Addiction Help

Drink Less Alcohol Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Drink Less Alcohol Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Hypnotherapy To Drink Less Alcohol – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Are you trying to drink less alcohol? Having a few drinks every night can become a habit that seems hard to break out of. You may find looking forward more and more to that moment when you can grab a drink, switch off and relax. It may seem like the drinking habit offers relaxation and stress relief. But, you may notice that you struggle to cut down or take a night off. And many people secretly drink or find that once they’ve had that first one they just keep going, regardless of their previous good intentions.

Alcohol can harm your health over time. You may drink too much and do silly things or get embroiled in arguments that damage relationships. Your sleep quality gets diminished. You can struggle to get out of bed in the morning and be productive. Perhaps more worryingly, maybe you drink a lot and don’t even notice any consequences the next day. And maybe alcohol fills those moments of boredom and starts to sneak into more and more of your free time. All the while it robs you of motivation and enthusiasm. There are things you could be doing but after a few drinks you rarely feel like getting on with those things.

So many people I meet want to drink less alcohol. However, as you’ll already know, changing habits with willpower alone is difficult. Yet when you are no longer in charge and in control over alcohol then you really need to do something soon. Hypnotherapy can help you to drink less alcohol and to take back control over your behaviours and habits. You can drink less and live more!

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Help With Cocaine Addiction – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Help With Cocaine Addiction – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Help With Cocaine Addiction – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Recently, I’ve been working with a whole bunch of people who want to end their cocaine addiction and break their habits around it.

Cocaine, like most drugs, is one of those things that bit by bit can start to take control over you. You may well have started out using when out with friends, alongside a few beers. At first it may have seemed fun and added to your experience. The buzz lifted you and allowed you to keep having fun for longer. Yet, at some point that fun, and the sense of being in control over your cocaine habit, started to diminish. 

Maybe you found a night out wasn’t that great without any, maybe you needed it to focus and give you a boost and very likely you started getting strong cravings when in typical cocaine situations, or when you saw any or anyone who you could tell had been using gear.

When people finally come to see me about their cocaine use and need help to end it, they usually feel out of control, it will be affecting their work and relationships, they’ll be spending hundreds of pounds doing something they no longer enjoy, and they feel anxious and depressed about it all.  

On the more positive side, once you’ve reached the low of feeling bad and controlled by your gear habit, the only way is to move forwards and start feeling better in yourself. And like most habits, those unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours that you are currently struggling with, are things that you can learn to take back control over using hypnotherapy.    

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Smartphone Addiction: The Impact Of Your Phone On Your Focus, Attention and Performance

Smartphone Addiction: The Impact Of Your Phone On Your Focus, Attention and Performance

Smartphone Addiction: The Impact Of Your Phone On Your Focus, Attention and Performance:

In my last article I wrote about the existence of cell phone addiction and smartphone addiction and about how their use can be problem that is tightly linked to technological developments which can impact on your daily life (have a read of that one here: Is Cell Phone Addiction a Thing? Smartphone Use, Sleep, Anxiety & Depression).

These can include problems such as their use in dangerous situations or prohibited contexts, a loss of interest in other activities, repeated interruptions, periods of insomnia and sleep disturbance, and feelings of irritability, anxiety and loneliness if you are separated from your phone or unable to immediately send or receive messages. And I didn’t even mention other related problems such as online bullying and abuse, hackers and fraudsters.

I also covered a study that found that depression and anxiety scores were higher in a high smartphone use group than in a low smartphone use group. Those researchers concluded that depression, anxiety and sleep quality may be associated with smartphone overuse and that such overuse may lead to depression and/or anxiety, which can in turn result in sleep problems.

And yes our cell phones and smartphones have lots of cool stuff that makes life easier, give us information at our fingertips and mean we can communicate with others wherever and whenever we like. It isn’t all doom and gloom! Yet how we use our smartphones and mobiles can impact on us and we may be blissfully unaware it is happening or even be in denial, such is our reliance upon these devices.

In this article I’m moving on to look at the impact your cell phone / smartphone can have on your thinking, focus, attention and performance in ways you may not have even yet considered.

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Alcohol Abuse – Take Back Control Over Alcohol

Alcohol Abuse – Take Back Control Over Alcohol

Alcohol Abuse – Take Back Control Over Alcohol:

Has alcohol taken over your life? Alcohol abuse can creep up gradually – at first you feel in contol over your alcohol consumption but over time it takes more and more control away from you.

And whilst drinking is a generally accepted activity, you may have found that you need a drink, that you can’t stop once you start, that you regularly drink more than you intended to and that you need more and more for the same effect. It is likely that it has started to cause problems in your life whether that is in relationships, friendships, your career or your health and self esteem. 

Depending on your level of alcohol abuse, you may have found that you are no longer in control – it controls your life.

So how can you start to take back control?

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Sugar addiction and compulsive eating help

Sugar addiction and compulsive eating help

Sugar addiction and compulsive eating help:

If you struggle with sugar addiction or compulsive eating disorder then you will know that the urges and cravings can become overwhelming and persistent. 

You may try and tell yourself that you will break the pattern of habits and emotions only to find that the same behaviours repeat themselves. It can have massive impacts on your health, your self esteem and your well being.

So how do you eliminate your sugar addiction and compulsive eating?

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Cocaine Addiction: End Your Drug Addiction

Cocaine Addiction: End Your Drug Addiction

Cocaine addiction levels seem to be rife according to anecdotal evidence from the increasing number of people who come to see me to end cocaine drug addiction. 

Over recent months I have helped many people to end their cocaine addiction. 

Generally the drug addicition starts as something you feel in control over, maybe just occasionally, maybe with friends and perhaps even enjoyable. Yet over time cocaine addiction starts to creep in more and more. You may find yourself thinking about it more, working out how to get some, giving in to cravings and using more and more.

So how can you take back control over your cocaine addicition and end your drug addiction for good?

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