Hypnotherapy Information

Hypnotherapy Information Videos

If you are looking for information about hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket then do take a look at these hypnotherapy videos (as well as taking a look at the hundreds of articles here: Blog).


Hypnosis and Sleep

Do you struggle to sleep well? You know that sleep is important for your physical and mental health and well-being. Yet a good night’s sleep might seem something that is ever elusive to you. You may struggle with switching off and getting to sleep at the start of the night, or maybe you wake up for hours on end through the night. You lie there overthinking and frustrated. You get up already exhausted and wondering how you’ll cope with the day ahead.

When your sleep isn’t great it impacts upon the rest of your life too. Your concentration suffers. You may have mood swings or feel anxious, irritable and deflated. Your energy and motivation never quite seems to be there.

The good news is that hypnotherapy can help you to reset and improve your sleeping pattern. You can learn how to quieten your mind and reduce stress and anxiety. You can purposefully change your sleeping habits so that you find yourself sleeping better and more deeply again.


Hypnosis and Healthcare Anxiety

Do you struggle with health anxiety? Medical procedures and appointments are a normal part of life. You may need to visit your GP for a check up, undergo a procedure at hospital or need an injection or blood test.

With health anxiety, medically related things (sometimes even if for someone else rather than yourself) can fill you with anxiety, dread and fear. You try to avoid medical things. But at some point avoidance no longer becomes an option and you have to face it. That’s when your anxiety and fear start to massively escalate. It dominates your mind and impacts upon the rest of life, even if your appointment is still quite some way off. You may have had previous unpleasant experiences or find yourself worrying about things going wrong. The unknown, uncertainty and the sense that you won’t be in control can all contribute to your anxiety and panic.

Hypnotherapy can help you to overcome your health anxiety so that you can face your next appointment or procedure with a sense of calmness and confidence, knowing that you’ll handle it successfully.


Hypnosis and The Business Subconscious

Your mindset in business affects the results you achieve. External factors play a part, but if you’re constantly holding yourself back and sabotaging yourself then you won’t be achieving the results you know you are capable of accomplishing. It could be something like anxiety, procrastination and a fear of taking action. Maybe you struggle with imposter syndrome and a lack of self-belief. Or it could be any number of limiting patterns that you repeat habitually and that hold you, and your business, back from success.

Hypnotherapy can help you to overcome self-doubt, boost your confidence and build ongoing positive momentum. You can build the mindset and attitude that will allow you to take your business to the next level.


Hypnosis and Education

Hypnosis and education: Hypnotherapy can have many positive impacts upon learning. It can help with challenges such as focus, overcoming procrastination, anxiety and low confidence.

If you have some habits, thinking patterns and emotions that hold you back from learning, studying and pursuing your career effectively then hypnotherapy can help you to boost your confidence and self-belief. You can move forward feeling calm, confident and in control over your thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions.


Hypnosis and Gut Health – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Do you struggle with gut health issues? Sometimes this can be caused by unhealthy eating habits or a poor relationship with food. These are certainly things that hypnotherapy can help you with.

And very often gut health issues can be a result of stress or anxiety. These can be problematic enough in themselves and they can also contribute to the pain, bloating and suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. In fact, reducing stress and anxiety can significantly help many people to calm their IBS (and hypnotherapy can also help with the stress and anxiety created by IBS, and the worry of an episode occurring when you are out and about). If you are struggling with your stomach and gut health and need some help then do get in touch and we can meet for a free initial consultation to find out if hypnotherapy is right for you and will help you feel better.


Hypnosis For Dry January – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Hypnosis for Dry January: Reducing drinking, whether for Dry January or just generally, can help you to feel healthier and happier. You feel fresher, freer and you can enjoy the positive sense of being in control over alcohol.

It may be that you have tried to cut down or quit drinking before. Yet social events, stress and habits can all conspire to lead your good intentions to fade. If you need some help, then hypnotherapy can help you to take back control over your drinking.


