Hypnotherapy Supervision

Hypnotherapy Supervision Sessions:

Effective supervision is one of the cornerstones in developing and maintaining a successful hypnotherapy business.

As an award winning hypnotherapist with well over a decade of full time experience helping clients, I want to work with you so that you grow and develop as a hypnotherapist, develop your skills and abilities and deliver excellent results for your clients. By having the right emotional, professional and developmental support for you, I want you to enjoy a long, happy and fulfilling career, doing the work you are so passionate about.

If you’d like to know a bit more about me before we work together then there is more here: About Dan or in my many articles: Dan’s Blog

You probably also want to know about the results I get with my clients so do take a look at the reviews here: Reviews and Feedback

Before we agree to work together, we will arrange a time to meet (in person or online) to talk about your goals, what you want to get out of your supervision sessions and how we can work together to help you get there.

Aims Of Hypnotherapy Supervision

As a qualified hypnotherapy supervisor, and working to the hypnotherapy supervision guidelines set by the UK Hypnotherapy Council, your supervision will help, develop and support you with:

  • Professional development and growth: skills, understanding, abilities, resources.

  • Emotional support to help you deal with challenges, manage work pressures and achieve longevity of practice.

  • Delivering a high quality, valuable and beneficial service to your clients.


Your Hypnotherapy Supervision Sessions 

Your supervision sessions will be designed and reviewed to make them as beneficial as possible to respond to your evolving challenges, development and goals. Overall, I want you to have a career where you grow as a hypnotherapist, have a successful professional practice, support your own well-being and deliver outstanding results for the people you work with. Yet even beyond this I want you to develop a sustainable practice for the long term, where you enjoy what you do and get a sense of fulfilment from doing it.

Your supervision sessions can include:

  • Support and development for learning, to help you become more effective.

  • Ongoing professional development, building and refining skills, knowledge and abilities.

  • Personal support to help you better manage the emotional pressures and demands of your work and business.

  • Focused attention upon your personal and professional development and growth to help you provide a high standard of service to every client.

You can face many challenges as you pursue your career as a hypnotherapist. There can be more challenging clients and issues, business pressures, feelings of isolation and burnout and a host of other worries and concerns that detract from your well-being and fulfilment. On top of this, as a new or experienced hypnotherapist, you are often working on your own, in a competitive market, and having to deal with everything by yourself and unsupported.

Through your hypnotherapy supervision sessions, I want to guide, support and help you with all of these things and more. You already have a wealth of knowledge, skills and abilities. Let’s work together to help you make the most of these, to get even better at what you do and to do the thing we all love most, making a massive positive difference to the people who come to us for help.


Hypnotherapy Supervision: Let’s Connect

Hypnotherapy supervision sessions take place face-to-face at my offices in Ely and Newmarket, or online via Skype or Zoom.

To book your hypnotherapy supervision initial consultation just fill in your details below right now and I’ll get back to you very soon:

    By TelephoneBy EmailEither By telephone or email

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