I first visited Dan back in Dec 2011, to see if he could help ‘ straighten my brain out’. Previously to seeing Dan, I was normally such a confident person, but life had delivered a few hard knocks over the years and my confidence, self belief and positivity were at an all time low. I didn’t want to resort to pills, so sought a holistic method to sort my issues out.
I found Dan after googling ‘NLP’ and to be honest I haven’t looked back. I recall my first session with Dan and being hyper critical of what I considered to be mumbo jumbo, I remember saying to him ‘ so is this like voodoo magic then?’ Well to be honest, it kind of is…….in that I have no idea how it works, but frankly I don’t care, it just does.
Yes, I still have bad days when negative thoughts creep in, but unlike before, these thoughts are fleeting and always replaced by thoughts and feelings of positivity.Dan has helped me regain the person who I thought I had lost and now helps me with my future goals – I see him once every few weeks to top up my positive batteries and would whole heartly recommended him.