Confidence and Self Esteem

How Kate Increased Her Confidence

How Kate Increased Her Confidence

When Kate first came to see me she was, by her own admission, in a dark place which had eaten away at her confidence and led to increased self doubt. Despite being skeptical about hypnotherapy, Kate decided to go ahead and discover what may happen.

It’s fine for people to be skeptical if they have never been to see me before and experienced the positive benefits – after all, you want to make sure that what I’m doing is making you feel better and getting you results.

In this short video, Kate explains how working with me helped her re-discover her confidence and end that self doubt. She also talks about how she benefits from training both her mind and body to perform better in her body building competitions.

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Be The Director Of Your Life

Be The Director Of Your Life

Do you want to take control over the direction of your own life?

One of my clients was telling me today how much she loves the technique in this article and what a difference it has made to helping her rediscover her happiness.

If you currently struggle with anxiety and low confidence you probably spend a lot of time thinking about all the rubbish stuff, the bad stuff, the mistakes in your life. You may dwell on things, criticise yourself or get lost in your worry.

But we’re going to flip it! 

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Is Your Mind TOO Organised?

Is Your Mind TOO Organised?

Sometimes it can seem like our minds are too organised (even if we think our thoughts are a bit chaotic!).

I often work with clients who can be relaxed and confident in one situation and then in another situation they turn into a nervous wreck and can’t think straight. It’s like their mind files their confidence in a certain box that they can’t access whenever they want to – even though they know they know how to be more confident.

Now some of this can be due to associations, habits, beliefs and experiences, yet part of this is also that we aren’t always the best at teaching our minds to act and react in they way we want to, when we want to.

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Get The Confidence Habit

Get The Confidence Habit

I’ve had a busy week helping people turbo charge their confidence so they know they can achieve the things they want to with their life. 

They’ve been busy getting rid of limiting beliefs, ending their worry about what other people think and stopping thoughts of failure.  Being free of these learnt limitations means they can re-discover how to be confident and happy.

To get the confidence habit you need to:

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Take Control Of Your Self-Talk

Take Control Of Your Self-Talk

What are you saying to yourself all day long?

We all talk to ourselves constantly while we are awake – it’s that voice in our heads we consider to be us as we run our commentary through thoughts and events.

Yet often we beome so used to that voice that we don’t actually pay much attention to what we say or how we say it.

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Smash Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Smash Out Of Your Comfort Zone

To really fire up your confidence, you are going to have to break out of your comfort zone. 

When we stop growing and progressing, we can stagnate or even start going backwards and shrink back to the familiar. We lose momentum, everything seems more of a stretch and our confidence and well-being suffers.

So if you want to make changes in your life to bust anxiety and feel more confident then follow these steps to make it happen:

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Get The Confidence Habit

Get The Confidence Habit

I’ve had a busy week helping people turbo charge their confidence so they know they can achieve the things they want to with their life. As someone who used to suffer with a low self esteem, I know what a limiting impact it can have for you when you doubt your own confidence.

One of my recent clients who lacked confidence told me she would often feel uncomfortable around other people, especially in a group or if she didn’t know them very well.  She just sort of assumed they weren’t very interested in what she had to say and probably weren’t that keen on having her there anyway.

So she would avoid these sorts of situations as much as possible, and if it couldn’t be avoided the whole thing would turn into an anxious ordeal where she couldn’t think of anything to say, would feel uncomfortable and would want to disappear into the background until the whole thing was over.

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Fear, Panic & Showaddywaddy

Fear, Panic & Showaddywaddy

If you are over thirty then chances are you have at least a vague recollection of Showaddywaddy from when they regularly enjoyed chart success (if you don’t remember them (shame on you!) or you are a bit younger then check them out on You Tube!).

Showaddywaddy were the first band I ever went to see live in concert. I was about ten and my mum took me and my brother to see them play in Cardiff. I remember it was very loud and I didn’t have a clue what was going on.

And I saw them another few times when I was a bit older. But it was the time I saw them in 2006 that made my anxiety rocket and tested my confidence levels.

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Beating Bullying

Beating Bullying

When I was younger I was the victim of bullying. It happened at school, it happened at university and it happened at work. 

And it was never the actual physical stuff, it was always the threat of it, the comments and the name calling in earlier years and later, people abusing their position to undermine me. 

For a long time I thought it was my fault. Bullies like that – it seems to give them even more strength and motivation. And as someone who lacked confidence and internalised things, it was easy for them to bully me and put me down.The more they did it, the weaker I felt.

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