Drink Less Alcohol Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Addiction Help, Excessive Drinking and Binge Drinking

Hypnotherapy to drink less alcohol


Hypnotherapy To Drink Less Alcohol – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Are you trying to drink less alcohol? Having a few drinks every night can become a habit that seems hard to break out of. You may find looking forward more and more to that moment when you can grab a drink, switch off and relax. It may seem like the drinking habit offers relaxation and stress relief. But, you may notice that you struggle to cut down or take a night off. And many people secretly drink or find that once they’ve had that first one they just keep going, regardless of their previous good intentions.

Alcohol can harm your health over time. You may drink too much and do silly things or get embroiled in arguments that damage relationships. Your sleep quality gets diminished. You can struggle to get out of bed in the morning and be productive. Perhaps more worryingly, maybe you drink a lot and don’t even notice any consequences the next day. And maybe alcohol fills those moments of boredom and starts to sneak into more and more of your free time. All the while it robs you of motivation and enthusiasm. There are things you could be doing but after a few drinks you rarely feel like getting on with those things.

So many people I meet want to drink less alcohol. However, as you’ll already know, changing habits with willpower alone is difficult. Yet when you are no longer in charge and in control over alcohol then you really need to do something soon. Hypnotherapy can help you to drink less alcohol and to take back control over your behaviours and habits. You can drink less and live more!


The Drinking Habit

Alcohol is one of things that is often part of life. It’s easy to get hold of, tastes quite nice, can make you feel good for a while and it’s part of many social events. It can easily seep into more and more times, places and moments.

You may have a drink when you get home after work. It’s that switch from work busyness to evening downtime. If you feel a bit stressed or tense then a couple of drinks can take the edge off and help you to feel more relaxed. And whenever you meet up with friends, the alcohol begins to pour. You may even use alcohol for a bit of social confidence, to try and quieten your mind to help you sleep or perhaps your drinking has crept up to being more alcohol, more frequently and more of the time.

You may have gone from only drinking on the weekend to giving yourself all sorts of reasons why it is okay to have one or two each evening. You kid yourself that it isn’t that bad. Yet you also know that it isn’t that great for your health and your well-being. There may have been times when you’ve overdone the booze and embarrassed yourself or perhaps loved ones have started suggesting that drinking less alcohol may be a good idea.

Dry January is one way people seek to reduce their drinking, especially after the excesses of the festive period. Some people have a lot of success and drink nothing for the month, only to find their habit kicks back in come February. Others start to falter during the month and may even have a sneaky drink or two to help see them through the month. Either way, it is rarely more than short term, rather than changing your relationship with alcohol as part of your ongoing lifestyle.

Hypnotherapy to drink less alcohol can help you to take back control from alcohol over your thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions. Rather than living habitually from one drink to the next, you can put yourself back into a place where you decide whether you drink or not and where you can take it or leave it. You drink less, and feel healthier and happier as a result.

There’s a bit more on hypnotherapy to drink less alcohol in this short video. Have a watch here:


Control Over Alcohol

Over time, the alcohol starts to take control. You find yourself thinking about your next drink and looking forward to it. Your plans to not drink or to only have one or two can fall by the wayside once you’ve had that first drink.Your evenings and weekends can become dominated by drink. Like most substances, over time you probably need more alcohol to get the same nice fuzzy effect that you are seeking.

As your drinking habit runs and runs, you can struggle with motivation and energy levels. You fall asleep easily but your sleep quality deteriorates. You can find yourself feeling more anxious and irritable during the day. When you drink you may find your get irritable and more argumentative. Your mood, and sense of self-esteem, get lower and lower.

If your drinking habit is a problem, you may also find these articles about alcohol and drinking helpful:

Is Your Drinking Habit A Problem? Excessive Alcohol Help

Reducing Wine Drinking – Alcohol Habits Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

Binge Drinking and Alcohol Problems – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket

Binge Drinking – the next day impact of heavy alcohol drinking

Alcohol Abuse – Take Back Control Over Alcohol

Has Alcohol Become Your Crutch? Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Excessive Drinking Impacts on Muscle Loss – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Control your Binge Drinking – Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket


Like other habits, all that happens is that a pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviours gains momentum. You expect it, drink and probably then feel worse later. Certain associations, people, times and situations all seem to inevitably lead to beer and wine.

Of course, if you struggle with anxiety and stress then you will want to learn natural ways to deal with these. You want to be able to manage your own thoughts and feelings rather than needing something outside of yourself to dampen it and mask it all over for a bit. Especially when that something is alcohol with the potential negative outcomes from drinking too much on your health and how you feel.

Hypnotherapy can help you to change habits and to take back control over what you drink, when you drink and how much you drink. Or maybe you’ve already had enough of alcohol already and want to cut it out altogether? If you want to drink less alcohol, then hypnotherapy may be just the thing you need to take back control over your life and over your future health and happiness.

To your health and happiness,

Dan Regan

Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket


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