Hypnosis For Blue Monday – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Hypnosis and Blue Monday: You probably already know that Blue Monday is a made up day that is labelled as supposedly being the most depressing day of the year. It falls on the third Monday of January each year.  And whilst it isn’t a real thing, January is often considered to be a time when some people feel a bit more low. The Christmas festivities are over, the usual routine has kicked back in, the weather is rubbish and there are those endless dark nights to contend with. Hypnotherapy can help you to lift your mood, increase your motivation and feel better in yourself. And, of course, it doesn’t matter what time of year it is. If you feel low and you want a more positive mood and mindset then hypnotherapy can certainly help you to start feeling better.


Hypnosis For Pain – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Hypnosis for pain: We all have experience of struggling with pain at various times in our lives. Yet sometimes that pain becomes a chronic problem that can have a debilitating impact upon your life and what you are capable of doing. Pain affects you physically, psychologically and emotionally. Your thoughts can be dominated by your pain. You can feel isolated, low, stresses and anxious. You’ll have already tried medical help yet that may only give you limited relief from the suffering. And if you are struggling, then hypnotherapy can help you to manage, reduce and find relief from your pain.


Hypnosis For Self Care – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Hypnosis and self care: have you been ignoring your self care? Perhaps you seem to always put everyone else first and yourself last Or it could be that you are struggling and even the thought of looking after yourself seems too much for you right now.  Ignoring self care can affect your physical health and mental well-being. Hypnosis can help you reset your well-being. Self care can become a positive habit, something that makes you feel good as you consistently build it into your daily routines. You can start to enjoy taking care of, and prioritising, yourself.



Hypnosis For Health Goals – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Hypnosis and your health goals: do you have health goals that you struggle to persist with? Maybe you find your motivation soon withers, or the daily grind distracts you and things slip. It can sometimes be difficult to accomplish your health goals. Whether it is weight loss, quitting smoking, cutting down alcohol or getting fitter, those goals can just stay forever out of reach. Old habits, fears, doubts, stress, anxiety and all sort of other psychological and emotional barriers can stop you from successfully achieving your goals.

Hypnotherapy can help you to effectively change your thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions. You can achieve your health goals with enthusiasm, motivation and confidence.



Hypnosis To Drink Less Alcohol – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Are you trying to drink less alcohol? Having a few drinks every night can become a habit that seems hard to break out of. You may look forward to that moment when you can grab a drink, switch off and relax. It may seem like the habit offers relaxation and stress relief. You may struggle to cut down or take a night off. And many people secretly drink or find that once they’ve had that first one they just keep going, regardless of their previous good intentions.

Alcohol can harm your health over time. You may drink too much and do silly things or get embroiled in arguments that damage relationships. Your sleep quality gets diminished. You can struggle to get out of bed in the morning and be productive. Changing habits with willpower is difficult. Yet when you are no longer in charge and control over alcohol then you really need to do something soon. Hypnotherapy can help you to drink less alcohol and to take back control over your behaviours and habits. You can drink less and live more!


Hypnosis & A Healthy Lifestyle – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

In today’s world of convenience food and stress, and with the ceaseless constant demands upon your time and energy, it can be tough to be as healthy as you would like to be (and need to be if you want to feel better in yourself now and in the future). An unhealthy diet, emotional eating and a poor relationship with food can lead to weight gain and debilitating health issues. Stress increases your blood pressure and heart rate, as well as impacting upon your ability to sleep well, be happy and to function effectively in your life. And you may have issues with anxiety, insomnia, poor concentration and a lack of motivation. Unhealthy or negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours can impact upon your mental health, emotional well-being and physical health.

If you could use some support towards developing, and maintaining, a healthy lifestyle then hypnotherapy can help. Hypnosis can help with healthy eating and weight loss, stress management and developing a balanced lifestyle.


Hypnosis Reset – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Is it time for a reset of your goals? Perhaps you are seeking help with your health or weight loss goals? Maybe you just need to find a way to reset and refocus so that you come off the treadmill of life and start moving forwards again.

People often set goals in January or September, yet any time of any month is the best time to do something about your stagnation. If you need some help to establish positive habits and routines then hypnotherapy can help you. Remember the best time to start on your growth and self development is now!


