Confidence and Self Esteem

Confidence Multiplied

Confidence Multiplied

Do you live within your comfort zone, doing the same things day after day?

Obviously if you are happy where you are then that is fine! Yet many people feel stuck in the treadmill of their life, doing the same things over and over and getting nowhere even though they want to move forward.

We are all hard wired to want to learn and grow to feel fulfilled and more confident…so for most of us standing still isn’t much of a fulfilling option.

So to start stretching that comfort zone and feeling naturally more confident and motivated do this:

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Tomorrow Never Comes!

Tomorrow Never Comes!

Are you always waiting until tomorrow to take action on your goals?  

Well, tomorrow is always a day away so if you want to make a change get started TODAY!

Even if only you take the smallest step forward step every day, you will create momentum, feel more positive and make progress.

Vividly imagine having completed your goal and how good that will be…

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Never Give Up On Yourself

Never Give Up On Yourself

Have you given up on yourself already? Or maybe if you don’t get it right first time you decide there is no point and too difficult so what’s the point.

I remember watching my daughter learning how to walk for the first time. She fell over, got back up and tried again. And then she feel over again but she kept going until she had mastered it.

Yet if a baby thought like most adults, she would fall over, decide she couldn’t do it, think she was a failure and bum shuffle her way through into her adult life! 

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How Social Anxiety Tricks You

How Social Anxiety Tricks You

When I used to struggle with social anxiety, I would find most social occasions an anxious, worry-inducing struggle. I would worry beforehand about what people thought about me, I would constantly try and ‘read’ what others were thinking about what I was doing and saying whilst I was with them, and then I would dwell and replay situations in a negative way after the event.

I was constantly worried about not being good enough and being judged negatively by others.

Yet from an early age I thought that somehow I could push myself through it.

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Stop The Waiting Game and Take Control

Stop The Waiting Game and Take Control

Are you stuck playing the waiting game and wondering why you aren’t getting the results in life that you want?

Recently I was working with a client who had spent many days – and many hours during those days – waiting for someone else to make a decision for him so that he wouldn’t have to make it himself.

He would worry, stress and lose sleep over it all. He would get angry, frustrated and self-critical while he waited. He would blame the other person for not making a decision and he felt resentful towards them.

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Worried what others think about you?

Worried what others think about you?

Do you worry excessively about what others think about you?

Maybe you are scared of rejection or failing and so you put on a mask around others and feel anxious because you aren’t being yourself.

Worrying about what others think can drain your confidence and leave you feeling stuck, unhappy and avoiding doing or saying the things you really want to. You may worry about being criticised or messing up or freezing or in some other way giving people the opportunity to think badly about you.

Recently I was working with a client who would let others rule her life – she was too afraid to say no and be thought of badly or invite hostility – and so she put her own life on standby waiting to be called to help others live theirs.

And another person stayed in a job he hated that didn’t earn enough for him to live on because he felt he wasn’t good enough to move onto bigger and better things.

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Beating Social Anxiety

Beating Social Anxiety

Suffering with social anxiety can be a daily nightmare with meetings, parties and other events around others taking place all the time.

You probably worry about what others think about you and do all you can to avoid looking or sounding stupid or making an idiot of yourself in front of them. When around others you may feel on edge, anxious and worried. You may feel inferior in some way or not as good as others.

In extreme cases, you may structure your life to avoid any potentially anxious situations and so you avoid meetings, meeting new people, going out, presentations, dating or any other similar situations.

To combat the anxiety, here are 5 things you need to do:

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Find Strength To Boost Confidence

Find Strength To Boost Confidence

Do you spend too much time criticising yourself and putting yourself down?

If you struggle with low self esteem and low confidence it may feel all too natural to accept criticism from yourself and others and to focus on perceived flaws in what you are capable of.

So now is the time to dilute this flow and start to focus on your strengths.

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Get Sky High Confidence

Get Sky High Confidence

Do you want your confidence to go sky high?

To be more confident you need to take consistent daily actions that propel you forwards. You need to direct your mind to what you do want and ditch all those old unconfident thoughts and feelings.

Here’s how to ignite those confidence blasters so you can soar up and away!

No matter where you are right now you easily can change your confidence at any time.

My 7 Confidence Blasters will help you:

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Are you a VIP?

Are you a VIP?

Are you a very important person?

A lot (if not all) of clients who come to see me to sort their low self-esteem and confidence regard themselves as the least important person in their own life – at work, at home and even when on their own they don’t feel worth it, good enough or that they deserve to feel better.


You are the most important person in your life – without you the show doesn’t get started.

Here are three ways to get started:

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