Anxiety Help in Ely and Newmarket – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

Anxiety Stress and Panic Attacks

Anxiety Help in Ely and Newmarket hypnotherapy


Anxiety Help in Ely and Newmarket – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy

When you struggle with anxiety, it can seem like there’s no escape from all those unwanted thoughts and unpleasant feelings. Those intrusive thoughts, filled with worst case scenarios, negativity and dread can dominate your mind and your thinking. And those uncomfortable anxious feelings just lead to more worry and uncertainty.

It can be exhausting trying to cope with everything you are battling with internally, as you try and get through each situation or each day.

And, of course, the natural reaction to anxiety and dread is to avoid things, to get out of them or get away from them as quickly as possible. Yet that avoidance just exacerbates anxiety and means that the same unwanted pattern keeps repeating over and over.

Whether your anxiety is about something specific, like work or social situations, or is much more generalised, anxiety has a way of creating its own cycle of misery. You feel anxious and struggle with negative thoughts and you avoid things or have to struggle through them. There may be moments of relief when you feel a bit better, but that same anxiety pattern comes right back at you when faced with a similar situation or circumstance again.

In fact, because anxiety is so unpleasant you may even start to dread the anxiety itself and worry about being anxious, all of which just adds to that internal mixing pot of unwanted thoughts and feelings. It could be said that the more anxiety you experience, the more anxiety you will experience. It can take over, stop you thinking straight, keep you awake at night, make you feel tense and sick, destroy your confidence in yourself and curtail your ability to engage in things and enjoy the things that you used to.


The Effectiveness of Anxiety Hypnotherapy 

When I used to suffer with anxiety, I came to think that it was just something that I was going to have to learn to live with and endure for the rest of my life. I often thought there was just something wrong with me, that I was flawed in some way compared to other people and I was just going to have to do the best I could on the anxiety roller coaster of life with all of its ups and downs.

Many of the people I help feel stuck with their anxiety when they first speak to me. Whether it’s a new thing or something more recent, the thoughts and feelings, the avoidance and the weariness, just seemed to have rolled on and on for them. They may have little relief from the anxious feelings and sensations, no way of taking back control over those racing negative thoughts, and little hope of things improving or of their happiness and confidence returning (no matter how much they really, really want that freedom from the thoughts and feelings).

With my own anxiety, I would try anything and everything I could find that promised some sort of anxiety relief (although perhaps with little belief that they could help me). I tried over the counter tablets, self help books which promised the strategies to achieve less anxiety, subliminal tapes and plenty besides. I even tried some types of therapy and skills courses which looking back had little real evidence to support them.

I also tried just forcing myself to go into situations and using willpower to endure them, as if by doing so my anxiety would fade away. On some occasions this led to my anxiety being a little less bad, yet the next time it was back to square one, and I was seeking to draw upon even more reserves of mental and physical energy to battle on. As is the case for most people, over time the strength and resilience of this approach fades and the desire to end the suffering gets too great.

Luckily these days we have much more scientific evidence to support therapeutic approaches to reducing anxiety. You don’t just have to wish and hope and cross your fingers that something will work, the evidence tells us what is likely to be the most beneficial in reducing anxiety.

And hypnotherapy has a solid evidence base to support its effectiveness in the treatment of anxiety.

One of my clients, Barry, certainly benefited from hypnotherapy for anxiety. Here’s what he said after his sessions:

“A few years back I set up my own property maintenance business but due to my anxiety and lack of confidence, I was finding it hard to take it to carry on as I was waking up not wanting to go to work and found my self getting stressed out over small things on a daily basis which became exhausting, Dan was recommended to me and although  I was skeptical about the whole process I  decided to give it a shot, best thing I’ve ever done and am now thriving once again this has helped me over come my troubles and I am now waking up ready to go and full of confidence unbelievable how this has changed my life so quickly. Dan is an extremely easy man to talk to more like taking to a friend then a professional can’t thank him enough.”


anxiety hypnotherapy in ely review


As well as wonderful stories of individual success from my clients, we also have the scientific evidence to support hypnotherapy for anxiety.

Valentine, Milling, Clark, and Moriarty (2019), brought together the results of all controlled studies of hypnosis for anxiety to quantify the effectiveness of hypnosis in treating anxiety. They found that hypnosis is a highly effective intervention for anxiety, and concluded from the evidence that:

The findings of this meta-analysis show that hypnosis is a highly effective intervention for anxiety. Our results indicate the average participant treated with hypnosis achieved more anxiety reduction than about 79% of control participants at the end of active treatment and about 84% of controls at the longest follow-up“.

This is hugely impressive evidence and really demonstrates the beneficial impact of hypnotherapy for anxiety. There’s a bit more on that research in this previous article of mine:  The Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy as a Treatment For Anxiety


Anxiety Relief, Help and Support 

When you struggle with anxiety, all you want is to feel better in yourself and to be able to take control over those anxious thoughts and feelings. And certainly, as the above shows, it is possible with the right therapeutic support to feel calmer, more confident and happier, to be able to do the things you want to do (and enjoy them), and to know that you can successfully orchestrate your own thoughts and feelings (rather than your anxiety dictating what dominates your mind and body).

As well as the right therapy and strategies to help you to alleviate your anxiety, one of the other important ingredients is that you retain a sense of hope that you can and will overcome your anxiety and start feeling better in yourself. You may need some support along the way but that sense of positive expectation and hope can help you to achieve freedom from unwanted anxiety.

One of the main reasons that I love publishing hypnotherapy reviews from my clients is because I want you to know that, no matter how bad your anxiety seems right now, it is possible to find relief from it. These other people once felt the way you do now, yet, with the right psychological help and support they are more confident and happier, and getting on with their lives (rather than being hemmed in by anxiety). If they can do it then so can you!

So as well as the recent words from Barry that I posted above, you can also boost your sense of hope and belief in your ability to overcome your anxiety by taking a look at the many reviews that clients have posted here: Dan Regan Hypnotherapy Reviews 

There are many, many hypnotherapy reviews over on those pages and you can also foster your sense of belief, confidence and positive expectation by watching some of the video reviews, such as these:

anxiety hypnotherapy in ely review dan regan hypnotherapy


overcoming anxiety hypnotherapy in ely


anxiety hypnotherapy testimonial ely


If you like watching video reviews from real clients talking about how they overcame anxiety and other issues, then take a look at all of my hypnotherapy video testimonials over on this page: Hypnotherapy Reviews 

Rather than being controlled by your anxiety, you can learn (like all of these people) how to take back control over your thoughts and feelings so that you feel calmer, more confident, more in control and happier. Using the right therapeutic strategies, you too can find a way to overcome your anxiety and feel better in yourself. And so hold on to your hope and positive expectation, get expert help along the way and I wish you every success in moving forward successfully.

To your anxiety freedom,

Dan Regan

Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket


You can read more about hypnosis as a treatment for anxiety in these articles: Anxiety Articles

Struggling with your anxiety and need some expert help to overcome your anxiety? Book your Complimentary Hypnotherapy Strategy Session with me now: Appointments

You can discover what many, many other people have said after their anxiety hypnotherapy sessions with Dan: Testimonials

And check out these powerful anxiety hypnosis downloads that can start helping you right away: Anxiety Hypnosis Downloads


Reference: Valentine, K.E., Milling, L.S., Clark, L.J. and Moriarty, C.L., 2019. The Efficacy of Hypnosis as a Treatment for Anxiety: A Meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 67(3), pp.336-363.



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