Hypnosis & New Year Resolutions – Hypnotherapy in Ely and Newmarket

Are you fed up of failing with your New Year Resolutions? You start out with good intentions, fully committed and motivated to make positive changes in your life. Yet somehow it never seems to stick and you never manage to see it through. Life gets busy, your anxiety and stress may interfere, and old habits and patterns resurface. If you truly want to make positive changes to be healthier, happier and more confident, then hypnotherapy can help you to succeed. You can make the changes you are seeking and create new, solid patterns that continue to support making positive progress. Instead of frustration and failure, contact me and get the help you need to achieve your goals!


Hypnosis For Anxiety in Ely and Newmarket

Anxiety can take over your life. Those uncomfortable feelings and worst case catastrophising thoughts can fill you with dread. Your mind races, your heart pounds and you struggle to think clearly or switch off. If this sounds like you, then please know that there is hope. You can take back control over your thoughts and feelings and start feeling better. My hypnotherapy can help you find your freedom from anxiety.

If you are struggling with anxiety then do have a watch of this hypnotherapy information video (and be sure to check out the hundreds of reviews on this website too):


Hypnosis – Is It Right For You?

Is hypnosis right for you? If you have questions about hypnotherapy, how it works and how it can help you then do take a look at this short video (and then do book a free consultation so we can meet and chat). Rather than losing control, hypnotherapy can help you to take back control over your own thoughts, feelings and behaviours. You can tackle issues such as anxiety, changing habits and pain relief.


Can Anyone Be Hypnotised? Dan Regan Hypnotherapy Ely & Newmarket

Can I be hypnotised? It’s a common question (or at least inner thought) when I first meet someone. We need to keep in mind that hypnosis is a natural state of mind and, with hypnotherapy, we are just deliberately creating this mindset for a purpose. You still know where you are, what you are doing and what is going on around you. You can utilise your normal psychological processes to create beneficial and long lasting positive changes in your life.

Some people worry that during hypnosis they will be controlled in some way. In fact, the opposite is true, Right now your unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours are controlling you and limiting you. If they weren’t you would simply decide to stop them and change them. Hypnotherapy helps you to take back control over what you are doing and how you are doing it. Rather than continuing to do the same old thing in the same old way, you get to direct your life and choose what goes on inside of your own head. And, with practice, you can get better and better at doing things in ways that bring you more and more positive results.


Hypnotherapy can help to support you to make positive changes in your life. Hypnosis can help with stress and anxiety, pain management, weight loss, insomnia and overcoming bad habits. Have a watch of this video to learn more:


Emetophobia is a common issue that I help people with. If you have a fear of vomiting then you may try to hide it from others. You avoid situations and people that you consider to be high risk. And the possibility of encountering vomit (in yourself or others) is constantly at the forefront of your awareness. Hypnotherapy can help you to overcome emetophobia. Have a watch of this video (and do check out the reviews from others who have overcome this fear):


Hypnosis and Mental Well-Being

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Hypnosis can help you to boost and support your mental well-being:


Fear, anxiety and phobias limit your life and stop you doing the things you want to do. You start avoiding things and dreading things. Or maybe you just struggle on and suffer with all the negative thoughts and feelings that come with fears and anxiety. This hypnotherapy information video describes how hypnosis can help you to tackle your fears and phobias (and be sure to check out the many, many reviews from people who have overcome their fear, anxiety and phobia: What People Say):


Confidence Hypnotherapy

A lack of confidence can impact upon your life. It leads to worry, anxiety and fear of failure or being judged. Boosting confidence, self-esteem and self-belief are very common things that I help people with (check out the reviews!). This hypnotherapy information video covers how hypnotherapy can help you to increase your confidence:




Struggling with anxiety, stress, worry and fear and need some help? Find out how I can help with a Complimentary Hypnotherapy Strategy Session. Learn more here: Appointments

Find out what hundreds of other people have said after their hypnotherapy sessions with Dan: Hypnotherapy Testimonials

And check out these popular and powerful hypnosis downloads that can start helping you right away with anxiety, confidence and more: Hypnosis Downloads


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