Fear of Being Sick – Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket
Do you struggle with a fear of being sick?
When someone comes to see me about their fear of sick, they are often surprised when I tell them how common a thing it is that I help people with. As with many fears, you can get good at avoiding situations associated with sickness and vomiting. And you can become an expert in keeping it under wraps no matter how anxious you are feeling.
If you struggle with a fear of being sick (emetophobia), then you can worry that you, yourself, will be sick and you can feel anxious that someone around you will vomit. You may hate any reference to feeling sick or being unwell and avoid anyone who has been unwell until you can be sure that the danger period is over. When you hear about sickness bugs going around you may feel tense and on edge and avoid even more people and situations.
The likelihood is that you don’t like to drink much alcohol because of the risk of being sick, and you may worry about social events with alcohol in case someone else vomits. Certain forms of travel associated with potential sickness, such as flying and boats, may be no-go areas. I’ve known clients who tell me that even their pet cat or dog being sick is enough to trigger the panic.
You may avoid certain ‘higher-risk’ foods or those linked in your mind to sickness in some way. A feeling in your stomach may be enough to convince you that you are definitely going to be sick this time (just as you were certain last time, when it didn’t happen). And even watching an actor on screen being unwell may be too much for you to cope with. The more people there are somewhere, especially if someone burps, coughs or splutters while eating, the higher the risk. And fairground rides that cause that wavey feeling in your belly are probably a no-go for you right now too.
Being sick is a normal human function (at the right time) and usually someone with emetophobia hasn’t actually vomited on many occasions. However, the fear is so great that it can stop you doing things you’d like to do and it can rule your life at times.
The Fear of Vomiting
With a fear of being sick, you will worry about either yourself, or others, vomiting. Just the possibility of that happening can be enough to create anxiety, tension and dread. You may find yourself scanning other people for any potential signs that they may be sick. It’s also pretty common for you to seek reassurance from someone that you aren’t going to be sick.
You’ll find yourself avoiding certain people, situations or activities because of your fear. These could be places where an event around sickness has previously occurred, or it may be situations and people you consider to be ‘high risk’ and where there is a general increased likelihood of sickness occurring.
There is a constant sense of imminent danger and threat as you keep a constant look out for anything associated with sickness and vomit. The whole time you are ready and braced to quickly escape from any situation should the need arise.
And because anxiety can affect your stomach, you may feel nauseous at times and that just add to the worry about being sick.
I’ve written about the fear of being sick and emetophobia in these previous articles:
Sick of your Emetophobia? Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket
Overcoming Fear of Vomiting and Sickness – Hypnotherapy in Ely
Emetophobia and Fear of Vomiting – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket
A fear of being sick can be hugely limiting upon your life. You avoid things, and plan to avoid situations, that may cause you or others to be sick. If someone says they feel sick, or they have been unwell, you will want to avoid them for an extended period. Even normal things like socialising, going to events, travel and eating out can be filled with anxiety and fear.
Of course, no one wants to be sick and there is a level of unpleasantness about it that everyone experiences. Yet the fear and worry about what might happen and about whether you will be sick makes everything a million times more of a struggle.
Hypnotherapy can help you to relax in your thoughts and feelings about being sick. After all, if there is nothing actually happening then there is no need to let your anxious imagination stop you doing things or to let it make you worry that you feel sick. And, in the rare occurrences that you may actually be unwell, you can learn how to handle, deal and cope with it in a more calm and confident way, knowing that it is just an unpleasant, but normal, human reaction.
Rather than having your life dominated by a fear of being sick, you can get on with your life feeling happier and more relaxed in your thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions.
To your health and happiness,
Dan Regan
Award Winning Anxiety Hypnotherapist in Ely & Newmarket
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