Anxiety and Depression Hypnotherapy Review Video: Transcript to hypnotherapy testimonial video
In this hypnotherapy testimonial video, Jamey describes how her sessions helped her with anxiety and depression:
Anxiety and Depression Hypnotherapy
Hi, I’m Jamey and I wanted to use today to talk about the benefits of hypnotherapy, in particular, the benefits of hypnotherapy with Dan Regan who is, who I had hypnotherapy with and how he completely changed my life.
So before I met Dan I had a few diagnoses. I had been diagnosed with BPD about three years, two years maybe, before I started working with Dan and I have suffered with anxiety and depression my entire life. I had also been diagnosed with agoraphobia which had massively impacted and changed my life for the worse. So around six years ago was when I probably hit my lowest point, my is, I had a strange relationship with my father, he had died suddenly, and then not long after that my nan, who I was very very close to, not a biological Nan, my nan died when I was 15, and Joan who I consider my nan was her best friend and I know for a fact if she would not have stepped in during those prime years, I I probably wouldn’t be here now.
So I was dealing with the loss of my father, who I’d had an estranged relationship with and hadn’t been in contact with since I was 18, my nan died and then a few months after that my one, one of my aunts was murdered and I broke. I just lost all faith in humanity and the world and I just was lost for a very long time. I spent three years sleeping my life away. I would look forward to taking my kids to school so I could go to sleep when all day while they were at school. Then, when they came back, I would feed them dinner, do their homework, bath them and then look forward to going to bed. And that was my life for three years and it hurts to think that I wasted three years of my life just doing nothing. Though I guess technically not nothing because I see it , it was survival. I was surviving by sleeping and just ignoring what was going on.
So a little context about my life if I break it down into bite size. I grew up as a military child, partially, then I married into the military. My upbringing was not good, not used to being vulnerable on camera. My upbringing was very violent, very traumatic, hyper-vigilant, unpredictable and you know none of us were taught how to regulate our emotions, none of us were good at dealing with conflict. I don’t deal with conflict very well at all. And not a lot of us had confidence, self-confidence, which is very difficult when you have parents who belittle you and make you feel like you’re nothing and continually tell you that you will never amount to be anything. Everything you do their there, their negative voice telling you that you can’t do that and it’s really hard to break that kind of cycle. So I went on to, I changed my medication to metazine and I ended up on the highest dose of metazine, which of course caused excessive eating where I gained a lot of weight.
So where I used to live, you know, I’d put on a lot of weight and being a diabetic I was, I was also diagnosed with diabetes which is hereditary. But the depression and the diet just led to it speeding up and getting a diagnosis a lot quicker than I was expecting to.
So when I met Dan I just started getting into mindfulness, which I think was the first step for me and gave me the confidence and also opened up my mind to the possibility of hypnotherapy. So a lot of people are scared of hypnotherapy, I think just they watch too much True Crime, like Criminal Minds, which is a brilliant show by the way but it is not like that.
It is important that whoever you do hypnotherapy with, that you have trust with. You are asleep, you know, it doesn’t quite feel like that but you are under with this person and it has to be someone that you feel safe with and can trust and most importantly that you just, other than feeling safe, is that you find their voice soothing and you can hear their voice through the experience. So luckily Dan had videos that I could listen to so that I could get used to his voice but I was so riddled with fears I was too scared to do it in case I didn’t come out of it again. I was up in my head a lot back then, the agoraphobia had me locked up in my house for years. I didn’t go out and it impacted my way of life. I spent almost eight years of my life lost and just surviving, not living life or enjoying life. And I knew I’d done therapy and I just knew I needed to try something else.
My first session with Dan, I was sceptical, you never know how these things are going to go and I was like, yeah you know it’s probably not going to work and initially the experience was pretty cool, it felt like I was sort of, I ended up in this huge field of flowers with my children, And then my second one, I remember that I was it was like I was soaring above the clouds. It was such a strange experience but the first one I woke up I just felt really tired and I felt like it did not work and you know I went home and I was like okay, well I’ve given it a go, it’s obviously not worked ,this isn’t for me.
But then, about a week and a half later, the stuff that he had talked about about building confidence, had worked and my fear, I forgot to mention that I had this huge intense fear of driving, I got in a really, really, really bad car crash back in 2006 and it left me with a fear of driving and I’ve not driven at all since. I wasn’t even driving, I was a passenger, but I was just so scared of vehicles and me being in control of the vehicle that I just didn’t drive and I lived in this village in the middle of nowhere in isolation with no mode of transport.
So the first thing I noticed was the fear of driving had gone and I was quite shocked because that was like an eighteen year long fear and I just couldn’t believe it. And I did, I put in for my theory, I’ve unfortunately haven’t gone on to drive since cause finances have affected that and now I live in a city where I don’t necessarily need to drive but my fear of driving is gone. I can confidently sit in a car and the fear not make me open the door and jump out which, shamefully I did.
I started to have more confidence in myself which I had never had up until then, not really. I think you know, it’s a little bit that I think some people get validation from others but I started to have self-confidence, like true confidence in myself, and I started to have the strength to stand up for myself which I had never done before. So I finally had the confidence to walk away from people that were not good for me. When you live in a violent upbringing and a toxic environment, that environment is all you know so you will always naturally gravitate towards people that match your upbringing or what you’re comfortable or used to living with. So yeah, from there I stopped caring about what other people thought of me.
I don’t know if other people struggle with that but as a people pleaser my entire life just trying to make both my parents happy, which was an impossible task. I would always do stuff for other people and now I put myself first without guilt.
I moved back to a city where I’m surrounded by people. I’ve taken driving lessons and my theory without being scared and I just feel like I got my life back. Before I worked with Dan I was just absolutely crippled by fears and now I feel more like myself for the first time since, well, ever.
22 February 2024
There is more about anxiety and depression hypnotherapy over in this article: Anxiety, Depression and Agoraphobia Hypnotherapy Review Video
Struggling with anxiety, stress, worry and fear and need some help? Find out how I can help with a Complimentary Hypnotherapy Strategy Session. Learn more here: Appointments
Find out what dozens of other people have said after their hypnotherapy sessions with Dan: Hypnotherapy Testimonials
And check out these powerful hypnosis downloads that can start helping you right away with anxiety, confidence and more: Hypnosis Downloads