Being Self Critical Hypnotherapy in Ely: Transcript to hypnotherapy shorts video
Being Self Critical Hypnotherapy
Hello. Now so many people I meet are so self critical in the kind of things that they’re saying to themselves inside of their own heads all the time. They undermine themselves, they tell themselves they’re not good enough, that they’re useless or they can’t do it and go over and over what they perceive as kind of failures and kind of where they’ve let themselves down and really berate themselves all the time. And then obviously, naturally, feel pretty awful as a result of that and that kind of impacts on confidence and self-esteem and anxiety and so on.
Think of it like this, if you walked down the street with a loved one, maybe your partner, your mum, your dad, brother, sister, your kids and a stranger walked up and started telling your loved one that they weren’t good enough, that they were useless, they were an idiot, they’ll never amount to anything and they should just give up. You wouldn’t just stand there and take it would you. You wouldn’t let a stranger just walk up to your loved one and start laying into them and tell them all these negative things and you wouldn’t turn to a loved one afterwards and say yeah they’ve got a point.
You just wouldn’t. You’d turn to do them and tell them to get lost. You’d tell your loved one, actually they’re talking nonsense, it’s not true, that they’re more than capable of doing stuff that they’re a wonderful person. That you have a kind of high regard and love for them. So if you wouldn’t let a stranger do it to someone else why would you do it in your own head? Why would you walk around berating yourself, telling yourself you’re useless, putting yourself down all the time, you know, making life hard for yourself. You can start to be kinder to yourself, start to recognise you’re doing the best you can on this journey of life like the rest of us.
You know we all have strengths, a lot of things we’ve accomplished, a lot of things we’re good at. We all have things we can work on and improve. So start being more encouraging, more kind, more supportive to yourself and you can make progress. You can sort stuff. you can, you know, deal with whatever it is that’s coming your way but you are good enough, you are worthy, you are capable. I know that, I know it from every person I’ve ever met so start to recognise that for yourself and be much nicer, much kinder, much more supportive, much more loving to yourself in your own thinking and start to feel better in yourself and to know that you are very capable of achieving whatever you put your mind to.
Dan Regan
Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket
There’s more about this subject in these articles:
Being Self-Critical – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket
Is Impostor Syndrome Holding You Back? Anxiety Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket
Comparing Yourself To Others – Confidence and Self-Esteem Hypnotherapy
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