Relax, it’s Festival of Sleep Day!

Anxiety Stress and Panic Attacks

Relax – it’s Festival of Sleep Day!

Could you use some help to relax? Well January 3rd 2017 is the Festival of Sleep Day!

The Festival of Sleep Day was created for people who could use some sleep and rest, and to relax, after the hectic Christmas and New Year celebrations. It seems that the festive period leaves us exhausted at just the time we need to be physically and mentally prepared to return to our normal routines.

So if you are exhausted and struggling to relax, and if your sleep pattern has gone out of the window over the last couple of weeks then read on!

Relax and Switch Off Thinking

Whether you are struggling with stress, anxiety or insomnia, one of the most common traits that you will share with others in a similar position is the inability to mentally ‘switch off’.

You may consider that you never relax or that you aren’t any good at ‘doing nothing’. You may have become used to keeping constantly busy to try and shut out unwanted thoughts. And you may find that in those quieter moments, like when you want to go to sleep, your mind seems to go into hyper drive and you just can’t relax.


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And of course the more tired, exhausted and sleep deprived you become, the harder and harder it gets for you to stay in control of your thoughts and feelings; notions of being able to relax become more distant than ever.

So how can you break this cycle and send it off in a different direction where you feel calm and in control and where you can relax more easily (and start sleeping)?


Relax For Festival of Sleep Day

To relax better, follow these three tips and be sure to use them consistently and persistently.

1)  Take Care of The Obvious

Pretty much everyone knows that if you are using screens, whether that’s your TV, computer, ipad or phone, right up until the second you close your eyes to sleep, then your mind won’t have switched off and you will find yourself there trying to relax while your brain is still on high power. So ditch the screens an hour before you plan to sleep and do something that will help you relax like reading a paperback.

And you already know the impact of caffeine so switch to decaff from now on and ease back on late night eating, drinking and smoking. You don’t need me to tell you these things but I constantly meet people who know it yet don’t do it – don’t be one of them!

2) Make Your Phone Go Mobile

So many people now rely on their phone to be their clock and morning alarm. In theory there is nothing wrong with that yet if you aren’t sleeping the temptation becomes to have a quick check of the time. The best case scenario is that you check the time and start working out how many hours sleep you could get while getting annoyed and frustrated with yourself for not being asleep yet (and so waking yourself up more and more).


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Or maybe you pick up the phone and notice you have a message and you find the urge to have a quick look irresistible. Now as you fill your eyes with bright light you start thinking about the content of it and maybe a thousand different replies and conversations begin to play out in your mind. And let’s be honest, in the middle of the night those imaginings usually don’t end well. You lie there filled with anxiety and stress and even if you do try your hardest to relax and sleep you probably find it has become elusive.

Do yourself a kind deed and buy a normal clock, set the alarm, and put it out of reach facing the other way.

3)  Learn to Relax The Right Way

Are you guilty of telling yourself (and others) that you can’t relax? Maybe you have tried doing nothing, mindfulness or meditation, yet it didn’t really do it for you; it was hard work and after a little bit of trying you decided that you were one of those people who can’t relax. And so you learned to live with little sleep and tried to manage your anxiety and stress.

Yet I know that you can relax. Easily.

I know because I’ve helped hundreds of people who told me they couldn’t ever relax. And then they did.


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In my opinion the best thing you could do right now is take the two minutes it takes to download my free Rapid Relaxation Audio. Sure it takes nearly twenty minutes to listen to but you can do that tonight and make it part of your end of day routine. Yet right now you just need to put in your name and e-mail and click on the confirmation e-mail that comes your way. Easy.

Listen to it every night before you do to sleep and you will be amazed at how much easier you can relax and how much better you start to sleep.


Need Help To Relax?

If you could use some help to relax and sleep better then get in touch and ask to book your free initial consultation. It could be the first step on the path to being one of those people who can simply relax whenever and wherever you chose.

To your success

Dan Regan

Hypnotherapy Ely, Newmarket, Online


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