New Years Resolutions

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New Years Resolutions Hypnotherapy in Ely: Transcript to hypnotherapy shorts video 


New Years Resolutions Hypnotherapy

Hello. It’s that time of year when people make New Year’s resolutions, those kind of positive changes that you want to put in place over the coming year which are usually around health things. So changing eating habits, being healthier, losing weight, cutting down on alcohol and so on and lots of other good stuff.

Yet so many people find that by the end of January it’s all gone out the window and they’re just back doing what they were doing before, getting the same results. And all those good intentions are lost.

And one of the main reasons I think for that, is because while you’re relaxing over the festive period, everyone’s happier, you’ve got more time on your hands to think, to plan, probably over indulging and recognising you need to make that change. And then January comes, it’s dark, it’s cold, the excitement of Christmas is gone, you’re back in the routine of work or taking the kids to school or whatever, and all those demands, all those challenges, I mean it’s very easy not to have the focus and the thinking space and to really kind of be able to formulate and take action on those resolutions that you want to kind of and the changes you want to make in your life,

So rather than seeking to revolutionise your life, to change absolutely everything, to wake up on January the 1st and go, I’m only eating healthily, I’m exercising every day, I’m not going to drink again, I’m cutting out some smoking from today and so on. Rather than trying to revolutionise your life, what you want to do is evolve, evolve towards those goals, Set those massive big goals that inspire and motivate you, that’ll bring you positive in your life, and then focus on an action you’re going to take.

So if you want to lose weight, focus on getting your breakfast right for example, make it a healthy breakfast, do that consistently. When that’s a habit, when that’s easy you, move on to the next thing or swap out an unhealthy snack for a healthy one and stick to it. Be consistent, treat it like you have to do it, achieve that, it becomes automatic and then you move on to the next thing. Or if you’re going to exercise, set that goal so it doesn’t have to be necessarily every day, although you might walk 10 minutes every day, that’s achievable, or you’re going to exercise two times a week or whatever it is, make it so that it’s sustainable, it fits in with everything else you’ve got,

And so you make progress. So when it comes to your New Year’s resolutions really set that big inspiring motivating goal, that thing that, you know, what you really want that will bring you massive positive benefits into your life, but then rather than seeking to revolutionise your life and change everything and then find it comes an is all too overwhelming, it’s all too much and life gets in the way, Seek to evolve, to move forward, to make it more of a habit, to achieve making it so that’s part of your routine.

Then move on to the next thing and then this time next year you’ll be feeling good about what you’ve achieved over the year rather than setting the same resolution again and getting the same results again. So it’s always evolution, taking positive small steps, making them habits rather than revolution. And if you apply that strategy, I think you’ll enjoy the results and, like I say, this time next year you’ll be feeling good about what you’ve achieved rather than frustrated and rather than setting the same health, weight loss goals and so on over and over and over. So enjoy that, have a wonderful year, enjoy your new year and I will see you soon. Take care.


Dan Regan

Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket


There’s more about this subject in these articles:

New Year’s Resolutions and Achieving Goals – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Motivation and Achieving Goals – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Achieving Goals – Dan Regan Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Hypnosis and New Year Resolutions

Successful New Year’s Resolutions – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

How to succeed with New Year’s Resolutions


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