Instant Motivation – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket
I often see people who tell me that they lack motivation or that they just can’t get the motivation to do things they want to (or feel they should) do. This could range from weight loss and exercise to taking action on their career or relationship goals.
I also work with people who are performing well yet know they have an extra gear that they want to tap into to drive their performance even higher.
Here’s a simple way to get the motivation you need.
As with all things, the more often you practice it, the better the results you’ll get.
Instant Motivation
1. Remember a time when you felt really, really motivated. It could be in relation to a hobby or interest, a cause you feel strongly about or some other time when you felt an unstoppable determination to move forward in a positive way with something.
If you can’t think of a time, imagine how motivated you would be to go and collect the cheque if you’d just won the lottery (and visualise the scene when carrying out the following steps).
2. Fully return to that time now, float into your body as though you were right there now, seeing what you saw, hearing what you heard and feel that feeling of motivation as it spreads through your body.
3. Keep playing through the time in your mind, make the colours brighter and richer, the sounds crisper and the feelings stronger and more intense. Imagine a dial in your mind that goes up to 100% and keep turning that dial up as the feelings of motivation grow and strengthen through every part of you.
4. Notice the confident, motivated things you say to yourself about how you can take action and how nothing is going to stop you achieving your goal. Notice where in your body you feel that motivated feeling the strongest and give it a colour, then take the colour up to the top of your head and down to the tip of your toes. Make your colour of motivation brighter and brighter again.
5. When you feel completely motivated and that dial is at 100% (or higher!), bring to mind the goal you have or the thing you want to feel motivated about.
6. Imagine taking this motivation into that situation as though you were right there now, seeing what you’ll see, hearing what you’ll hear and feeling how good it feels to be so much more motivated in that situation. Even hear your internal voice say in a confident voice, ‘let’s do it’ and how that propels you forward to succeed.
7. As you imagine everything going perfectly, notice how motivated you now feel about that situation and how it becomes so much more obvious what your first step towards achieving it should be.
8. If the feeling of increasing motivation isn’t yet as strong as you’d like it then repeat the above steps, allowing yourself to use your own internal motivation from one experience and apply it to this one.
Ramp up the motivation!
To get even better results, add a soundtrack that makes you feel even more motivated and energised. I like to use this soundtrack when I want to be absolutely motivated and ready for anything:
Want to feel more motivated?
If you need help to feel more motivated then contact me on 01353 886158 to book your free initial consultation.
Dan Regan
Hypnotherapist & Coach
Hypnotherapy Ely, Cambridge, Newmarket
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