Hypnotherapy Hypnosis and NLP

SME Cambridgeshire Business Awards – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely

SME Cambridgeshire Business Awards – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely

SME Cambridgeshire Business Awards 2025 – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely

It’s that time of the year again when the finalists in the SME Cambridgeshire Business Awards get announced.

I’m delighted to say that for the third year in a row, I’m a finalist in the awards! Woop! Woop! After a very tough year for me personally, this really is a magnificent achievement that I’m super proud about. Some of you will know about what’s been going on in my life outside work and I’m very grateful for all the love, support and encouragement sent my way, it’s really helped me to stay strong and keep going. Onward and upward!

This year, I am a finalist in two categories; Business Person of the Year and Ely Business of the Year. Please do wish me luck for the award final in June.

And thank you so much for all of your ongoing support for my hypnotherapy business and for all of your ongoing, amazing, positive reviews (check them out here: What People Say). I’ll be celebrating fifteen years of helping people later this year and I’m as passionate and determined to help even more people as I have ever been.

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Can Anyone Be Hypnotised? Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Can Anyone Be Hypnotised? Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Can Anyone Be Hypnotised? Hypnotherapy Ely and Newmarket

Can anyone be hypnotised? During a free consultation that I have with someone before they start hypnotherapy, this is one of the most common questions that I get. After all, if you are going to enjoy the positive results of hypnotherapy, you want to know that you can be hypnotised so that you benefit form your sessions.

And I think that this idea, that only some people are ‘susceptible’ to hypnosis, comes mainly from stage shows and film depictions of hypnosis. In these, people seem to slump with their eyes closed into some altered state of consciousness that they later have no recollection about. They then do whatever they are told to do, which is often fantastical. The first thing I say to clients is to dismiss anything they’ve seen or heard from these environments out of their mind.

We are all suggestible to some degree. You stop at a red light, you do what your manager tells you, you hear your phone beep and you pick it up to take a look. In every interaction, conversation and relationship we all have cues and suggestions that we respond to. With hypnosis, you are just learning how to suggest certain things around your own thoughts and feelings to yourself in beneficial ways. You are taking back control over the things that go on inside of your own mind.

When you come to see me there is some aspect of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours that you are currently struggling with. Whether it is anxiety, stress, panic attacks, lack of confidence, eating habits or smoking, you don’t feel in control over that part of your life. Hypnotherapy helps you to master your own inner dialogue, imagination, motivations, expectations, emotions and behaviours so that you move forward feeling better and better equipped to successfully tackle the trials and tribulations that life will throw at you and so that you can progress with positivity towards being the best version of you.

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Ely Standard Think Local Campaign Features Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

Ely Standard Think Local Campaign Features Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

Ely Standard Think Local Campaign Features Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

The Ely Standard is currently running a Think Local campaign to promote some of the awesome local businesses that we have here in Ely.

And this week I’m delighted that Dan Regan Hypnotherapy is the featured business!

I’m hugely grateful to the Ely Standard for profiling my business and it is lovely to be covered alongside some of the other brilliant local businesses who have already features as part of the campaign (such as Odyssey Games and FRESH). I’m looking forward to learning about more of the businesses in Ely as the Ely Standard campaign continues.

You can read the full Ely Standard article here:

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Anxiety Hypnosis Download Reviews

Anxiety Hypnosis Download Reviews

Anxiety Hypnosis Download Reviews

As you’ll already know from reading these articles, one of my biggest passions in life is helping others to overcome their anxiety. Having struggled with anxiety in the past myself, I know how awful if feels when you are filled with dread and fear. It can be debilitating and it limits your life and what you feel able to go and do. It’s like a constant shadow lurking beside you, ready to strike and escalate at any given moment. No wonder people start to feel anxious about the possibility that they may feel anxious.

Yet it is very possible to learn how to calm that anxiety so that you feel more confident and happier in your life. Right now, all those worst case scenarios and catastrophic thoughts, and the bad feelings that go with them, may seem to have a life of their own. That pattern and habit of anxiety seems to do its own thing and you are just forced to endure it and suffer.

However, by learning how to take back control over your own thoughts and feelings, you can start to feel better in yourself. You aren’t looking to never feel anxious again because sometimes a reasonable and proportionate feeling of anxiety is needed in certain situations to help you to look after yourself. But you can certainly get rid of the unnecessary anxiety, that stuff that impacts upon you negatively when you know there is no real reason for it. Life would be good without that anxiety and it is certainly possible for you to accomplish that.

And one of the things that can help with overcoming anxiety are hypnosis downloads. All of my anxiety clients get a copy of my anxiety relief hypnosis download and many others have benefited too after grabbing a copy from my online shop. It becomes one of your most useful and proactive tools for managing your own thoughts and feelings.

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Cambridgeshire Business Awards – Gold Winner!

Cambridgeshire Business Awards – Gold Winner!

Cambridgeshire Business Awards – Gold Winner!

For various personal reasons I’ve not had the opportunity to post many articles since last Summer and so there is one big piece of good news that I’m a little late in sharing with you!

You may recall that I mentioned being a finalist at the 2024 Cambridgeshire Business Awards in a previous article. And I’m delighted to share that, at the grand final, I successfully became a gold award winner. I’m thrilled to have been recognised for delivering an effective service and helping so many people across Cambridgeshire (and beyond!).

Thank you so much for all of your support and all of your ongoing positive reviews (check them out here: What People Say).

This award is just the latest in a whole series of business awards for my hypnotherapy business.

