Scrooge, the Ghost of Christmas Future and Increasing Motivation

Hypnotherapy Hypnosis and NLP

Scrooge, the Ghost of Christmas Future and Increasing Motivation

The Christmas countdown is in full swing in the Regan household as the big day continues to rush towards us all. The advert calendars are into single figures, Santa has been seen during his pre-Christmas tour and I’ve managed to wrap a whole load of presents a whole week early (wrapping has got to be THE dullest thing ever!).

Yesterday the kids and I decided to check whether my wife was on the good list (and so would get lots of nice presents), or the naughty list (which would save me a lot of money!). We wrapped two presents and labelled them A and B and she had to choose one of them without touching either. After much deliberation she went for present A, which was a bag of potatoes and means she has failed to make Santa’s good list this year!!

Speaking of getting into the Christmas spirit, the kids have been endlessly practicing their Christmas songs ready for their school concert and I’ve just finished reading ‘A Christmas Carol’ after realising to my shame that I’ve never actually read the book before and have up until now only seen the film versions.

And it’s that story of Scrooge and his redemption that has inspired my latest hypnotherapy vlog about increasing motivation, which you can watch below.


Scrooge Inspired Motivation

In A Christmas Carol, as no doubt is familiar to you all, Scrooge is visited by a series of ghosts who help him to review his life and realise that he needs to change his ways for the better.

The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Be gives Scrooge an insight into his future if he follows the same path he has been on up until now (the Ghost does this without saying a word!). And it’s that concept that I talk about in my latest hypnotherapy vlog as we can use that same strategy to find the motivation we need to make changes we know we should or want to in our lives.

Just like Scrooge had visited upon him, you can think what your life will be like in a year, five years, a decade or longer into the future if you carry on doing the same things (or not doing the same things) as you have up until today. Having taken the time to really think about and contemplate that future, you then take some time thinking what your future path will be like if you start taking action and making changes from today and how each small change and decision that you make each day will resonate into how your future life will likely be. It’s particularly useful where you really know you ought to make a change yet somehow never get around to it or always put it off and make excuses to yourself.

Do click on this image and have a watch here:


Scrooge ghost of christmas future motivation hypnotherapy ely

Watch on You Tube


If you really take the time to vividly imagine and think about those future paths then this can be a very useful way of increasing motivation and determination to do what you need to do. It worked for Scrooge to visit his likely future if he carried on the same way and it will work for you too if you do it with conviction.

So with Christmas very nearly upon us, it just remains for me to say a huge thank you to you for your support over this last year. Thank you to all of my clients, those of you who left me written feedback about your hypnotherapy sessions, those of you who recorded video hypnotherapy testimonials and to everyone who has listened to my audios or come into contact with me in any way this year.

I wish you all the most wonderful Christmas period and a healthy, happy and successful 2019.


merry christmas dan regan hypnotherapy ely


And, as I’ve just read it, I have a lovely little quote from Dickens in a Christmas Carol to wrap things up. It comes very near the end after Scrooge has changed his ways and adopted new thoughts, feelings, values and behaviours and I think it is very pertinent for those of you out there who are about to embark on positive change in your life:

Some people laughed to see the alteration in him {Scrooge}, but he let them laugh, and little heeded them; for he was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset; and knowing that such as these would be blind anyway, he thought it quite as well that they should wrinkle up their eyes in grins, as have the malady in less attractive forms. His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for him.” (Dickens)

I hope that over this festive period and into 2019 you too find that you take the actions that are right for you, that you are wise enough to relax about what others may think and that you find that your heart laughs in a way that is quite enough for you.

To your happiness and success,

Dan Regan

Hypnotherapy in Ely & Newmarket


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