Anxiety Stress and Panic Attacks

What caused my anxiety?

What caused my anxiety?

People who come to see me about their anxiety often want to know what caused their anxiety to start in the first place. 

If you struggle with anxiety, you may have wondered why you have the anxiety. Where did it come from? And how can I say goodbye to the anxiety so I can start feeling better and getting on with my life?

Two Types of Anxiety 

In my experience there are two broad types of anxiety.

The first is anxiety brought on from a specific (usually traumatic) event. For example, suppose you are driving along quite happily one day in the same way you have for years and then ‘bang’ you are involved in an accident.

It’s possible (although by no means certain) that you may have been a bit shaken up or even injured. You may find yourself thinking about or re-living the incident in your mind. And you may start to feel anxious about driving (whether as a driver, passenger or even just linked to certain roads).

And the more you experience your anxiety and avoid situations that make it worse, the more the anxiety can take hold and limit your choices.

The second type of anxiety can often be

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‘Tis the season to be……stressed??!!

‘Tis the season to be……stressed??!!

Christmas is meant to be the season of peace and goodwill, a time to relax, have fun and spend some quality time with the people you care most about.

Yet for many the Christmas period is a time of increased expectation, more expense and additional demands on their limited time. Rather than ‘happy holidays’ it becomes ‘hellish holidays’ wrapped in stress and frustration.

What is there to stress about?

Or some might ask, what isn’t there to stress about!

There are presents to buy (making sure you get the right thing for the right people), more food and drink to get in, cards to write, places to go, decisions over where to spend the big day…and who with, crowds to fight, money to find and it all has to be done on time!! Stress…stress…ad more stress!!

And of course we tend to eat less healthily, drink more and do less exercise – all of which can make us very grumpy indeed!

It may have all become far removed from those Christmas times you look back on when all you had to do was have fun, get excited and the biggest challenge was whether you could get to sleep on Christmas Eve.

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How Do You Change The Way You Feel?

How Do You Change The Way You Feel?

You get home, you’ve had a hell of a day and you feel stressed. You’re wound up, anxious, frustrated and tired. Maybe the people you work with have been a pain or haven’t done what they should have. Maybe your boss has been giving you grief. Maybe you just have too much to do so no matter how many hours you put in, the inbox keeps over-flowing.

Or maybe the kids have been a nightmare by making a mess, not listening to you, refusing to do as they are told, having tantrums…

Or maybe you just need something to help you unwind, relax and let go of the day; a bit of ‘me-time’ to switch off your brain and forget about all that stress and anxiety.

Getting rid of stress and anxiety

So how do you change the way you feel and get rid of that stress, anxiety and those other unwelcome emotions?

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Are there enough hours in your day?

Are there enough hours in your day?

We all have lots of things to do. Our inbox is always being bombarded and our to do list seems never ending and ever growing. Sometimes it can seem as though there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs to be done.

When everything feels like you need to see it all done before you can pause, it can be easy to start feeling stressed, frustrated and overwhelmed. And despite our best intentions, when we feel this way it gets harder to get things done and we may start lots of things rather than finish anything.

Avoiding stress 

If you don’t have enough hours in your day and want to avoid stress, frustration and feeling overwhelmed then here’s what I suggest:

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Hypnotherapy for anxiety and panic attacks

Hypnotherapy for anxiety and panic attacks

After just four hypnotherapy sessions, one recent client who had suffered with anxiety and panic attacks wrote:

I could never go anywhere on my own. I would fear getting out of my car to go into my house, walking in the dark, being attacked in and out of my home, the list is endless. This has changed my life, I can now enjoy and relax being on my own at home and pop into town whenever I want. My family and I have noticed big changes. Thank you so much.

Anxiety and panic attacks are

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Are you stressed? Isn’t it time to feel better?

Are you stressed? Isn’t it time to feel better?

Are you stressed out? Does it just feel like you’ll never be able to get everything done on time? Does it make your head ache and mind feel overwhelmed and exhausted? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions then the good news is that hypnotherapy can help you to relax, refocus and handle everything that you face in your daily life.

Unmanageable stress is becoming more and more of a problem as we all attempt to cope with the ever increasing demands on our time and energy. It can be easy to feel simply overwhelmed by

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Hypnotherapy for Panic Attacks

Hypnotherapy for Panic Attacks

Panic attacks seem to come from nowhere – one minute you’re getting on with your day and before you know it you’re in the grip of a panic attack. Panic attack sufferers talk about physical symptoms such as feeling sick, needing the toilet, shaking, shortness of breath, mind racing, dizziness and sweating. They may believe they are having a heart attack or stroke or that there is something wrong with them and they may fear fainting or losing control.

They may also experience a huge urge to get out of that situation or place as soon as they can and some end up stuck, feeling safe only when they are at home.

What is a panic attack?

Essentially, panic attacks are

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Reduce & Manage Stress with Hypnotherapy

Reduce & Manage Stress with Hypnotherapy

Are you stressed out? Does it just feel like you’ll never be able to get everything done on time? Does it make your head ache and mind feel overwhelmed and exhausted? 

Unmanageable stress is becoming more and more of a problem as we all try to cope with ever increasing demands on our time and energy. It can be easy to feel simply overwhelmed by the amount we need to do, whether it is work deadlines, family commitments, social pressures or some other addition to that endless list of demands.

Recently I was visited by someone who told me he had become trapped in

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Anxiety & Panic Attacks: ‘I feel anxious in social situations’

Anxiety & Panic Attacks: ‘I feel anxious in social situations’

That was the opening line I heard from a recent client when she initially came to see me for a 30 minute chat about hypnotherapy in Ely.

Whilst working together in subsequent sessions, we went into a bit more detail. Imagine if you were too worried to plan a night out with friends because you were fearful about panicking or having a panic attack, or if you were out and as the room filled up so that feeling of tightness in your throat increased, the images played in your mind of what happened last time and your mind started to race faster and faster until you had to escape out of there.

 After a while you’d also start to feel a bit down, wouldn’t you? Never knowing when

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Help with Wedding Stress

Help with Wedding Stress

The build up to your wedding day should be a time of excitement and fun and happiness. Shouldn’t it?

When Elizabeth came to see me she was feeling low, anxious and stressed about the whole wedding thing. She was getting an earful from ‘helpful’ relatives on how she should do things, she had so much to organise and she just felt so much stress with the whole thing. Everything seemed a far cry from the happy occasion she had been hoping for.

Yet after only a couple of sessions using an advanced mix of hypnosis, NLP and Time Line Therapy, all the wedding stress, worry, and anxiety had evaporated.

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