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Free Relaxation Hypnosis Download

Free Relaxation Hypnosis Download

Free Relaxation Hypnosis Download

It’s been a manic start to the year for all sorts of reasons. And when things get busy, it is easy to start to feel overwhelmed. That in turn can lead to overthinking, trouble switching off, anxiety, stress and a sense of psychological loneliness.

If you have been struggling with anxiety, stress and overthinking then hypnotherapy can help you (just check out the reviews on this website!) and it is worth coming along to find out how you can take back control over your habitual thoughts and feelings and so feel better.

Yet I think everyone can benefit from taking the time to mentally and physically switch off and recharge. In these days of busyness and constant demands, as well as constant stimulus from screens, having some time to truly switch off is often seen as a luxury. Taking some time for yourself is seen as an addition to life, rather than a fundamental.

And so if you could use some help to mentally relax, recharge and reset then do head over and grab your copy of my free relaxation hypnosis download. It’s a gift from me to you and from you to your sense of well-being. I think you’l enjoy it (at least based upon what other people tell me). You can get it here right now:

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Cambridgeshire Business Awards Finalist!

Cambridgeshire Business Awards Finalist!

Cambridgeshire Business Awards Finalist!

I’m delighted to announce that I am a finalist in the Cambridgeshire Business Awards 2024!

I’ve been shortlisted in the Business Innovation and Business Person of the Year categories. As you may already know, at the Ely Business Awards earlier this year, I brought home the silver award for Business Innovation and the gold award for Business Person of the Year.

It’s a massive honour to take this success to the next level and to be a finalist in business awards that cover the whole of Cambridgeshire. There is certain to be a tough level of competition given the volume, nature and success of organisation in the region. I hope to do Ely proud!

A massive thank you again to all of you for continuing to support me, I really appreciate it.

The awards night isn’t until much later in the year and I’ll keep you posted on how things go on the night.

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What Is The Success Rate of Hypnotherapy?

What Is The Success Rate of Hypnotherapy?

What Is The Success Rate of Hypnotherapy?

‘What is the success rate of hypnotherapy?’ is a question that comes up fairly regularly when I am meeting someone for the first time at a free initial consultation. After all, you may have no previous experience of hypnotherapy and you want to be confident that working with me is a good investment to support your mental health.

If you are considering hypnotherapy to help you deal with something like anxiety, fear or low self-esteem, then I’d always suggest coming along and meeting in person as the first step. That way you can be sure that you are comfortable with me and the surroundings before you decide to go ahead with sessions. It provides an opportunity to talk through the challenges you are currently facing and how we can work together to help you overcome them. And, of course, I cover what hypnotherapy is, how it works and I’ll answer any questions you have.

When it comes to the success rate of hypnotherapy, there is not some definitive percentage response, although as you’ll have seen from my reviews, the vast majority of people I work with get a positive result. No therapy is one hundred percent guaranteed to help all the people all the time. Hypnotherapy is not some magical thing that is done to you and so there are a number of factors involved that support achieving a positive outcome. Hypnotherapy is not a passive therapy done to you whilst you do nothing. It is an active therapeutic process that involves some input, commitment, effort and actually doing some stuff that will help you to feel better.

And after all, if you are struggling with an issue in your life, what would you rather do, nothing? Or maybe you’d rather actively take back control over your own thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions?

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Ely Hero Awards Nomination

Ely Hero Awards Nomination

Ely Hero Awards Nomination

I’m absolutely delighted to have found out that I’ve been nominated for an Ely Hero Award this year! Thank you so much!

I’ve been nominated in the Most Amazing Professional Category and I’m just bursting with pride and gratitude!

The Ely Hero Award was set up in 2017 to reward individuals within the community for the amazing acts of kindness, good deeds and for being brilliant in a variety of settings.  The most amazing professional award is to recognise a professional in the community who really makes a difference and goes above and beyond.

I’m honoured that someone considers me to be in this category and has taken the time and effort to nominate me. There have been some amazing and inspirational previous winners so it is amazing to even be considered for an award.

I now have to wait to find out if the judging panel shortlists my nomination and I’ll be sure to let you know.

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Ely Business Person of the Year!!!

Ely Business Person of the Year!!!

Ely Business Person of the Year!!!


Wow! What a night and I’m blown away by the results of this year’s Ely Business Awards!

The Ely Business Awards finals celebration that took place last night was an awesome affair. There was great food and entertainment and it’s always great to get to mingle with the cream of businesses from here in Ely. There really is a wealth of talent in the area.

I was delighted to come away with two business awards this year! First up it was the silver award for business innovation, the award that goes to a business that is doing something new, different, smarter or better that makes a positive difference.

And then came perhaps the proudest moment of my fourteen years as a full time hypnotherapist professional. I won the gold award for Ely Business Person of the Year! I could scarcely believe it!

It is such an honour to win this title which is awarded to the business person who shows outstanding initiative, boldness and imagination in their business, as well as sound management practices. Wow! I now go through to the National Business Awards in London at the end of year.

A massive thank you to the dozens and dozens of you who sent me good luck messages beforehand and congratulations messages afterwards (my wife was keeping everyone updated on socials throughout the evening!). I really do appreciate all of your support and positive reviews that help me to help more people to overcome issues such as anxiety, panic, low self-esteem, fears and more. Thanks so much!

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Dan in the spotlight!

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Hypnosis Downloads

Powerful hypnosis for download that will help you to overcome issues and achieve your goals. 

Hypnotherapy Video Testimonials 

Click below to see dozens of videos from happy clients who have worked with Dan:

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