nature, as well as being active, can both contribute to and support good mental health. There’s a ton of research supporting this. I also think that time away from emails and normal routines, as well as the benefit of being in the moment as you explore the forest, also play a part in supporting mental health.

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On The Move – Hypnotherapy in Ely

On The Move – Hypnotherapy in Ely

On The Move – Hypnotherapy in Ely

I’m on the move for hypnotherapy in Ely! 

I mentioned in my last blog about some exciting news coming up and I’m pleased to now confirm my new office location from 1st September 2020. My new address will be: 

Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

Suite 5

28 St Thomas Place

Ely CB7 4EX

My phone number stays the same (01353 669941).

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Misconceptions About Hypnosis

Misconceptions About Hypnosis

Misconceptions About Hypnosis

‘Look into my eyes, not around my yes, look into my eyes…’ as the Little Britain hypnotist character used to say. Obviously that’s a bit of comedy yet it seems many people (perhaps supported by films and TV) mistakenly do think of hypnosis as involving some kind of mysterious Svengali type thing going on. They think that hypnosis involves some sort of ‘mind control’ happening, with strange trance like effects, and worry about being controlled by some mysterious force wielded by an all powerful hypnotist (who presumably has spinning kaleidoscope eyes, a swinging watch and who uses a walking stick with one of those fossils in amber things at the top…).

Sadly these myths and misconceptions sometimes seem to hold sway more than scientific evidence and research, and I’ve even heard some of the nonsense spouted from the lips of those who should know better such as mental health ‘ambassadors’ and therapists who use some other types of therapeutic approaches.

Pretty much all of these misconceptions about hypnosis can probably be traced back to Mesmerism, which did indeed assert that any results were due to the power of the mesmerist invoking some sort of strange and powerful force of animal magnetism. Mesmerism was largely debunked way back at the time and indeed, hypnosis arose and was introduced in direct opposition and to correct the errors of Mesmerists (for more on the history check out Robertson’s The Practice of Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy).

All of the evidence and research shows us that hypnosis is a conscious and voluntary process that someone has to actively engage in (for example, have a read here: Hypnosis is Conscious and Voluntary). 

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Problems and Challenges

Problems and Challenges

Problems and Challenges:

If there is one thing that is certain in life (apart form death and taxes…), it’s that you will inevitably encounter challenges and problems along the way. Sometimes life can seem relatively smooth sailing but there will always be times when things are more tricky and there are obstacles to be navigated and addressed.

Many people when faced with problems find themselves getting stressed and anxious, and they may try to ignore it or find themselves fearful of dealing with it. Problems become things filled with anxiety, struggle and negativity that we would rather avoid, even though we know such things are bound to arise from time to time.

Your mindset and attitude when faced with problems and challenges will decide whether you experience anxiety, dread and worry, or whether you find the strength and resilience you need to tackle it. Problems and challenges are inevitable but (in most cases) they can have a positive side that helps you to learn, engage your mind and get better at handling things.

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Thank you NHS (Again!) – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

Thank you NHS (Again!) – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

Thank you NHS (Again!) – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

As I write this the sun is scorching outside, the shops have reopened and more lockdown easing is due imminently. While we all need to take social distancing and hand washing precautions, I’ve been sensing a shift in the general atmosphere towards life restarting and returning to much more normality. Whether or not you think that’s a good thing, I hope that within the whirlwind of the pandemic there have been some positives for you that you can take forward in what you do or how you do it.

During the pandemic there was a mass outpouring of gratitude for the work of the NHS and other key workers. For those of us working from home and staying at home during lockdown and viewing all the pandemic news on TV, I think it seemed strange to think there were people going about their business almost routinely.

Early on in lockdown I recorded a short video to say thanks to the NHS and all key workers for what they were doing during the pandemic. At that time things were definitely still escalating and uncertain. 

I’ve been helping clients who are key workers with issues such as anxiety and stress, and some of the stories they’ve told me of life on the front line are pretty harrowing, particularly for those in the NHS faced with the risks and consequences of the coronavirus each day.

So as lockdown relaxes once again and we all continue to adjust, it’s a good time to once again give thanks and to make sure we remember our gratitude into the future.

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Know Your Why To Achieve Your Goals

Know Your Why To Achieve Your Goals

Know Your Why To Achieve Your Goals:

Yesterday morning my alarm went off at 6am so I could be up and out for a run in time to get back and ready for work. The alarm went off as planned and I awoke to the sound of the rain lashing against the window. It was torrential! In that moment I started to wonder about postponing my run and going another, unspecified time. Yet I knew that if I didn’t go then, I wouldn’t have time later that day and I’d miss my planned run.

It’s times like these when having your ‘whys’ at the forefront of your mind matters. Your ‘why’ is all the motivations and reasons you have for achieving a goal, the things you want and desire in your life, and those things that annoy and frustrate you that you no longer want and are moving away from.

Many people find their motivation is strong when they first start taking action to achieve something. Whether it’s eating healthier, drinking less, stopping smoking, exercising or taking action to overcome anxiety and build confidence, in that moment when you decide you need to do something about it, your mindset and your emotions are pumped up and you are committed. 

Yet over time that initial burst of enthusiasm can start to wane. Time passes and those things become less compelling. Life gets busy and you don’t find the time or mental energy to take the actions consistently. Or maybe you get some initial success and start to feel good but then that gives you reason to ease back rather than push on. And maybe, as often happens, you encounter setbacks, frustrations or challenges and you give up.

That’s why you need strong enough reasons, they push you on and they keep you focused and resilient, even in the most challenging times (like when it’s pouring down and windy and you need to get out of your comfortable bed and put your trainers on). Your whys give you persistence, motivation and tenacity to keep going.

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