My Most Popular Blogs From 2019

Hypnotherapy Hypnosis and NLP

happy new year dan regan hypnotherapy ely newmarket


My Most Popular Blogs From 2019 – Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

This is my final blog article of 2019 before the Christmas holidays, when I’ll be taking some time off to spend with my family (and to do some extra running no doubt!).

It’s been another busy year and I’m grateful to anyone who has been to see me for hypnotherapy sessions, purchased my hypnosis audios, left me a testimonial, read my blogs, watched my videos or who has supported me in any way. Thank you!

Before I power off and head off, I’d like to share the most read blogs from my website over the year. There have been over sixty articles added this year (with over fourteen thousand views…blimey!) so I hope you’ve found them (or at least some of them!!) helpful and beneficial.

So which were the most popular articles?


My Most Popular Hypnotherapy and Mental Health Articles From 2019

The tenth most looked at article was all about exam anxiety and how hypnotherapy can help you perform to your best in the exam room: Hypnosis and Exam Anxiety – Could hypnotherapy help you perform to your best in exams?

Next there’s this article about how journalling can help improve your mental health and took a look at some of the research supporting this: Could writing about your anxiety help reduce it? Journaling for Anxiety Relief

If you’ve done any research into how to deal with common mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, you may have come across mention of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). In this post I cover NLP for anxiety and depressionHow NLP can help you to overcome anxiety and depression (including what NLP is and how it can help):

Mental health issues such as anxiety and depression seem to be on an upward curve that shows no signs of abating. And in this next blog, I discuss the rise of anxiety and depression and some of the factors that could be a part of this trend: The Rise and Rise of Anxiety and Depression

This year I launched a new fear of flying course with the brilliant people art Sim2Do and this covers a whole range of information and strategies to help you fly more calmly. In this article I talk about fear of flying and turbulence:   Coping with Turbulence and a Fear of Flying

All of which takes us to fifth place in the top ten. I’ve written a lot about the research showing that other people do not pick up on our thoughts, feelings, actions and appearance anywhere as much as we might think. Fears about what others think or doing something badly often stop people even trying and can lead to regret, frustration and disappointment.  From that series of articles, this one about fear of failure and fear of being judged was the most viewed: Why You Should Probably Worry Less About What Other People Think About You – The Research on Fear of Failure and Being Judged

I also spent a good amount of time researching and writing about the benefits of gratitude. This is something that can easily be incorporated into your daily life and can have major positive impacts on your well-being, mental health and levels of positivity. Research suggests that gratitude may also serve a preventive purpose against anxiety and depression. Learn more about the research for yourself here: The Impact of Gratitude on Anxiety, Depression, Self-Esteem and Well-being

And just like that we are into the top three of 2019 (the excitement!). Next we have a piece about Mental Health stigma and how it impacts on people seeking help: Does Mental Health Stigma Stop People Seeking Help?

It seems like a lot of you wanted to know about anxiety and uncertainty, those situations where you have to wait for something or there are things outside of your control. Or maybe you just wanted to read about the great rabbit escape by Houdini Nibbles!  Read all about it here: Anxiety and Uncertainty…And The Amazing Disappearing Rabbit!!

And so on to the article of mine that you viewed the most in 2019! I can’t breathe! There should be some sort of drum roll sound effect here, or a klaxon or an Icelandic slow hand clap of celebration!

The most viewed blog was one all about anxious thoughts and how to deal with them. Like many of the articles on this list, anxiety and how to deal with it features prominently in my client work and the things I write about. That cycle of anxious thoughts and feelings can seemingly spiral out of control so the more you can interrupt, challenge, dissipate or redirect those things, the more in control you can be. And so here it is, the number one article of 2019 on my website: Anxiety – How To Deal With Anxious Thoughts


Happy New Year 2020

I hope that you enjoyed that little tour through some of my articles about things like fear, anxiety, depression and mental health. I’ll be back with lots more good stuff after the festive period. I’m also booked into the recording studio in January to record some more hypnosis downloads which I hope you’ll enjoy and I’m looking forward to meeting and helping many more people over the coming twelve months.

So with the New Year, and a new decade approaching, let me just sign off by wishing every one of you a very Happy New Year!

To your success,

Dan Regan

Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

Find out what other people have said after their hypnotherapy sessions with Dan: What People Say

And check out these powerful hypnosis downloads that can start helping you to calm anxiety and feel better right away: Hypnosis Downloads


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